Designing For Title
Peachy Keen Stamps Alumni

I've Been Published!

Scrappin' Navy Wife
Copyright Information All content included on my site is copyrighted Emma v. Aguilar. My projects & photos are shared for your personal inspiration & enjoyment only & may not be used for publication, submissions or design contests. So please don't claim my work as your own. Thank you.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Feb 20 – ABC Challenge


Good morning & welcome to another FUN Challenge! Today our challenge is an "ABC challenge"! Basically this challenge is to pick any letter from the alphabet & use as many items as you can starting w/that letter!  For mine, I chose the letter "B"! That's why you see in bold letters above because those are everything I used that started w/a "B"! :)  You can see in my video below how I created my card!

MCT Supplies used:

Here is my video for you today~!

This is an ABC challenge!
***For this challenge, you’ll choose any letter of the alphabet to base your project on. For example, if you choose B you would use as many B items as you can on your layout or card….buttons, bows, the color blue, bubbles, etc. 
***Incorporate  MCT products as well. 
***Deadline for challenge is Tuesday, March 4th at midnight
***Link up your projects below to Mr. Linky then leave a comment

Now onto my AWESOME design team~! Don't forget to click on each name & visit each blog to see more pictures!

I hope you ALL were inspired by ALL of this AWESOMENESS! :)  I hope you all play along w/us & I CAN'T WAIT to see what you all create!

OKAY! now onto the winner from our last challenge! chose:

Here is Miss Gerda's project she made~! I believe she used 10 MCT products!

CONGRATS Miss Gerda! Please email me your address so I can get your prize out to you ASAP!  ALSO, Miss Gerda, don't forget to grab the code -----> to the right of my blog! It is the winning badge code for you to display PROUDLY on your blog! :)

Thank you ALL for stopping by! Don't forget to join us for a "co-blog hop" w/the FABULOUS "Pretty Paper Pretty Ribbon! It will all happen Saturday, Feb 22nd @ 12am! Come hop w/us for some AMAZING projects AND prizes!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Scrapping the Little Things

Good morning my creative friends!  I hope you ALL had a FABULOUS weekend! Welcome to another "Scrapping the little things"! Today we have some SUPER FUN pages for you!  

I decided to go ahead & do another page in my smash book! For my page today I focused on the "Day before school"!  It's "TRADITION" that my boys get EXTRA SPOILED the day before they go back to school! My hubby always reminds me the day before to make sure I take them out! Which we NEVER forget! ;) I take them to their FAVORITE places~! First up on the agenda, was they LOVE Ghiradelli Chocolate Factory (which "I" do TOO!) hehehe! They wanted dessert BEFORE lunch! So that is exactly what we did! Baby Aaron had his usual Sundae, but he ordered it a bit different this time! Anthony ordered his milkshake & of course I had my "usual" a banana split! ;) I have to treat myself too...right? :) So we hung out there, then we headed to Barnes & Noble! Okay, I do have to say that I don't have your "typical boys"!  I know if I were to ask my nephews where would THEY want to go for fun, they would FOR SURE say the Park!  But not my Baby Aaron & Anthony, they ALWAYS pick to go to Barnes & Noble! Hey, I don't mind AT ALL! I am just SOOO LUCKY & BLESSED that BOTH of my boys ENJOY reading SOOO MUCH!  They told me not to ever get them a kindle because it would NOT be the same to them! In "my opinion" I have to agree w/them 100%! There is NOTHING like holding your book & turning the pages yourself!  But I do know ALOT of people who do prefer the kindle over a book because it's easier for storage purposes!  
We usual spend "at least" 2 hours at Barnes & Noble.  Since we had a late start this day, it was almost dinner time, so the boys chose to go to their FAVORITE burrito place! So we picked up the burritos to go so my hubby can enjoy his burrito w/us when he got home from work! 
You can see a list of products I used right below this pic! 

Supplies used:

Now onto my AWESOME design team! Don't forget to click on each of their names to visit each blog & leave them some LOVE~! ;)

Weren't these some SUPER FUN pages? Well, I hope we inspired YOU to do some scrapping yourself today! Thank you so much for stopping by & I will see you all back here tomorrow morning!

P.S. ORDER UPDATE! THANK YOU ALLL SO VERY MUCH for your orders over the weekend! It looks like ALOT of you took advantage of the sale~! The sale has already ended & my Mom will have ALL orders out from the sale by tomorrow (Tuesday, August 20th)!  If you missed out on this sale, no worries....I will be having another one VERY SOON! ;) 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

3-D Wednesday

Good morning & welcome to another: 

I have a quick tag for you today! I got to play with the NEW 6x6 Simple Stories "I heart Summer" collection! You can pick yours up HERE! I think it's my NEW FAVORITE paper! ;)

The cute little popsicle sticker is also from the new Simple Stories "I Heart Summer"! 

Supplies used:
~ Just Simply Live (banner)
~ Have Fun in the Sun (stamp set)
~ Sequins (my birthday present from Nikki Navy Wife!;)

Now onto my FABULOUS design team!

Miss Shar

Okay, as you can see, my INTERNET IS BAAACK!!!! I am SOOOO HAPPY because I felt so "disconnected" from the world without it! :)  Weren't ALL of these 3D projects from my design team "Simply AMAZING?????"  I just hope "YOU" were inspired to make yourself a 3D project today! 
Thank you SO VERY MUCH for stopping by & have a FABULOUS day my sweet friends! xoxo

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

3-D Wednesday

Good morning my creative friends & welcome to another 3-D Wednesday! I had a question from someone who wanted an idea for a graduation invite! Soooo, since my Baby Aaron will be graduating as well, I'd thought I would come up w/something perfect for a boy! You can see in my video below exactly how this was made step by step! 

I put the date at the bottom for the date that needs to be saved & instead of sending a separate invite, I decide to just go ahead & put all of the info on the back of each tag! 

Since I will be hand delivering most of these, I thought they would look awesome to give in these super cute little glassine bags from Liz's Paper Loft Boutique!  I am very proud of how these turned out! ;)

Supplies used:

Here is my video for you today! :)

Now onto my FABULOUS design team! Don't forget to click on each of their names to leave them some "L-O-V-E"! ;)

I hope you were all inspired here today! Thank you so very much for stopping by & I will see you back here soon! Have a FABULOUS day my sweet friends! xoxo

Monday, March 11, 2013

Scrapping the little things!

GOOD MORNING my sweet creative friends! Welcome to another "Scrapping the little things". Today my design team have some fun "spring/easter" scrapbook layouts, project life & smashbooking pages for you. For my page today, I decided to do an 8x8 layout! For those of you who have been following me for awhile now, you all know that I prefer 8x8 pages over 12x12 pages anytime! ;) In "my" opinion, I just think 8x8 pages are MUCH easier for ME because the area I need to work with is the perfect size! :)

You can see in my video below exactly how I put my page together!

Supplies used:
~ "So Noted" 6x6 paper pad
~ Tim Holtz Hinge Clips

Here is my video for you today! :)

Now onto my AWESOME design team!

I hope you ALL enjoyed what you saw here today AND I hope you are all inspired to do a litte "scrapping" yourselves!
Also, if you haven't already seen my MCT Facebook page, I am giving away a "Treat Slider Die"! Yep, you heard right! I felt REALLY bad about the delay w/your orders, even though it was out of my control, I still felt bad & wanted to make it up to you "some way"!;) All you have to do is go HERE to my MCT facebook page, & follow the directions on what to do in order to qualify for this fantastic prize! Well, I couldn't stop there, as ALOT of you know, your orders are on their way to you as I type! Alot of you may have already received them, if not, you should be getting them VERY SOON!;)  To also make up for the delay in orders, I'd thought it would be fun to include a $25 gift card to my store to TWO LUCKY SHOPPERS! Of course, I couldn't pick & choose WHO would get them, so I had my boys help me out w/this one! They each randomly chose a package & included the $25 gift card w/your order! SOOO, with that said, make sure you check your happy mail very well before throwing away your package! WHOEVER my 2 lucky winners are, when you do receive it, can you "Pretty Please" take a picture of your gift card holder I made & email it to me OR put it on my facebook page? I was bummed that I forgot to take pics of them because I thought they came out REALLY CUTE, BRIGHT & HAPPY! :) When you all get your orders PLEASE share your projects using your NEW MCT products w/us on my facebook page here!
 Thank you so very much for stopping by & have a FABULOUS day my sweet friend! xoxo

P.S. Don't forget to join us for our latest SUPER FUN CHALLENGE we have going on right now HERE!

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