Social media and the internet are so much better than they were even 5 years ago, when the school board was looking for the last superintendent. So after 5 years, our local school board is in the middle of hiring a new superintendent. In a vote of 10 to 2 the board voted to hire a firm headquartered in Nebraska to conduct our search. Last time we received 21 names; many were totally unsuitable. We've had the list of 7 finalists for the position of Superintendent for our
system since July 3rd:
Caddo School natives for CPSB superintendent job- Dr. Mary Nash
Robinson, current Chief of Staff, Mr. John Dilworth, former educator in Caddo, former Superintendent of Birmingham Public Schools and Superintendent of East Baton Rouge School System, Romain Dallemand
(Macon, GA), John Green (Suwanee, GA), Jerry Payne (Pine Bluff, AR),
Angella Perera (Smithfield, VA) and Theodore Thompson (Alexandria, VA)
Already we are hearing from
people all over the country about their experience with these candidates.
I try not to blog about a lot of the school board business; though much of it could be viewed as entertaining, if it didn't affect our children, teachers and community so much. But I'm going to write about this experience because it is going just as badly as I thought it would when the decision was made to hire an outside firm. I also want people who are looking for a superintendent to get the opinions and information I have received.
So this is my first post. I will just post the emails that I have received and my replies to citizens who care about public education enough to get involved. I also hope people in my district will be aware of the the communications that I am receiving. Tomorrow and the rest of the week I will be calling the school board members in these districts and getting their feedback.
They put their names on the e-mails, but because I didn't get permission to print their names, I'm not going to use their whole name.
First e-mail
-----Original Message-----
From: Danny H
Sent: Saturday, July 06, 2013 4:50 PM
Subject: romain dallemand
I am just warning you folks that this guy will poison
your system. Be diligent, check with the Rochester Mn.
as well. Lawsuits and chaos have followed him, just
saying. Danny H.
Second e-mail
July 9,
Mr. Larry Ramsey
Caddo Parish School Board President
Superintendent Finalists
Dear Mr. Ramsey
Shreveport Times July 4, 2013 article quoted
you as saying, “We have a nice mix of
candidates from throughout the southern region, and I’m pleased with how much
our consultant has already done to narrow the field.”
am amazed that you are pleased with these candidates. Two of them were FIRED from their positions;
one left because he could not work with the school board; one has been in the
system only two years but is looking elsewhere; one left the system because ‘of
concerns over retirement benefits’; and
another has only been in a system since 2011.
Our own Acting Superintendent is the only one without such negative
comments. If this group of candidates
offers possibilities, what were the others like? It seems that this firm has wasted time and
money for a system which did not need this.
Representatives of the citizens of this community asked the board to do
their own search because the same problems are occurring with consultant firms
around the country.
think the citizens of Caddo in the best interest of students, teachers, and the
future of the school system should seek new board members when terms are
up. It should be noted that only two
members, Mrs. Crawley and Mr. Hooks, voted against pursuing a consultant
firm. You do not appear to have the best
interest of the constituents who elected you and it is time you relinquished
your seats to others who are concerned about educating a future generation.
Third e-mail
Dear School District Board Members,
I am a parent of three children in the Bibb County School District in Macon, GA, and a professor at a local university.
Based on our experiences with Romain Dallemand in the last 2 years,
and as a parent, I am strongly encouraging you to disregard his
application for superintendent. Romain Dallemand did more damage to Bibb
County schools in his short tenure that I could have ever imagined.
Many teachers abandoned the system for other counties due to his lack of
leadership and bizarre policies. Many parents pulled their kids out of
school to avoid dealing with the mess he caused, putting them in private
or home schooling them. He became a local joke and harmed our school
system a great deal. Our county wasted tremendous money on this man and
his grandiosity.
Please, do everything you can to select someone other than Romain
Dallemand. You will harm your students if you put this man in the
superintendent's office. You cannot believe what he says or trust him.
He will deceive you, take your money, and ruin you financially. He is
not reliable, trustworthy, or even a true educational professional. He
has no personal integrity. Do not hire him. Please take this
recommendation from a concerned parent. Mr. Dallemand should never be
placed in a position of authority in a school, or especially a district,
ever again.
Susan C
Macon, GA
My return e-mail to Susan
Mrs. C,
I truly appreciate you taking the time to send this email. It shows how much you
really care about public education for all children. We must be able to track
and identify such opportunists to preserve our children's future. After studying
the applicants sent to us by this search firm, I am even more convinced that
these firms are about the business of facilitating the preying on taxpayers'
dollars through school boards who want to turn a deaf ear and be blind to this
practice. We must depend on noble citizens willing to tell us the truth.
Thank you,
Charlotte Crawley