I'm addicted to new projects - I was going to start another one!
So, I dived into my wool stash to hunt for the perfect yarn.... and guess what, to my suprise, there wasn't the 'right' yarn.
BUT.... whilst I had my head down & bum up in the cupboard, I found 3 more hidden stashes!
Question....Do I hide these from myself or does the evil fairy come in at night and do this?
Yeah, good question - what is it?!? It's a whole pile of lime green granny square centres with the odd bright colour thrown in, trust me - the photo does not show the injustice of how lime green the squares are! Some has been stitched into rows, was I going to make a tiny blanket? When did I start this? Why did I start this? Why lime green? The questions just go on & on...
And then I found this paperbag.
In it was a very cute stash of fabric squares, all rolled up. I remember buying them about 5 years ago, but why?
Why did I buy them? What was I going to make? How did they end up in the cupboard hidden in a bagful of yarn?
Then there was this bag.... another pile of yarn that I had bought with specific projects & patterns in mind. But they never got made! Suprise, suprise! I think the reason why they were never made was because of that P word, you know.... pattern. Me & patterns, ughh, I shudder at the thought!
The bad news is that there is no yarn store near home or work - I would have to go out of my way to buy the yarn to start the new project.
The good news is there is no yarn store near home or work - I would have to go out of my way to buy the yarn to start the new project!!