Showing posts with label book reviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label book reviews. Show all posts
Rating: 3/5 stars
Discovering Robin Jones Gunn's books when I was a teenager was such a delightful treat. I have enjoyed her all different books of hers over the years and they have always been so delightful. I shared here on the blog in 2015 in a blog post entitled, the Top 5 Books that Have Impacted My life the Most about a few of hers. Now, I need to update that list, but the fact still remains the same that her books have definitely had an impact on my life. Here is what I said in that post:
(Okay, lets be honest ALL of Robin Jones Gunn books *smiles*)
When I was 13 years old I was handed my first of many books I would fall in love with from Robin Jones Gunn and haven't stopped reading them over the last years. I have read, re-read, and re-read a thousand times the adventures of Robin's characters while I have been encouraged in my faith and strengthened and challenged to return to scripture. Robin takes what some might call ordinary characters and weaves a beautiful story line that challenges me to fall more in love with Jesus, to spend more time in scripture, and to love those that the Lord has placed in my life in big ways with lots of grace. Her characters are so memorable that you feel that you are reading about friends, but beyond her talent for writing is a woman who obviously loves the Lord and has changed countless lives, including mine. No matter your age- whether you are 13 years old to older you will love these books. Throughout the last few years of my health journey I have re-read these series and books thousands (literally!!) of times, have handed out countless copies to people on airplanes, in hospitals, and even once in a grocery store line. The beautiful way that Robin writes mimics the beautiful way that the Lord calls people to Himself- with lots of love, lots of grace, and lots of beauty.
I have enjoyed her stories a lot and over the years there have been different ones that I have thought were really great. They are sweet and have great character development along with an interesting story and plot line. When I was sent Tea With Elephants and had a chance to review this, I jumped at the chance.
The book follows an unexpected friendship that blossomed between two women who met in college and they are now traveling together a couple of decades later to Africa. The book sets the stage that the women have stayed friends since the time of college days and walked through several life changes together. Robin sets the story in Africa and their journey unfolds through shared conversations, laughter, and deep reflections over cups of tea. As they learn more about each other, they also uncover truths about themselves and life’s hidden beauty. If you enjoyed some of her other stories, Robin also weaves in the connection to a couple of "friends" that you may remember which is a delightful way to hear what is going on in their lives.
I am going to be honest here and this is difficult because I truly adore all of Robin's books, but this wasn't one of my absolute favorites and that is why I can only give it a 3 out of 5 stars. For me some parts seemed a bit long and a bit slow moving and I think the major reason for that is that were a couple of things within the book. While there have been many books of hers that I couldn't completely relate to the storyline about this one felt a bit like it was difficult to follow sometimes.
For example, Robin created two characters who were supposedly extremely good friends and good enough friends to travel to the other side of the world together, but for lots of the book, they struggled to be honest with each other regarding the real life issues that they both were struggling with. It took them nearly 2/3rds of the book to start to really open up and share their struggles and be honest with each other... It felt confusing and it also felt like it was a bit drawn out and a bit of a turn off for me believing that when they did finally share that this was a "safe environment" for them both to be sharing since it had taken so long to share their struggles.
Another observation was that while Robin has personally traveled to Africa and her descriptions of Africa were beautiful, there seemed to be a sense of extreme drawn out description of the scenery... that ended up coming across a bit like it was "trying to hard" to convey all of the absolute beauty around. I can't exactly put my finger on it, but there were sections of the book that seemed to have truly made an impact on her as an author, but that I just couldn't connect with from the descriptions. I re-read those sections several times to try to connect, but still came away with the feeling that I was trying to be convinced of this perfect place.
Due to these two things it often felt like a struggle to truly connect with this book and that is why I can't list it as a favorite. I hate saying that because I truly adore Robin's work and it was an honor to meet her a couple of years ago so I am curious to hear y'all's thoughts on this book. You can find Tea With Elephants to purchase HERE!
Looking for a few of my favorites of Robin's books? Here are a few that I have loved and that I would highly recommend:
Happy Wednesday friends! I hope you have a wonderful day!
*I received this book from Revell Reads - all opinions are my own*
Discovering Irene Hannon's books years ago was such a delightful treat. I have enjoyed her mysteries a lot and over the years there have been different ones that I have thought were really great. They are clean (not graphic) and have great character development along with an interesting story and plot line. When I had a chance to receive and review a new cozy romance book of hers, Sandcastle Inn, I jumped at the chance. I was introduced to the precious world of Hope Harbor through this book and have immediately fallen in love and can't wait to read more from this series (there are a total of 10 books in the series).
Sandcastle Inn is the sweetest story of restoration and hope. A story about a woman (Vienna) who has unfortunately lost her job unexpectedly and has come to visit her mom who lives in the town of Hope Harbor encounters a beautiful town filled with characters who are weaving hope into each person that they encounter. I immediately felt like I knew everyone from Irene's rich descriptions (even down to her precious story of incorporating two sea gulls) and immediately wanted to know more about other characters in the book (who have been written about in previous books I would learn).
The sweet romance when Vienna meets Matt (another visitor to the town) was truly lovely. Both of them had experienced loss in different ways and the way that Irene wove this loss into restoration will give you hope in your own situations. I also loved the way that Irene included several different story lines involving another young couple who were in a desperate financial situation due to the actions of someone else. The gentle reminder of the Lord's provision through their story was one that really impacted me and brought this story alive in a deep way.
The beautiful setting near the ocean, the characters that have such a rich depth to them and the way that Irene Hannon weaves a tale of faith and hope in Sandcastle Inn was simply lovely. I can't wait to check out more books in this series!
I mentioned above that this book is part of the Hope Harbor Series. This book is number 10 and if you have not read any of the other books (as I had not) do not feel like you will be missing out or not understanding the characters. In fact it was the opposite for me- I wanted to go and find out more of the stories from this precious town! And good news- just in time for summer relaxing reading days- there are ten books in the series and Irene has announced that she will be writing two more of this series! You can find the entire series on Amazon HERE!
You can find Sandcastle Inn to purchase HERE!
Looking for a mystery book from Irene Hannon? I always love a good Irene Hannon mystery. They are all well written, what I would deem a "cozy mystery" with a touch of a bit of romance. They are always an enjoyable read. If you are looking for a light-hearted mystery, this one would be perfect! Here are a few of her mysteries that I have loved and that I would recommend:
Happy Thursday friends! I hope you have a wonderful day!
Happy Sunday friends! It is hard to believe that we already brought the second month of the 2022 year to a close! It has been flying for me and I hope that you are have a wonderful start to the new year!
Today I am so excited to share my book, movie, and TV review with y'all for February! Before I start though- if you have any suggestions for me for March please let me know! I am constantly looking for new ideas so please pass on your suggestions!
So my books for this month were varied and one was one that I had been trying to read and "get into" for a couple of years. Haha... so here we go!
{one} Tessa and Scott: Our Journey from Childhood Dream to Gold
With the Olympics coming in January I really wanted to read a book about the Olympics or about former Olympians. When I saw this book about Tessa and Scott (who are some of my favorite Ice Dancers ever!!) I was so intrigued and couldn't put it down. It is really fascinating to read so much of the "behind the scenes" story, of the triumphs, but also about the incredibly difficult things that they overcame. I can't recommend it enough- even if you don't like Ice Dancing you will enjoy this book! You can purchase it HERE.
{two} The Turquoise Table
This book I purchased back in 2019 and y'all I have started it nearly 20 times and it would end back up on my shelf of "to be read"....and unfortunately it wasn't my favorite. *sigh* I hate ever giving a bad review to an author-especially with a book that I feel has an incredible premise and the longing of connection and starting in your front yard, but after forcing myself to read through it this past just wasn't a favorite. I love the idea- I love the way of connecting with others right in front of you...but I honestly was bored as I read it and found a lot of the ideas and writing to simplistic, and a little out of touch (even if we were not in the midst of a pandemic). *sigh* I always want to be honest here, and want to love the book (I mean turquoise is one of my favorite colors even *smiles*), but I just can't recommend it. For the record- I am definitely in the minority here- it has a five star review on Amazon, it has started a movement across America and around the world so if you purchase it I would be so curious to hear what you think! (You can find it HERE!) Any thoughts?
{three} The Lady's Mine
From the beginning I want to say two very clear things about this book: (1) Francine Rivers is one of my favorite authors since I first discovered A Voice in the Wind when I was in 8th grade. (2) If you are looking for a very lighthearted book that is very atypical of her writing then this is a great book for you.
For me it was exceptionally hard to separate the Francine Rivers who has written such incredibly tough topics (something that has not always been seen in Christian writing- I would argue that she was a pioneer in this field) write such a "non thinking" book. I honestly don't know how else to describe it. At the back of the book she does describe that this is a lighthearted book, but I just felt like it was so lighthearted that the characters were out of place, very unbelievable, and it just didn't "flow". There were so many times where I honestly just didn't even like the main character of the book. I found her to be extremely prideful and I just didn't like "her". Her actions were rude (in my opinion) and while the book was supposed to examine whether one person could change a town, I felt like she wasn't changing everything in a good way, even though you are supposed to believe that the change was because of her. There was also a lot of drama all of a sudden at the end of the book with discovery of family connections, a fire, etc. It almost felt like she didn't know how to end the book so lots of drama was going to be added in.
*sigh* Again, I hate ever giving a bad review to an author-especially with an author who I really love, but it just wasn't a favorite. *sigh* I always want to be honest here, and want to love the book (I mean again- favorite author), but I just can't recommend it. For the record- I am definitely in the minority here- it has a 4.5 star review on Amazon so if you purchase it I would be so curious to hear what you think! (You can find it HERE!) Any thoughts?
Other book recommendations by Irene Hannon that I have read and loved that I would recommend:
Movies & TV
{One}Amazing Race
I know. I know. Some of you are laughing because we all know how much I love this show but I have to say the last few seasons I haven't enjoyed so much. So I was skeptical going into this season and honestly I am loving it! It is not just the fact that I miss traveling and it is so wonderful to see different parts of the world... this season feels more reminiscent of the older seasons where there "real" people who were given the opportunity to race around the world. It is great and I loved the ending! You can find it on Amazon Prime HERE.
{two}White Collar
Yes... we are still making our way through this and sad to know that we have less than 10 episodes left. If you missed what I wrote last month... here it is:
I know. I know. Yes. This came out in 2009. Yes there are some of you are laughing because you are assuming that I just like the show because of the sexy lead man. BUT y'all seriously. This is SO good. Last year Jacob kept telling me that I needed to watch this. I politely was like, "okay" and ignored it (sorry Jacob *hahaha*). About two weeks ago we were looking for something new to watch and this popped up. I thought- wait didn't I hear about this, asked Jacob and then started watching and it is SO.GOOD. Why did I wait so long? I have no idea. Haha. Now I message a lot of "WAIT. Is this person bad?" haha. So if you haven't watched it (we are still in the middle of season 1) yes it has a very cute man in it but it is also very very good! *smiles* You can find it on Amazon Prime HERE. Let me know what you think!
If you are curious about other book reading lists I have done in the past you can find those posts below:
2022 Book, Movie, and TV Reviews
2020 Book, Movie, and TV Reviews
2019 Book, Movie, and TV Reviews
Thank you so much for reading today! What about you- what have you been watching and reading that you would recommend for me for March?
Happy Wednesday friends! It is hard to believe that we have started the first day of July! The days feel like they are flying by!! Today I am so excited to share my book, movie, and TV review with y'all for June! Before I start though- if you have any suggestions for me for July please let me know! I am constantly looking for new ideas so please pass on your suggestions! A full disclaimer: I definitely chose to go with really easy-reading and non-serious books this month. It was a full month of learning about heavy subjects and dealing with some personal things so I was looking forward to reading "lighter" things in my reading.
{one}Being Known
I have shared so many times here on the blog about my love of Robin Jones Gunn's writings and so when her newest book was released this Spring I was so excited to save up my pennies and read it. I really enjoyed it and it had some things to really think through that I think are so relatable to lots of people (especially if you are married) with the concept of "emotional affairs". I haven't seen another Christian book address this in a tender way like this one did and so I would whole heartedly recommend it.
Similar book recommendations that I have read by Robin Jones Gunn that I would recommend to this book:
This was the first book in the series (but you could read them as stand alone books too) that I have talked about this book SO much on the blog - but it truly was something that I feel was her best book ever written! I took away so many precious nuggets from the story, cried and laughed through it and was completely encouraged. You can find it to purchase HERE.
Also by Robin Jones Gunn, this series (not written in first person *smiles*) is incredibly sweet and encouraging. You can read the books in any order but they do loosely follow and build on each other if you want to read them in order. And guess what? Hallmark is releasing the first book in the series (Secrets) as a Christmas movie this December! I am SO excited!
{two} Finding Stephanie
Years ago I discovered Susan May Warren as a writer and had read her 3 book series, "The Team Hope" collection (you can find it HERE). I found this book (the third in another series that she wrote in 2009 and thought I would try it. Honestly... I was bored. It felt like a bad Hallmark movie and I was bored reading it. I appreciated the message that was being conveyed, but it just didn't hold my attention and felt that the story was incredibly drawn out and dramatic. I hate to say it but I really can't recommend this unless you are looking for a very cheesy book.
{three} Dark Ambitions
Discovering Irene Hannon's books years ago was such a delightful treat. I enjoy her mysteries a lot and over the years there have been different ones that I have thought were really great. They are clean (not graphic) and have great character development along with an interesting story and plot line. I was excited to read her newest one, Dark Ambitions that came out this past year. It was interesting and had a twist that I didn't see coming. I would definitely recommend it.
Another thing that I enjoyed was the way that she brought in characters from one of my other favorite series (Private Justice Series) by her and it felt like you were being reunited with old friends. *smiles* I would definitely recommend this one!
Similar book recommendations that I have read that I would recommend to this book:
Movies & TV
Life is so busy at the cabin that we haven't watched any TV or Movies this month so I will definitely share more in the coming months! In the meantime we are loving the opportunity to read and talk and hang out!
If you are curious about other book reading lists I have done in the past you can find those posts below:
2020 Book, Movie, and TV Reviews
2019 Book, Movie, and TV Reviews
2019 Book, Movie, and TV Reviews
Thank you so much for reading today! What about you- what have you been watching and reading that you would recommend?
Happy Friday friends! It is hard to believe that we ending May! In some ways the days seem to move so slowly, and then other times it feels like they fly by during this time. Today I am so excited to share my book, movie, and TV review with y'all for May! Before I start though- if you have any suggestions for me for June please let me know! I am constantly looking for new ideas so please pass on your suggestions!
{one}Being Known
I have shared so many times here on the blog about my love of Robin Jones Gunn's writings and so when her newest book was released this Spring I was so excited to save up my pennies and read it. I really enjoyed it and it had some things to really think through that I think are so relatable to lots of people (especially if you are married) with the concept of "emotional affairs". I haven't seen another Christian book address this in a tender way like this one did and so I would whole heartedly recommend it.
Similar book recommendations that I have read by Robin Jones Gunn that I would recommend to this book:
This was the first book in the series (but you could read them as stand alone books too) that I have talked about this book SO much on the blog - but it truly was something that I feel was her best book ever written! I took away so many precious nuggets from the story, cried and laughed through it and was completely encouraged. You can find it to purchase HERE.
Also by Robin Jones Gunn, this series (not written in first person *smiles*) is incredibly sweet and encouraging. You can read the books in any order but they do loosely follow and build on each other if you want to read them in order. And guess what? Hallmark is releasing the first book in the series (Secrets) as a Christmas movie this December! I am SO excited!
{two} Journeying Through Grief
Over the last year I have been given so many (well-meaning) suggestions on books to read for grief. Many of them I found completely unhelpful and discouraging and a few i thought were "okay" but just didn't relate to me at all. At one point we were handed the first book in this four part book series, called A Time to Grieve. The paperback book is thin, easy to read and at first I tossed it on our table without another thought. A couple of weeks after my father died I picked it up (I am embarrassed to admit) to more become sarcastic over the book then anything. I opened it up and then started to read and immediately had tears. It was well written, incredibly kind and compassionate, and came from someone who obviously had experienced deep grief in their own life.
I can't recommend them enough and have started to hand them out to friends who are going through incredible heartache like we have experienced. And we have read through them hundreds of times ourselves.
If you are grieving and feeling like no one understands I can't recommend this series enough. Take the chance, reach out and get a copy because they will feel like a friend is tenderly embracing you.
If you are looking for a gift for a friend who is in grief I can't recommend this enough either. When you order it you receive four books:
Book 1: A Time to Grieve (to be sent 3 weeks after the loss)
Book 2: Experiencing Grief (to be sent 3 months after the loss)
Book 3: Finding Hope and Healing (to be sent 6 months after the loss)
Book 4: Rebuilding and Remembering (to be sent 11 months after the loss)
You will receive note cards even to include with suggested comments and notes to your loved one at these different stages and you will also have a reminder card so that you can help remember people throughout the year. I have to admit... this has been the hardest thing for me- people at the beginning are all around and then they just seem to forget... these books provide a tangible way to reach out and to remind people that you care deeply about them.
*full disclosure: you can find this set of books cheaper on the Stephen's Ministry website*
Similar book recommendations that I have read on grief that I would recommend to this book:
This book is not just for those in grief but for those who may be struggling with different circumstances in life. It is tenderly written and was an encouragement to me.
I really wanted to love this book like so many people did (and recommended to me) but for me it was not something that I found as encouraging as the books above. I do think that it would be helpful though and encouraging for some people so I am listing it here too.
*smiles* And all of my former students who may be reading this are laughing out loud that I am mentioning this book...
When this book came out in 2011 I was so excited and shared it with a ton of my former students who may or may not have been as excited. *smiles* I recently saw that it was on Amazon for $6 and wanted to read something lighthearted and fun and purchased it. It was interesting to read again the story of them but also the early days of their childhood, time at the university and their dating era. My mom ended up reading it too and we both agreed that it was something that was lighthearted and interesting to read!
Similar book recommendations that I have read that I would recommend to this book:
This is written by the same author who wrote the book above and is something that was really interesting to read if you like reading about the royal family.
{four} Choosing Life
I mentioned this last month, but wanted to mention it again here. I originally bought this devotional back in 2013 and have returned to it off and on over the years. I have always admired and appreciated Dodie's testimony of being miraculously healed of Cancer and her faith is so inspiring. This past month I decided to use this as my devotional again and I have been so gently encouraged. There is a devotional for each day and I find them to be simple and yet so full of truth! I definitely recommend this one! If you want to check it out you can find the book HERE.
{five} Choosing Life
I also mentioned this last month but wanted to mention it again too. I originally bought this book back in 2013 when I was first very very sick. It had a profound impact on my life then, but reading it through this past month ... after the loss of my dad was heart-wrenching and deeply healing. I took my time re-reading it and wept through it in many parts. Pete Greig expressed in more eloquent words than I ever could so many thoughts and feelings that I have had and struggled with and I can't recommend this book enough. I plan to do a whole post on it again but in the meantime - get the book. It is worth every single penny. If you want to check it out you can find the book HERE.
Movies & TV
Life has been so busy moving into the cabin and enjoying time at the lake that we haven't spent anytime in front of TV. When we have though we have been very purposeful to choose things that are light-hearted or funny or that are inspiring.We are still in the middle of somethings so I am going to save those reviews for next month y'all!
If you are curious about other book reading lists I have done in the past you can find those posts below:
Happy Friday friends! Thank you so much for reading today! What about you- what have you been watching and reading that you would recommend?
Happy Thursday friends! It is hard to believe that we are at the last day of April! In some ways the days seem to move so slowly, and then other times it feels like they fly by. Today I am so excited to share my book, movie, and TV review with y'all for April! Before I start though- if you have any suggestions for me for October please let me know! I am constantly looking for new ideas so please pass on your suggestions!
{one}Becoming Us
I have shared so many times here on the blog about my love of Robin Jones Gunn's writings and so when her newest book was released last year. I read the book this summer and fell in love with it so deeply that I decided to read it again this month.
I am so glad I did because in my opinion this book was one of the best ones that Robin has ever written. I took away so many precious nuggets from the story, cried and laughed through it and was completely encouraged. My tender heart walked away full and I can't wait for more of the books in this series. You can find it to purchase HERE.
Similar book recommendations that I have read and would recommend to this book:
Also by Robin Jones Gunn, this series (not written in first person *smiles*) is incredibly sweet and encouraging. You can read the books in any order but they do loosely follow and build on each other if you want to read them in order. And guess what? Hallmark is releasing the first book in the series (Secrets) as a Christmas movie this December! I am SO excited!
{two} Reshaping it All
I came across this book and was curious to read something light-hearted and encouraging. I found the book to be both and a very easy read with some lovely easy recipes. I would say that if you are looking for a book that makes you feel that you are sitting down and having a cup of coffee with a friend this is the book to read. Candace's story (of which she is incredibly honest) was interesting and encouraging. If you want to check it out you can find the book HERE.
{three} Balancing It All
This book was a disappointment to me. After reading the book above I went in search of another book of Candace's and honestly came away disappointed and a bit bored. I tried it several times and just was left wanting more. I ended up skimming through the pages and just felt like the writing was a little ...boring. I hate saying that about any book because as an author I know how hard it is to put your words from your heart into writing, but I honestly couldn't recommend this one. Anyone else feel this way if you read this book? If you want to check it out you can find the book HERE.
{four} Choosing Life
I originally bought this devotional back in 2013 and have returned to it off and on over the years. I have always admired and appreciated Dodie's testimony of being miraculously healed of Cancer and her faith is so inspiring. This past month I decided to use this as my devotional again and I have been so gently encouraged. There is a devotional for each day and I find them to be simple and yet so full of truth! I definitely recommend this one! If you want to check it out you can find the book HERE.
{five} Choosing Life
I originally bought this book back in 2013 when I was first very very sick. It had a profound impact on my life then, but reading it through this past month ... after the loss of my dad was heart-wrenching and deeply healing. I took my time re-reading it and wept through it in many parts. Pete Greig expressed in more eloquent words than I ever could so many thoughts and feelings that I have had and struggled with and I can't recommend this book enough. I plan to do a whole post on it again but in the meantime - get the book. It is worth every single penny. If you want to check it out you can find the book HERE.
Movies & TV
Life has been so busy despite the quarantine that we haven't spent a lot of time in front of TV. When we have though we have been very purposeful to choose things that are light-hearted or funny or that are inspiring.We are still in the middle of somethings so I am going to save those reviews for next month y'all!
If you are curious about other book reading lists I have done in the past you can find those posts below:
Happy Thursday friends! Thank you so much for reading today! What about you- what have you been watching and reading that you would recommend?
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