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barnabyd's Profile

2005-03-31 16:07:27
I think that a crustacean monster is a little out of place in a forest scene. But that is not much of an issue and I think the story could continue perfectly well with it. As it is, I am bursting with anticipation for untitled-V. Your writing is so good if it were put into a collection of short stories you would of thought it was written by a professional author.
I also think that the switch from first to third person was unneccesary and that IS a major flaw.

barnabyd has written 4 reviews

In My Humble Opinion You Are All Being Too Hard on Poor Binirit DryNormalGood 8.5January 29th, 2006
This Dmod Cycles of EvilNormalExceptional 9.8March 19th, 2005
I Think This Dmod is Great As it Allows You To Destroy Everything MayhemNormalExceptional 9.5March 19th, 2005
Dink is Invited To Join the Hall of Heroes Society Cast Awakening Part 1: InitiationNormalExceptional 9.7October 6th, 2004