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Food, food culture, food as culture and the cultures that grow our food

Imagining Kate

April 9, 2008

Come Back Kate film still by Quirine Racké and Helena Muskens=”Come Back Kate film still by Quirine Racké and Helena Muskens used entirely with permission

The Kate Bush Party at Mediamatic this Friday evening promises give-us-a-twirl dress-up, lighters-in-the-air sing-a-long and a generous format screening of Quirine Racké and Helena Musken’s poignant art rockumentary Come Back Kate. The evening will also premiere the Imagining Kate cocktail, designed especially for the Ladies and the Mediamatic event. Hard to think of a better way to enjoy a Friday night, heterosexual men are welcome. Reserve now.

Imagining Kate, the Kate Bush Cocktail accompanying the Come Back Kate party at Mediamatic, Debra Solomon / Culiblog.org

Imagining Kate cocktail innovation

Imagining Kate, the Kate Bush Cocktail accompanying the Come Back Kate party at Mediamatic, Debra Solomon / Culiblog.org
Imagining Kate Cocktail Recipe (serves 1)

Freeze cocktail glasses. In a blender combine:

- 40 ml absinth (55-60% variety)
- 15 ml orgeade
- 1 egg white
- dash of violet liqueur
- 6 ice cubes
- vanilla grains (1/16th of one pod)

Blend ingredients until frothy. Rub the rim of the glass with female pheromone solution. Swirl blender before pouring to ensure that all of the vanilla grains are poured along with the foamy cocktail.

Imagining Kate, the Kate Bush Cocktail accompanying the Come Back Kate party at Mediamatic, Debra Solomon / Culiblog.org
Taste testing the Imagining Kate cocktail. It has nice mouth feel, super sexy after-buzz, a light landing, and it leaves a pleasant mustache.

debra at 23:36 | | post to del.icio.us


  1. O I really look forward to this.
    Klaas from MM had a very good suggestion when I asked him what he thought a Kate cocktail should look like:
    Something with long black hair?
    CU there!

    Comment by rob — April 10, 2008 @ 17:19

  2. Look’s fantastic…. If you’re in the movie do you get to have a free one?

    Comment by BlurbVurt — April 11, 2008 @ 16:09

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