Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Our New Home

Come on over to WordPress and check out our new digs. Click on the following link and it will take you directly there - http://calabashyard.wordpress.com/ . Don't forget to make the change in your favourites.

See you on the other side.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


I have been tossing around the idea of moving my blog. Why? Well, for a variety of reasons. After doing some research and looking at numerous options I have decided to go with WordPress.

There will be very minor differences to the new blog. The name will stay the same and the content will be the same.

As soon as the change is made, I will update the blog and my readers with information on how to find us.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Me Ra Koh Photography Workshop

It was a little over 2 years ago that I realized every time I picked up my camera I was happy. I no longer wanted my camera to be just a point and shoot. I was eager to do more, I wanted to create. It's been a fun two years and I'm still learning.

What did I get from this weekend? Here's my short list:
1. New friends.
2. I'm talented and I'm good enough.
3. I'm the artist and my camera is the tool.
4. I'm very new to photo coaching but I will get it, at some point.
5. Crop in camera - it saves time.
6. Put down that flash- natural light is your friend.
7. It's time to take this "hobby" to the next level - how does Phillipa Dugaw Photography sound?

This is just a sample of shots I took this weekend. It was difficult and fun all in one

Monday, June 08, 2009

Fantastic Weekend

I just spent two days with some of the most inpiring people I could meet. Me Ra Koh Workshops are amazing! Me Ra and Brian - nuff respect to you both, you are truly the ones to help a girl move mountains.

There is so much to do and so much to share with you all, so stay tuned, more to come about this wonderful weekend.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Weekend

The weekend was suppose to be quiet. A time to get some things done around the house and to just hangout with the kids. Well, we ended up at two birthdays (including Malaika's), three BBQ's and a little bit of messing around. I'm telling you this has been one busy May, and it's still not over - phew. Maybe a little slowing down is in order for the coming weekend.

Pictures from BBQ #3

Messing Around

Friday, May 22, 2009

Our Big Girl Turns Two

Malaika celebrated her second birthday today. I wasn't planning on having any sort of get together for her. But while I was building up the idea of the day, she informed me that she wanted birthday cake. I couldn't resist. With our PEPS group meeting on Friday, our neighbourhood filled with kids and the fact that I didn't have to bake - we had the makings of a party.
Happy Birthday my Sweet Pea. Mummy, Daddy and Liam love you!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

We've Been Very Busy

Wow, talk about jumping right into life as we know it. Jamaica and Hawaii are now a thing of the past. Since coming home we have been on the go.

Liam is now 6-months old and finally got to enjoy the real thing they call food. He's had the opportunity to taste pears, peas and sweet potato (all in that order) and I have to say I'm really not sure if he's enjoying any of it. Next up will be avocados or maybe even bananas. He'll come around, we all did. He's sleeping really well at nights. Crazy, but it is now 11pm and the moment I typed that last line Malaika cried out...just my luck. When I checked on her the poor baby had fallen out of her bed. She's never done that before. Back to Liam, what a happy little guy if you smile for him believe me he will give you the biggest smile right back. And yes, his hair is red.

Talk about smiles, well Malaika gave off the biggest smile when we took her to see Sesame Street Live - Elmo's Green Thumb. She was bobbing her head to the songs and following all of her favourite characters all over the stage (Elmo, Big Bird, Ernie, Bert) she couldn't stop calling their names when we left.

We've had four straight days of beautiful weather in Seattle. So what do you do, you take advantage of it. We've gone to see the new penguin exhibit at the zoo. Taken the bus to the University Street Fair and enjoyed the our friends in the neighbourhood playing with bubbles, sidewalk chalk and water balloons. I think summer may actually be on the horizon.

The crazy thing is that May isn't even over yet- plus we still have a big birthday to celebrate. So stay tuned.