Do you have any weekend traditions? I want to hear!
Oh and on a side note...I am SO bummed. I accidentally deleted a few posts last night.
Lesson learned: Do not try to edit a bunch of your posts after a dinner date where you had more than one glass of wine. Got it.
Only a couple days left to enter THIS giveaway.
Oh and on a side note...I am SO bummed. I accidentally deleted a few posts last night.
Lesson learned: Do not try to edit a bunch of your posts after a dinner date where you had more than one glass of wine. Got it.
Only a couple days left to enter THIS giveaway.
looks like a happy baby!
we always eat breakfast burritos and watch cartoons with the kids.....and i look at blogs...yay!
OK, that's pretty much the cutest little one! We don't really have weekend traditions, but we do have a couple things we do a month on the weekends that are traditions, does that count? I hope you have a wonderful Sunday!
Stopping by from FTLOB!
Adorbs! When I'm home, my dad I usually eat lunch at the same place on Saturday & we always play baseball with the pup in the evening.
I love how cute max is with a mouthful of eggs. Adorable! We don't have any weekly traditions but does our annual winter vaycay for just the two of us count? I'm always trying to start something new!
Sounds like the perfect breakfast/morning tradition!! :) And he sure is loving it, lol. Stopped over from FTLOB. Have a great one!
I don't have any weekend traditions, thats so cute though :) Little cutie seems to approve.
Have a great weekend!
I love a hot cup of tea at my kitchen table on Saturday mornings...while I read blogs! Is that nerdy or what?
Aahh such a cute picture! At the weekends, hubby and I always lay in bed until about 10, then make a big breakfast and eat in bed while listening to the radio ; ) I fear this will all change when we have kids!! xx
Hello. I have just started following your blog - love it, especially your skincare tips!
On Sundays mornings, I always cook my husband and step daughter pancakes for breakfast. She loves to set the table and decorate it with flowers. Such a great way to spend a morning.
Weekend traditions equal a strong family..... I LOVE that!
Such a fun thing to look forward to every weekend! Such a sweet boy you have!
We love to do eggs & grits on the weekend. It's kind of a fun thing I look forward to as well. :)
Isn't it frustrating to delete posts by accident? It's happened to me a few times too.
We do pancakes every Sunday and the kids especially love it.
Oh nos! I'm sorry to hear about your missing posts. :(
As for traditions, I love to grab my bible and a few magazines, head to a local coffee shop and treat myself to some chillax time.
We always have a fancy breakfast on Sunday morning-usually cooked by my husband. He makes buttermilk pancakes from scratch, or french toast from homemade bread. There's nothing better!
What a cutie.My tradition is to sleep in:) I love sleep too much! Sorry to hear about te deleted posts, darn that wine!
your baby is just the cutest! i don't really have any traditions...does catching up on sleep count? :)
I love weekend traditions! Hehe, mine actually sounds a lot like yours! ;)
I tell my kids on Friday & Saturday night that they get to sleep in the next day. I also say that if they wake up before me, to play quietly in their rooms. It works great, I need my sleep. :)
Oh my gosh what a fun tradition! I have no weekend one other than going to church! But that sounds like a good one- I love scrambled eggs! Thanks for stopping by my blog too :) Oh and I'm SO sorry you deleted a few posts- that is horrible ahhh! Ha.
Ashley Sloan
Family traditions are the best! I love that sense of continuity and something you can always expect to be there. My tradition is to bake some big casserole or chicken dish every Sunday night, to last me through the beginning of the week (I live alone). It makes the usually-rushed beginning of the week much calmer!
hmm lately baked beans and toast! And my hubby tickles our 5 week old baby boy to get smiles out of him and I happily snap away!
From a blog you may enjoy!
I just love family traditions - especially weekend ones! We try to do pancakes on sat morning & have some fun activity planned that gets us out if the house ( otherwise we go crazy!).
How cute is your little guy?!
And I'm so bummed about your post loss - I can totally empathize!
Oh my gosh what a gorgeous little boy!!! He has the bluest eyes!
I love your family traditions! And how great that you are getting started so early with Max too. Those traditions will be engrained in him when he's a little older! My family still tries to have our Sunday morning breakfasts with my mom's homemade chocolate chip scones. And we also have Sunday family dinners! Sunday is family/relax day :)
Awww, what a cutie pie!!!
Sunday is always our farmer's market day. We walk over, gorge ourselves on local fruit and fresh baked bread, eat homemade ice cream and then waddle home and talk about what we'll eat for dinner with all our goodies. :o)
Every end of the week my boyfriend and I always had our date. Since we are busy with our work the whole week. Love the picture of your boy. He is so cute eating that scrambled eggs. =)
Oh, bummer about the deleted posts! How frustrating. And yes, scrambled eggs are always such a treat!
Ronnie xo
Oh Lindsay. Can Max get any cuter? How gorgeous is he? Sorry to hear about the deleted posts.
I'm not sure we've really got any traditions, as such. Maybe Sundays is a late, hot breakfast, especially in winter. But it's mostly lazy days, sleep ins etc. I've been blessed with 2 sleepers. They never get up early, weekends or week days. This is a hassle though when you're in a hurry to get out of the door for school! LOL
It'll only be a couple more years before weekend sport takes over our lives for the kids so I'm making the most of doing as little as possible! LOL
Anne xx
My bf and I have a Sunday tradition of scrambled eggs and coffee breakfast followed by visiting Sunday markets. p.s Max is SUCH a cutie.
Anna xo
I love family traditions! I've already made a list that I want to start when my me & my hubs have children!
Awwwww. I'm sorry about your blog! Wine is great but it can cause quite the mess. My computer had a run in with Champagne.... the champagne won... :(
Happy Monday!
I am laughing about your wine-cident.
Sounds like something I might or might not have done.
Weekend traditions - same, waking up too early and coffee. :)
going to the farmer's market and getting some milk! but when i was growing up, it was making scrambled eggs with my dad after church. hopefully will be able to do that again in a few years.
we do laundry... does that count? lol
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