Designing For Title
Peachy Keen Stamps Alumni

I've Been Published!

Scrappin' Navy Wife
Copyright Information All content included on my site is copyrighted Emma v. Aguilar. My projects & photos are shared for your personal inspiration & enjoyment only & may not be used for publication, submissions or design contests. So please don't claim my work as your own. Thank you.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Peachy Keen’s NEW Anyday Release - Sneak Peek 2

GO HERE for My Creative Time's Design Team Thursday!!!;)


Wednesday (yesterday) and Thursday (today) , we'll be showing you sneak peeks of our super awesome design team's projects using the newest sets from Peachy Keen Stamps!

Like all other Peachy Keen Releases, we will be having GIVEAWAYS!

In order to win:
Check out the SUPER cute sneak peeks, and then head to the designers' blogs that are showcased each day.

Leave comments for our design team members and leave a comment HERE.

On FRIDAY {12 NOON Central} we're going to have a BLOG HOP and reveal ALL the sets!

Make sure you check to see if you were a winner from the SNEAK PEEKS.

While you HOP through the BLOG HOP, leave another comment on each blog along the way!!


Because we are going to draw THREE more winners who will win the prizes mentioned below:

Prize ONE:
A Peachy Keen Stamps Gift Certificate for $50.00!!

Prize TWO:
A set of the Spellbinders Fancy Tags Two Dies With 2 packages of matching nestabling!

Prize THREE:
The winner's choice of one EK Success Punch on our site!

Here is my SUPER CUTE Sneak peek of a set called "Skunk Cheer Up" set!!!! I am in love w/this new release & truly, this release is "seriously" bring a tear to your eye!;) Isn't my sneak SOOOO STINKIN CUTE?

GIVEAWAY: ***Don't forget to leave a comment HERE on this post for an opportunity to win this Cutie Patootie stamp set! Don't foget to leave a way to contact you!!!;) will be choosing a winner tonight @ midnight!

Go HERE to visit the blogs who sneak peeked yesterday for a chance to win the set each one of us is showcasing!!! For more chances go HERE to see all the sneaks for today!;) GOOD LUCK!!;)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Good Evening My Creative Peachy Peeps!!! WOW, what can I say........this newest Spring release from the BEST stamp company in the whole world has to be another one of my FAVORITES!!! Isn't this the CUTEST bug you've EVER seen??? This set is DEFINITELY going to be one of my "Go To" sets & it is called "Faceless Bugs"!!!

Monday through Thursday of this week, we'll be showing you little snippets of what our fantastic Peachy Design team has put together using the newest sets from Peachy Keen Stamps!
We are switching it up a bit w/the giveaways, so here are the details:

Yes, like any good, fun Peachy Keen Release, we will be having GIVEAWAYS!

We'll be drawing winners a little differently for this release.

Here's what you gotta do:

Check the Peachy Keen BLOG  Monday through Thursday at 7 pm Central Time this week....

Check out the SUPER cute sneak peeks HERE, and then head to the designers' blogs that are showcased each day.

Leave comments on ALL blogs and leave a comment HERE on the Peachy BLog! For a chance to win the stamp set we our showcasing during the 4 days of sneaks!
On FRIDAY {7 pm Central} we're going to have a BLOG HOP and reveal ALL the sets!

Make sure you check to see if you were a winner from the SNEAK PEEKS.

When you bee-bop through the BLOG HOP,

leave another comment on each blog along the way.

Because Peachy Keen is going to draw THREE more winners who will win some fun supplies from the
PKS Warehouse {not stamps}!

Now head on over to my other peachy sister's blogs, the TALENTED Miss Janice AND Miss Heidi's blogs to see their sneeks!;) Don't forget to leave those comments on ALL Sneaks for a chance to win any of the sets we are featuring this week! GOOD LUCK!;)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Imagine Nation Monday ~ Episode 178

Good Morning & welcome to another Imagine Nation Monday! For today's card, I decided to only use the pattern paper feature & I did the rest w/my Gypsy Girl & my regular cricut! You can see in the video how I came up w/it!;)
Here is my card! Of course, I just HAD to add some "Stardust" stickles to the cloud & I added some as well to the 3 stars on my sentiment! I embossed the sentiment "twinkle twinkle little start" using white embossing powder! I just LOVE how my stamps emboss & it has a LOT to do w/the quality of the stamp! I am VERY fortunate & not to mention LUCKY that I have the BEST manufacture available today!;) I just finished it off by adding black stitching around the edges of my card! Aren't those baby sentiments SOOO CUTE? I just LOVE this newest release of mine called "All Star Baby"This baby set has some SUPER DUPER cute sentiments that you will love!;) If you don't own those "Wide Eyed Kids" face stamps, then you sure are missing out my friends! I used the 1/8" size but these faces are also available in the assortment sizes as well! You can see those HERE! This is the CUTEST face set EVER!!! DEFINITELY, another one of my FAVS!;)
Here is the video!;)
Thank you for joining me today! Don't forget to come back tomorrow for a "Sneak Peek" for the upcoming Peachy Keen's newest release! You are NOT gonna want to miss this one!!!! Be ready because on Friday, April 1st ALL of the newest Peachy stamps will be available for purchase!! I CANNOT wait for all of you to feast your eyes on them!;)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sneak Peek NEW 2011 RELEASES from Peachy Keen Stamps!

Sneaky peeky time!!!!! I am just in LOVE with this release!!! (Don't I say that about all of them?) lol..... OMG, I am SOOO SUPER excited about this release since I LOVE Valentines & St. Patty's Day!!!! Don't forget to join us on Thursday for our blog hop & you can see all of the designers sneak peeks in it's entirety!!
Head on over to Samantha's and the rest of the teams blogs to see their sneak peeks!;)


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Peachy Keen Sneak Peek!:)

WOW! Look how ADORABLE my little "snippets" are! I have had a BLAST coloring ALL my NEW "Beautiful" stamps!  This "Winter Release" is simply "Outstanding" & you my friends, will NOT be disappointed! This is just ONE set out of many they are releasing!

OH MY WORD! You do NOT want to miss tomorrow's AWESOME Peachy Blog Hop EVER!!!:)
See ya tomorrow "Same Place" "Same Time"!;)

Update & Peachy Fun Peeks Tonight!

GOOD MORNING My Creative Friends!!! Just wanted to give you a quick update! I have LOTS going on this week, such as, some AWESOME "Peachy Sneak Peeks", the BEST PEACHY BLOG hop EVER on Friday, I am also doing a 2nd "Imagine Nation Blog Hop" on Saturday AND I also have my Scrapbook class on Saturday too! SO, with that said,  there will be no "Throwback Thursday" Challenge this week!
That means, you will have until next Wednesday, Nov 17th to complete your "Food" project! Don't forget to come back tonight for some FUN "Peachy" peeks!  Bye for now & I'll see ya back here @  7 p.m. Central (8 p.m. Eastern, 6 p.m. Mountain, 5 p.m. Pacific!
Peachy Keen Stamps Winter 2010 Release

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Peachy Keen's Sneek Peak!

Good Morning My Creative friends! WOW! Are you EXCITED as I AM RIGHT NOW!! All I can say is that our "Peachy Queen" has done it AGAIN!!  I feel bad about teasing you right now:( BUT, ALL STAMPS will be revealed on Thursday for our Peachy Keen Blog Hop!! You DEFINITELY do NOT want to miss out on that!  ALL OF US DESIGNERS will have one of the BRAND NEW stamps that we will be giving away on our blogs!! HOW AWESOME IS THAT!! THANK YOU Kathy for supplying ALL of US w/our Prizes!;) Don't forget to check back in here on Thursday for a PEACHY KEEN DAY w/LOTS of EYE CANDY as well as BLOG CANDY!!;) Don't forget to stop by @ the Peachy Keen blog to see some more FUN Sneak peeks!;)

Thank you for visiting me! Just wanted to let everyone know that I will NOT be having my Throwback Thursday challenge this week because of this FANTASTIC Blog hop! I have to prepare for that! Sorry my friends, but the challenge will resume NEXT WEEK! ;) Have a GREAT day!;)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

PEACHY KEEN Halloween Sneak Peeks!;)

Hello & Welcome to My Creative Time! AND Welcome to a PEACHY KEEN SNEAK PEEK! You have NOOOOO idea how EXCITED I am for this NEW Release! I feel horrible right now about just giving you a "Hint" of what my project looks like, BUT, I promise, you will NOT be disappointed when you see it in it's entirety on Monday for our Blog Hop! Okay, 1st of all, did you notice that I actually have REAL stitching on my project today??? YEP, I busted out my "Little Purple" sewing maching & Actually put in to use! Can I just say that I will DEFINITELY be using it ALOT more!! I just absolutely LOVE how it came out! Now mind you, it's not Perfect because I am Not a "Pro" seamstress, but I am happy with the outcome!;) So, with that said, why don't you head on over to the Peachy Keen Blogspot to visit other Peachy Design Team member's Blogs to see what they have in store for you!;) Have a FABULOUS Saturday!;)
Don't forget we are hopping on Monday!! You do NOT want to miss this one! EVERY Design Team member has the MOST FABULOUS projects made w/these Brand new Releases  AND we are ALL offering an AWESOME Giveaway! I will see you there my Creative Friends!;)
P.S. -There will be MORE sneak peeks tomorrow! Don't forget to Visit the Peachy Keen Blogspot to see who is participating so you can visit their blogs!! EXCITING STUFF!;)

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