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Food, food culture, food as culture and the cultures that grow our food

Do AND talk

May 6, 2011

Some folks are all talk and no do, but this last year, I’ve been all do and no talk. Apologies for my extended absence and may this post mark a movement towards striking a balance between the two.

Foodscape Schilderswijk: Kids planting plum trees in the Wellington Hof in the Hague's Schilderswijk, URBANIAHOEVE Social Design Lab for Urban Agriculture, Debra Solomon
Foodscape Schilderswijk: kids initiating the planting of the Wellington Hof Plum Orchard

In the past year I started a foundation for urban agriculture in Amsterdam and the Hague called URBANIAHOEVE, Social Design Lab for Urban Agriculture. URBANIAHOEVE, for short. We’ve been producing a gamut of projects (and pilots) that are working examples of the kind of urban agriculture that we want in our cities. Small but real food-system infrastructure, foodscapes built on existing green infrastructure by the existing social infrastructure.

Foodscape Schilderswijk: planting berries in the Wellington Hof Foraging Forest in the Hague's Schilderswijk, URBANIAHOEVE Social Design Lab for Urban Agriculture, Debra Solomon
Foodscape Schilderswijk: Planting a future foraging forest in the Wellington Hof

With locals, schools and organisations we are producing orchards and edible landscape architecture right in the public space of a Hague neighbourhood.

DIY Mmmmuseum of Oven Typologies, making a tamped earth oven, Art at the Pool, Sloterparkbad, URBANIAHOEVE Social Design Lab for Urban Agriculture, Debra Solomon
DIY Mmmmuseum of Oven Typologies: tamped earth ovens barely outta beta

After its successful pilot last summer, we’ll soon be implementing our playful and public urban kitchen infrastructure at 4 Amsterdam locations, complete with a monthly programme (this fall) that will introduce different constellations of folk to DIY outdoor oven technology.

DIY Mmmmuseum of Oven Typologies, kids using a tamped earth oven, Art at the Pool, Sloterparkbad, URBANIAHOEVE Social Design Lab for Urban Agriculture, Debra Solomon
DIY Mmmmusem of Oven Typologies: kids monopolizing and/or owning the ovens

URBANIAHOEVE’s projects, like all urban agriculture, require a huge amount of work produced by a devoted and almost indefatigable team, by numerous project participants, developed with, and supported generously by inspirational partners.

Foodscape Schilderswijk: harvesting herbs at the Wellingtonstraat planters in the Hague's Schilderswijk, URBANIAHOEVE Social Design Lab for Urban Agriculture, Debra Solomon
Foodscape Schilderswijk: Harvesting herbs in the public space

Though our work is ongoing, finally I can begin the satisfying process of reflection and reporting on what we’re doing. By ‘we’ I really do mean WE. The URBANIAHOEVE blog will report tersely in project copy in Dutch and English, but Culiblog will be the place where I can still dish the real dirt on urban agriculture.

debra at 21:32 | | post to del.icio.us

1 Comment »

  1. -Love it- !

    Comment by jeff Pool — June 5, 2011 @ 17:54

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