Your messages delivered to Eastern Congo
On the 24th November 2009, MSF launched the last installment of the Condition: Critical project. You heard stories from Francoise, Mishoko, Bahati and children that have been abducted during the conflict. Since then, nearly two thousand of you have left messages...March 30th, 2010 | Tags: messages, Video
Wounds dossier
MSF launched Condition: Critical one year ago, to help the people of Eastern Congo tell their stories of survival, in the midst of a violent conflict that has persisted for more than a decade. Over the past year, Condition: Critical has...November 24th, 2009 | Tags: Stories, Video, War
“I try not to think about it all anymore”
Story of Pierrette*, 15 years old Pierrette does not know her exact age, but she shyly suggests “around 15”. She was kidnapped by armed men, and held captive for two months. She became what is known as a “forced wife,”...October 14th, 2009 | Tags: Medical, Violence, Wounds
Inside North Kivu: photo gallery
Since late January 2009, when the Congolese army launched an offensive against the FDLR (Forces démocratiques de libération du Rwanda), the conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo has moved towards the north and west of North Kivu province. As...September 25th, 2009 | Tags: Displacement, Mobile clinics, War
Tales of the Unexpected
Pav graduated in Medicine at the University of Nottingham, she specialised in Adult Internal Medicine and General Practice in London. She is currently working at Mweso Hospital in North Kivu, Democratric Republic of Congo where she is responsible for the...September 16th, 2009 | Tags: Camps, Hospital, Mweso
“My world has become very small”
Medical and psychological help for victims of sexual violence : testimonies from medical staff and patients. By Emma Zoratti, former medical coordinator for MSF in Masisi, North Kivu. Masisi, North Kivu. MSF has been treating victims of sexual violence here since February...September 7th, 2009 | Tags: Masisi, Sexual violence, Violence, War
Video pre-selected for ‘Best web documentary award’ at Festival of Perpignan ‘Visa pour l’image’
A Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) multimedia documentary was pre-selected for ‘Best web documentary award’ at Perpignan’s international photojournalism festival, “Visa pour l’image” - 2009. The documentary “Voices from the war in Eastern Congo” launched Condition: Critical, MSF’s year-long campaign designed to...September 2nd, 2009 | Tags: Displacement, Video, War
Slideshow: Congolese refugees in Southern Sudan
In Southern Sudan, by the Congolese border, MSF teams assist tens of thousands of Congolese refugees and internally displaced Sudanese fleeing violent attacks by Ugandan rebel group, the Lords Resistance Army (LRA). Photographer Brendan Bannon reflects on his visit to the...August 18th, 2009 | Tags: Armed groups, Displacement, Photo, Video, Violence
VIDEO: DRC - Delivering aid in North Kivu
In this video, an MSF logistician speaks about challenges in the distribution of aid materials in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo. Basic relief items include pots, clothing, utensils, water collection vessels. MSF is also providing medical aid for displaced...August 12th, 2009 | Tags: Displacement, Logistics, Video, War
“I lost a leg. It is as if I have lost my whole life”
Louis* is a teenager who was treated by MSF medical teams at Rutshuru hospital. A former child-soldier, he was enlisted by one of the armed groups at war in North and South Kivu provinces and seriously wounded during a fight....August 4th, 2009 | Tags: Armed groups, Surgery, War
Slideshow: “We run away to escape our own fear”
This woman had to flee her village, in the middle the night, in the heart of an attack. She ran away with her two children and her sister. At the time MSF medical teams met her, she still had no...July 27th, 2009 | Tags: Displacement, Family, Violence
“SURVIVE”, “EXPRESS”, “FIGHT”: triptych dedicated to young people
...July 10th, 2009 | Tags: Armed groups, War, Youth
People from North Kivu flee again to escape violence
People in the northern region of North Kivu province have been fleeing violence since late January, when an offensive against rebel FDLR forces was launched. MSF is providing medical care in several of the regions’ towns and villages, where the...May 11th, 2009 | Tags: Displacement, Violence, War
“The woman can do anything!”: listen to this song
Listen to Charlotte Pasapas who sings “The woman is capable”. “The woman is capable” is the cheerful theme song for a group of volunteers in Doruma, in the Haut-Uélé region of DRC. They are a volunteer group supporting women and girls...April 16th, 2009 | Tags: Uélé, Violence
“Here we talk about everything - good and bad!”
Luanda Wema is 35 years old and pregnant for the eighth time. During the delivery, she’ll undergo sterilisation. She’s waiting to give birth at the ‘Welcome village’ set up by MSF for pregnant women in Masisi hospital, a hospital situated...March 21st, 2009 | Tags: Children, Family, Hospital
Messages of support for the people of Eastern Congo
If you have been affected by the stories you have heard on Condition Critical and want to take action you can by helping us create a buzz about Condition Critical through email, blogs, social networking or word of mouth. Donate to our appeal, or if you are interested in working for us, contact your national MSF. The combined action of many can help us relieve the suffering in DRC and elsewhere.
Mission to Mwenga: Day 7
On the long return journey today, we had a reality check on how aid agencies are seen from the outside. As we waited at one of the numerous roadblocks, a woman approached us and said she needed to be transported immediately to hospital, as she had been raped the...
December 3rd, 2009
Tags: Kivu
Congolese luck
I spoke to the London office yesterday and they told me this website is winding up, that if I wanted to post anything more I should do it now. My time here too is winding up; having been here seven months, I’ve got just a couple more to go, so...
November 24th, 2009
Tags: Hospital, Masisi, Surgery, Violence
The Girls and Boys
I did a paediatric malnutrition ward round today. It breaks me sometimes to see these children. I know that it’s not right to, but I find myself comparing their weights with babies of friends and family back home and the difference makes me gasp. Oedematous, horrific scalded-skin or burn-like lesions,...
November 22nd, 2009
Tags: Children, Mweso