26 September, 2024

Making the most of my wardrobe

 Curvy capsule wardrobe sweater top

Sometimes when we wear our favourite clothes, we want an excuse to wear them more often but something holds us back ... like cold weather. I love wearing my linen pinafore dress all year round but it gets cold here so I often have to wear a jumper over the top of it BUT I don't like how it looks with the dress.

So I came across a cute sewing pattern called the Alpine Top that had a curved front so it would actually look like I'm wearing a dress not a skirt when I'm wearing it. So yep, I purchased the pattern, got it printed and also bought some fancy warm material and made it.

I love it.

I struck a few set backs on the way that I vlogged here.... but otherwise the top is awesome! Only three pattern pieces - so easy! I'm definitely going to make myself a couple more!

Do you love layering up your dresses like I do?

I'd love it if you popped over to my YouTube channel & subscribed to it & even liked some of my videos. Every like, every follower, every comment is like a great big hug! 

If you need more Crafty Inspo, then check out my shoppable lists here....

I utilise affiliate (aff) links throughout my blog as a way to help me keep crafting. If you click on an aff link, I receive a very small amount from it at NO cost to you. So please help me to keep CraftyRie up and running by clicking on my aff links! Many thanks, Rie

Curvy capsule wardrobe sweater top

15 December, 2022

The cutest Secret Santa gift


If you need an idea for possibly the cutest gift ever, then stay tuned!

I made this super cutie pouch as a secret santa gift .. it's so soft, fluffy, squishy, colourful and useful too!

Check out the tutorial on how I made it here:   It really was easy to sew!

Another idea for making an unforgettable Secret Santa gift this holiday season is using liquid Sculpey polymer clay! This versatile material allows for intricate jewelry designs or adorable miniature figurines crafted specifically to the recipient's personal interests, creating something truly one-of-a-kind and original! If this idea intrigues you, online tutorials provide instruction for this method - adding handmade flair to your gift-giving this season.

I'd love it if you popped over to my YouTube channel & subscribed to it & even liked some of my videos. Every like, every follower, every comment is like a great big hug! 

If you need more Crafty Inspo, then check out my shoppable lists here....

I utilise affiliate (aff) links throughout my blog as a way to help me keep crafting. If you click on an aff link, I receive a very small amount from it at NO cost to you. So please help me to keep CraftyRie up and running by clicking on my aff links! Many thanks, Rie

04 January, 2021

Elephant Sleeping Bags

Ok, so I realise that Elephant Sleeping Bags is an odd topic but that's how I spent my day yesterday, making sleeping bags for some toy elephants so that I could hang them up on the wall instead of watching the kids drop yet another toy on the floor only to not find it again for months.


Does that happen in your house? Things going on the floor and piling up until all is lost and you just kinda want to throw it all out?

Yep? That happens in our house. A lot. So I decided that I was going to make some bags with hook tabs so I can hang them on the wall and then the kids will hang them on the wall too.

I didn't use a pattern for the sleeping bag, kinda self drafted one for the elephants

I'm thinking of making more of these sleeping bags for their toys, maybe even applique or stencil some designs by using free svg files for graphics to truly personalise them.  Ooh, wouldn't they make great gifts too with small teddies on the inside!

Oh, the elephants were actually made by me a few years ago, using this pattern and ironically, they actually have a bag/case that you sew with them ..but I never got around to it!
I've been popping them up on sticky hooks, so later on, we can always move them with out ruining the paint.


For more crafty inspiration & great crafty supplies, please check out this page that I put together here....

I utilise affiliate (aff) links throughout my blog as a way to help me keep crafting. If you click on an aff link, I receive a very small amount from it at NO cost to you.   So please help me to keep CraftyRie up and running by clicking on my aff links! Many thanks, Rie

24 May, 2014

Stash building

Ok, so back in January I decided that I would do my best to Use What I Have and honestly I have ..but.. it's just so hard! I want too, oh trust me, I want too but when I look at yarn that I purchased 5 years ago, today I don't know what to do with it!  So... in order to use my 'stockpiles', I have to add new stock to my stash (say that fast!) to inspire ideas & get projects started (& finished)!