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Food, food culture, food as culture and the cultures that grow our food

The most beautiful teapot in the world

April 11, 2005

Finally I can sit quietly with the several thousand images from my trip to Delhi and reflect.
WIth a pot of tea.
A giant pot of tea.
In a teapot from Bihar.
Bought at a craftsmarket in Delhi.
Made from dark clay, neither fired very hot, nor glazed.
Looks like it was fashioned by a caveman with a large extended family.
The lid doesn’t fit.
It’s perfect.

debra at 13:36 | | post to del.icio.us


  1. I’ll be back in the Low Country on the 21st of April.

    Comment by debra — April 11, 2005 @ 14:01

  2. HI debra.. remember me!! frm the Nomadic Banquet wrkshop! where in delhi did u pick up that?its awesm
    anywayz. i didnt hv ur email so had 2 contact u through this. I am making a website for “Foods of Chandani Chowk(old Delhi) as a project for this semester.My target audience are ppl like you. So if you can help me with The User’s needs analysis it wd be gr8. Juss say a few wrds abt wat would you like to have in a website/ interactive map for locating the various foods of chandani chowk.If its possible for you to share any information on Chandani chowk with me i wd be glad.

    My email address: deepika26@gmail.com

    Will be waiting for your response

    Comment by deepika — April 13, 2005 @ 18:20

  3. Well Hello Deepika,

    Nice to hear from you and it sounds like a great idea. One way you could get started is to inventarise all of the foods available - and have images of these. You’ll have a great collection, don’t forget to include the boring foods. People like me (a foreigner, a foodie) need to check out the lay of the land.

    Also I would need to see as well who is selling, who is buying. There is the funniest collection of images by the Dutch photographers Versluis & Uyttenbroek. They took photographs of all the grannies with that happened to be walking around with the same sort of wind cheater, or all the flannel wearing gay men, or all the ethnic Moroccan teenage girls… in Rotterdam. The image collections show how much everyone in one group looks the same, and conversely it makes you focus on the details and differences. http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/9064504555/infoline0f-21/202-9828145-6179040

    Comment by debra — April 13, 2005 @ 19:00

  4. Indeed, Debra, this is a most beautiful teapot. May you enjoy it many years and in good health.

    Comment by dad — April 17, 2005 @ 0:53

  5. Thanks Dad! And I didn’t even have to photoshop the steam into the shape of a heart.

    Comment by debra — April 17, 2005 @ 10:00

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