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Chairman's Address
Establish business, develop a country

Welcome to Guobang Pharmaceutical! 

We are a non-regional group company with pharmaceutical technology at our core, integrating the scientific research, production and operations of our pharmaceutical and veterinary active pharmaceutical ingredient, preparation and key intermediate industry chains.

Our group's core competitiveness lies in our management and innovation systems, large-scale manufacturing, and global market channels. We continually strive to` develop and progress to fulfill our mission of serving life and health. Currently, our products are sold in 112 countries and regions worldwide, covering 6.5 billion people.

Our group's values are to build up people and country, and to prosper industry and country. Our company culture is based on this value of building up people, and we focus on cultivating talent, developing potential, and bringing out the value of our employees, enabling them to realize their aspirations and discover their own value.

Since our establishment in 1996, Guobang Pharmaceutical Group now has more than 20 years of history. In these two decades, our group's economic scale, technological capabilities and market influence has developed rapidly and this progress is thanks to the strong support of people from all walks of life. 

Thank you for sharing our journey thus far, and thank you for your attention!

Chairman's Address
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