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Food, food culture, food as culture and the cultures that grow our food

Carbohydrates and conviviality

September 10, 2007

Valentina de Lorenzis pasta typologies
Pasta shapes developed by Valentina de Lorenzis

What is it about carboydrate-rich food that just screams conviviality? Valentina de Lorenzis, a recent graduate of the Man and Humanity Masters at the Design Academy Eindhoven, chose pasta to investigate this very subject. The result was an array of new pasta typologies, a hand held pastamaker that fits in the palm of your hand and a video starring her grandmother.

hand-held pasta maker by Valentina de Lorenzis
Prototype pasta shell by Valentina de Lorenzis

Folks that buy their pasta at the supermarket probably don’t realise that in Italy most pasta forms are as distinct as the people that make them. Sometimes only the hands are used to make unusual shapes, or a thin stick to produce shapes that probably at some point inspired food industry macaroni. Even a kitchen tool like a grater can be used to provide some sauce-gripping reliëf. de Lorenzis’ project was not so much about producing a thingy-thingy or new typologies (although she did both of these things), but about the conviviality, community and identity elements of home pasta making. Something for the food trend watchers to chew on…

Valentina de Lorenzis pasta typologies
Pasta texture is all about variations in sauce-grip and mouth-feel, and what else?

Valentina de Lorenzis pasta typologies

Valentina de Lorenzis pasta typologies
Male energy?

Valentina de Lorenzis pasta typologies
An array of pasta shapes produced using de Lorenzis’ palm-held pasta maker.

debra at 12:39 | | post to del.icio.us

1 Comment »

  1. This looks wonderful: where can I get one?

    Comment by Gail Wells Hess — February 24, 2008 @ 7:19

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