09 August, 2010

Taa daaaaaa!

Look what I made!
Like it? I think it's cute, it was so easy to make - I'll post the instructions soon.

05 August, 2010

My Creative Space

I'm getting sticky fingers this week playing with PVA glue and string!
With the cold winter weather I wanted to get my hands into something gooey! My first thought was papier mache but that is too messy! So I decided to make a string bowl using just glue and winding string around and around until voila a bowl! So, I'm getting stringy!

Have you joined in with Kootoyoo's Creative Space?

Actually, thinking of string - it brings a song to mind from The Goodies..."String, string, string string, everybody loves string!"

25 September, 2009

Started & Finished.... Job well done!

So you may remember that I started a project... it started with this yarn....

and this chain......

Which then lead to these single crochets.....

and this is where I created the next panel.....

then this the third pink panel and then the fourth blue panel is created.....

and then the base is sewn up....

and the top is crocheted.....

and Voila!

It's finished!

And um, yes, I have already started another one!

For the full pattern details, click here.........
It's a really easy pattern (it's basically 32 across, 32 up and taper off) and looks great too!

10 September, 2009

Searching for a good yarn,,,

I'm addicted to new projects - I was going to start another one!
So, I dived into my wool stash to hunt for the perfect yarn.... and guess what, to my suprise, there wasn't the 'right' yarn.
BUT.... whilst I had my head down & bum up in the cupboard, I found 3 more hidden stashes!
Question....Do I hide these from myself or does the evil fairy come in at night and do this?
I found this....

Yeah, good question - what is it?!?  It's a whole pile of lime green granny square centres with the odd bright colour thrown in, trust me - the photo does not show the injustice of how lime green the squares are! Some has been stitched into rows, was I going to make a tiny blanket? When did I start this? Why did I start this? Why lime green? The questions just go on & on...
And then I found this paperbag.

In it was a very cute stash of fabric squares, all rolled up. I remember buying them about 5 years ago, but why?

Why did I buy them? What was I going to make? How did they end up in the cupboard hidden in a bagful of yarn?
But wait, there's more..

Then there was this bag.... another pile of yarn that I had bought with specific projects & patterns in mind. But they never got made! Suprise, suprise! I think the reason why they were never made was because of that P word, you know.... pattern.  Me & patterns, ughh, I shudder at the thought!
So back to why I was in the cupboard... I found a cute 'pattern' for a crochet bag - it looks so easy, 4 triangles sewn together - easy peasy!  But no yarn to make them.
Check out the pattern on the Knitting Daily website

The bad news is that there is no yarn store near home or work - I would have to go out of my way to buy the yarn to start the new project.
The good news is there is no yarn store near home or work - I would have to go out of my way to buy the yarn to start the new project!!