My inbox has been flooded this week with clients old and new trying to get a jump on their home projects for 2011. This made me think about what I want to accomplish in my home and business in 2011. Hopefully writing these down and sharing them with all of you will make me a little more accountable.I did spend a good deal of time over the holidays just trying to get organized and get some home projects done so I'm on the right track.
Here's my list for 2011:
1. Tie up loose ends on main floor of my home. This includes replacing a few light fixtures, having some paint touched up, having a new door installed on my hall closet, and replacing a few old outlet covers.
2. Get shades made for kitchen windows
3. Find a rug for the kitchen
4. Get new threshold for back door
5. Hang all the art that is leaning against the walls in my bedroom and hallways.
6. Find a shower curtain for my upstairs bathroom
7. Plant the flower beds in my front yard
8. Pull together my back patio with furniture and decor
9. Hopefully redo our basement!
10. Wallpaper my entry
and for my business:
1. Set up my portfolio and professional website
2. Have some of my projects photographed
3. Attend more antique shows
4. Find some new fabric sources
6. Finish my office and get my client files more organized
7. Blog at least 3x a week
8. Grow my sponsorship on my blog
9. Have a virtual yard sale for all you awesome readers!
10. Get new business cards printed