Caitlin Creer Interiors
Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Saturday shopping at the Acorn Antique Fair

I've blogged about Acorn before but I thought I would give all my local readers a heads up about the Antique Show this weekend. The Acorn Antique Fair is hands down the best Antique show in Utah and it only happens twice a year. You can bet I'll be there Saturday ready to fill my arms with one of a kind items. I'm especially excited to shop for a ski cabin I am currently working on.

The show is open Saturday November 6th from 9 AM-6PM and Sunday November 7th from 10 AM-5PM

If you need a little more encouragement, here are some photos from my past trips to Acorn:

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

H.D. Buttercup

I just spent the most amazing morning here.  
SO wonderful and so worth a visit. 
More details coming soon. 

Thursday, April 15, 2010


I got lots of great feedback in the comments from my last giveaway, but 
what I heard most was that you want to see more of my great finds. 

Well darlings, your prayers have been answered. 

These are 2 of my latest and greatest conquests. 

This set of 4 metal thonet style chairs were only 4 for $5. Yes that is right, $1.25 each. 
How I found them and rescued them from a back room at an animal shelter is an entirely different story. 
 I keep thinking about what color to paint them. I'll let you know what I decide. 
These are going to be gorgeous for patio dining, don't you think? 
I'm getting lots of inspiration from Jenny's wonderful post here

My second score is equally wonderful. 

I snagged these child sized wood folding chairs from a new antique store opening up 
in town.They sang to me the moment I saw them. Winston loves them too, 
and you know I love anything vintage. The patina on these is just beautiful. 

Unfortunately for my clients, both of these are staying at my house. 
I'm headed to look at a craigslist table tonight that would be a great compliment to my chairs. 

Wish me luck. 

Thursday, March 25, 2010

lovely things from Land's End

Have you taken note of Land's End lately? 
Lots of pretty things want to hop into my shopping cart. 

Like this lovely Herringbone Throw

Thanks to my client Angie for passing these along. 

Friday, February 19, 2010

Acorn Antique Fair

You may remember that a few months ago I went to a wonderful Antique Fair in Ogden, Utah. I blogged about it here. Well it just so happens that this weekend Acorn is back. I'm already for tomorrow with a list a mile long of what I need for client's homes. 

Wish me luck, maybe I'll see you there. For more info head here

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

buttons and ribbons and trim, oh my!

Kathryn is one of my best friends in NY. Kathryn has a blog where she tells about all the wonderful things to do and see and eat in New York. Kathryn also happens to be an AMAZING photographer. She posted these beautiful pictures from one of my favorite New York spots, M&J trimming recently. 

Aren't they lovely? 

Monday, September 21, 2009

in Pieces

Susan and Perry from my absolute favorite beyond favorite store, Pieces just emailed me some gorgeous new shots they had taken of the store. I seriously just want to move right in. 

If you want to be inspired go take a look at their website

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A visit with Kate

Of course I had to stop by the 5th avenue Kate Spade store. I was hoping to to see the crazy striped floor that everyone has blogged about, but Iw as surprised to find they had already revamped their look. 

Nonetheless I got to touch and see and feel all their BEAUTIFUL new clothes. I was also smitten with this sweet gallery wall framing the doorway. Love the idea of busying up the doorway with lots of varying frames. 

Thank you Kate, let's do it again soon! 

*excuse the horrible pictures, they were from my blackberry

Sunday, August 16, 2009

another reason to love nailhead

I just bought a pair of these darling ottomans for a client. They arrived the other day and they are even better looking in person {and better quality than I expected too}. My client and I died when we saw what a fabulous price they were. I think these are the bargain of the week, I just wish they came in other colors. 

Friday, August 14, 2009

Second Hand Chic

I was visiting one of my favorite vintage shops yesterday and got chatting with Kelly, the owner. She is a sweetheart. In fact she is a such a sweetheart that she did a post about my business on her blog

If you are in the Salt Lake area you should stop by Second Hand Chic, they have amazing items and wonderful prices! 

Thanks Kelly! 

Monday, July 13, 2009

a little zig and a little zag

Revival Home and Garden (one of my favorite online spots) has these adorable Twinkle Living pillows which I have long been coveting on sale. 

I don't think I can help snatching a pair up!