Viewing by month: July 2004
New Site Up and Running
Just launched a new client site based off of Cartweaver, Draw 3 Lines. The site sells a kit to learn to draw (something I could desperately use), and assorted supplies for such. The site is simple, being geared towards a younger audience, but it definitely sells the product well.
New Cartweaver Site
I know, I'm slow, but sue me why dontcha? The new Cartweaver (our wonderful ColdFusion shopping cart) has been completely redone, ala Angela.
I must say, she did a wonderful job putting it together. I should start bein afeared for me yob.
FireFox 0.9 Opening Twice in Outlook
I had an issue with FireFox opening twice anytime I clicked a link in Outlook (or any other office program for that matter). Turns out it was due on an incorrect registry setting when FireFox makes itself the default browser. The FireFox team has a registry fix for it.