tag. -->

Thursday, September 29, 2011

[Eat] California Black Figs

so yummy!  i've been peeling and eating them by the handful.  they're also really good as a spread on toast or tucked into a grilled cheese sandwich.  admittedly not the prettiest fruit in the world, but they say "autumn" to me as much as pumpkins and squash.  do you eat figs?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

[this→that] - unconventional light fixtures

Baskets?  Pots?  Jars?  Birdcages?  Not the first things that I think of when considering lighting for my home.  Here are some creative and economical conversation pieces that bring light and whimsy into a space-

[birdcage chandelier via jesyka ditri :: buy similar here]

[wire basket pendant via the virginia house :: another diy here via ashley ann photography :: buy similar here]

[ceramic bowl pendant via country living :: purchase similar here]

[wicker basket light via house to home :: diy here via two ellie]

[wind turbine pendant lights via design sponge :: buy similar here]

[ikea pot pendant via var-dags-rum]

[mason jar lights :: another tutorial here via kara paslay designs :: buy similar here]

I'm not one to mess with wires and electricity, but with the hanging light kits that can be purchased at hardware stores (and ikea), pretty much the sky's the limit-- collanders, tupperware, doily art, tin cans with pin holes... I think I've seen it all.  If you want it hanging from your ceiling, it's possible!  When it comes to installation though, be safe and hand it over to a professional electrician.  No need to look like this ;)--

Monday, September 26, 2011

Oh Martha Monday - Fall Leaves

It's officially Autumn here in the Northern Hemisphere (yahoo!), so I feel like it's finally okay to delve into some Fall-inspired projects.  Martha Stewart has so many great ideas (especially where holidays and seasons are involved) that I'm going to break it out over the next several Mondays.  Since I just love fall leaves, I thought I'd start with that today.  Enjoy!

these colorful leaves are preserved in wax

i like how these "leaves" are food safe.  on my future to do list.

vintage paper leaf wreath
another creative book page wreath

thanksgiving tablescape inspiration

love this natural & eyecatching centerpiece

fall foliage wreath
the leaves are cut from kraft & shimmery paper

Have a great week!

Friday, September 23, 2011

[Make] Painted Burlap Leaves

I love Fall-- I especially look forward to the crisp air and falling leaves.  However, where I live, it usually doesn't start to look or feel like Fall until late November/early December. sigh.  I'm a bit impatient so I decided to create my own "fall colors".  With some burlap scraps, scissors and paint, these Painted Burlap Leaves are easy and pretty quick to make. 

At first I wasn't exactly sure what to do with them, but then decided to go with my old standby- a garland for my family room mantel--

the low-down
download the leaf template [HERE].
to save time, i folded up the burlap in thirds so that I could cut out 3 leaves at a time

these metallic paints give the burlap a little color and sheen. 
to stiffen the material, i painted both sides of the leaf. burlap tends to fray so the paint also helps hold the fibers together.

i cut up a sponge applicator, then went to town-- blot and dab, blot and dab....

painting the burlap was my favorite part.  on some leaves i used one color, others 2-4 different colors.  keep it light, there really is no right or wrong.  the paint dries pretty quickly and i used a hot glue gun to attach the leaves to twine.

This is pretty much it for my Fall decor.  I'm keeping it simple this year.  I'll probably take out some pumpkins, but the rest will stay put in the closet. 

Do you decorate for Fall?  

sharing with:

PhotobucketThe Shabby Nest

Thursday, September 22, 2011

[Organize] Nail Head Memo Board

A Family Memo Board has been on my to-do list for a while.  I was so happy (and relieved) when The Mister hung it up the night before school started.  Now I don't feel so lost in the sea of paperwork that seems to accompany the beginning of each new school year.  If I'm not sure where I have to be, and when, I just have to consult with the handy dandy Memo Board. It knows everything... I think.

the 24x36 board fits nicely on the short wall between  my pantry and kitchen

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

[Eat] Lemon & Triple Ginger Snap Ice Cream

Snurp... snnummm....yumrp.... yum, yum, smack... (that was me after the first tentative bite)

Lemon & Triple Ginger Snap Ice Cream.... Nope, it didn't make my "ooh, that sounds delicious, I must try it immediately" list either.  But after hearing rave reviews from several food-ista friends (plus a couple of TJ employees), I decided to give it a go. 

I don't know who dreamt up this combination-- lemon (think sweet lemon gelato as opposed to sour lemon sorbet) with chunks of ginger snap dough scattered throughout.  Seriously. Genious.

I couldn't even keep this "vanilla-only" child away.  He asked to try it, then downed my entire bowl--

Try it, you might like it!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Oh Martha Monday - September 2011

I really enjoyed the September 2011 issue of Martha Stewart Living.  I thought I'd share a few of my favorite articles.

great idea for trivets... diy holiday gifts, perhaps?

another way to spruce up an old or plain dresser
i need to do something like this for my family... shoes and backpacks are everywhere!


pretty, simple and not too spendy

a creative way to bring the outdoors in

a family friendly home. i especially love the leather banquette and the enzo mari prints
[brooklyn brownstone home tour of Pilar Guzman, MSL's editor-in-chief]

i recently read "loving frank", a novel about frank lloyd wright's mistress and their very colorful and tragic life together.  it was interesting to read about his hollyhock house in los angeles.

Happy Monday!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Weekly Inspiration ~ 9.17.2011

This week I was inspired by...

i've been looking for ideas on how to use glass microbeads... i love this idea of using them to decorate cards and gift tags.
[glass microbead tags and cards via pugly pixel]

the contrast is stunning, and i really like the natural design on the wallpaper.
[wallpapered chest of drawers via swoon worthy]

i'm a beach girl at heart, so these painted surf art prints appeal to me. very clever to make them look like polaroid photos! 
[polaroid paintings via magic markings art]

i love books, i love succulents... of course i love this centerpiece!
[succulent book planter via what lauren loves :: project by green wedding shoes :: as seen on pinterest]

great idea to spruce up a string of christmas lights
[origami lights tutorial via freshly picked]

love the 3d aspect, how creative!
[painted wood scrap wall art via salvage love :: as seen on how about orange]

It's been a little hectic the past few weeks and the blog has been somewhat on autopilot.  I appreciate all the comments and I hope to catch up with everyone this week.

So what's been going on?  School and illness.  Lets start with school.

Smarty Pants started school a couple of weeks ago.  He was anxious about starting Kindergarten, but after the first day he proudly proclaimed that he just "LOOOOOOVES" school.  He just completed his second week and the love is still there.  Phew, big sigh of relief!

So while Smarty Pants was thoroughly enjoying his new endeavors, his 3 year old brother was left a little lost and confused. So I had to be the stand-in brother-- I was playing lots of bubbles, play doh, trucks and was even coaxed into riding my 5 year olds scooter (thank goodness I didn't break it!)   He adores his big brother and looks to him for all things fun, rambunctious and naughty.  Luckily Happy Vee starts preschool this coming week and he's really looking forward to it (we did a trial run on Thursday and he had a great time!).  Just need to work on the potty training... Gah!

We also had a nasty stomach bug that passed through our home of the 24 hour variety.  Lysol and I are now good friends. Thank goodness it's on its way out-- you remember that pie eating scene in the movie Stand by Me?  I shall elaborate no further.   Both are on the mend and hopefully everyone will be healthy (the boys) and well-rested (me) by Monday.

Hope you're having a great weekend!