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Food, food culture, food as culture and the cultures that grow our food

Design in Marketing and Communication

October 24, 2006

Li Edelkoort
Image of design and trend guru Li Edelkoort blurred and playfully purpled almost beyond recognition, but not entirely. Used without permission.

Whereas I’m sure that any of us can come up with a sexier conference title, it’s thrilling to see so much food related design and sustainability in the programme lineup. This two-day conference with the most boring title in the world deserves our attention, if for no other reason than that there are nearly an equal number of male and female speakers. I’ll be there, and I’ll return with a wordy and personable event review.
In English.

Wednesday afternoon’s programme will include a tour of the spanking new Design Academy exam show and a short ceremony for the Sustainability in Design Award 2006. That’s not the end of the action. Dinner is a brainstorm session with Gijs Bakker (Droog Design) in which all the smart people will be encouraged to speak out loud. But it is espeically Thursday that has peaked my curiosity, ‘breakout sessions’ with Katja Gruijters, Marije Vogelzang and Birgitta deVos et l’Ă©minence grise, Li Edelkoort keeping it real as keynote speaker.

debra at 0:56 | | post to del.icio.us

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