Totally out of my comfort zone. That's what I did about three months ago. I participated in something totally outside of my comfort zone.
While I have a very ecumenical
background and have even meditated before (how I came to do that is a completely different story), I never sat in a circle with
people and chanted the word "OM" for any length of time, let alone
45 minutes. But I believe it is important to step outside of our comfort
zone as it is one of the ways we learn and grow.
Before the chanting began, a man spoke. I really
enjoyed listening to his teaching. Having grown up attending church every Sunday, I was exposed to weekly teaching/preaching. I learned to discern who was solid about what they were saying and who was just talking. This teacher seemed like the real deal which always makes listening easier.
Once the session started, I thought, "I have
no idea how to "do" this but if what the teacher said is true, there
really shouldn't be any "right" or "wrong" way for me to do this. I will chant and sit as I've been instructed and do
my best not to "get in the way" of whatever happens during this
session. Therefore, I sat comfortably, didn't worry about what note my chant
was or whether or not it was "in tune" with anyone else. Then I spent most of the time staring at the jeans of the woman sitting in front
of me.
As I stared at the jeans of the woman in front of
me, several images came into my mind. I speculated that
perhaps this was an indication that I was thinking too much.
So, I just stopped thinking, as best I could, anyway. I started to just listen.
I could hear and even feel vibrations. I noticed
that there were times when we all seemed
to be "in tune" with each and other times I actually heard
harmonies. I found this delightful. I have heard that can happen. Sitting in a room and listening to the way things changed tonally over the course of 45 minutes... it was beautiful, lovely and... good.
For me, this demonstrates how important it is to
be mindful about who and what we allow to surround us. Eventually, we end
up becoming more like the things and/or people around us. These metronomes
demonstrate this phenomenon. Ask any woman old enough to have her menstrual
cycle and she will probably be able to share examples of how she eventually
came to share the same menstrual cycle as the other women with whom she lived or even worked.
A few days after my participation in this OM
Healing session, people were killed and injured in the Boston Marathon bombings. Those bombs sent off vibrations that impacted all of us, to varying degrees.
Throughout that week, I remembered things the OM Healing teacher had said. Love is what is between us. We plug into it or we don't. We practice it and live it out or we don't. I was sad, angry, overwhelmed and at times scared. But then... there was so much love all of us in Boston had shown each other and the nation and the world in the ways we lifted each other up. There are amazing stories of courage, sacrifice, heroism and love.
Like the metronomes, menstrual cycles and marathon bombings, we influence those around us.
What synchrony are you achieving right now? What is influencing you and who are you becoming?
What synchrony are you achieving right now? What is influencing you and who are you becoming?