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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Bubble Party Inspiration

balloon bubble wall decor via martha stewart ipad app; as seen on pizzazzerie ::  bubble candle via cutie patootie::  croquembouche via la fuji mama ::  popsicles as seen on pinterest ::  polka dot straws via sweet estelle ::  cupcake liners via cupcake social  ::  paper garland via martha stewart

This week I had some fun planning Happy Vee's Bubble Birthday Party.  I'm happy to report that, unless I completely go off the deep-end-- which is always a possibility when parties are concerned... but highly unlikely since the kiddos have been running me ragged with their summer activities and I can barely keep my peepers open past 9 PM... and even if i were awake during my peak creating hours, how can you complicate something like a bubble? do you like my stream of consciousness? ha ha!  ANYHOW-- it's the best theme EVER because it's Fun and Simple!

I've determined that you need only 3 ingredients for the Perfect Bubble Party: 

Circles? check.

Balloons? check

Bubbles? check. 

That's it. Well okay, some snacks and dessert would be nice, and perhaps a couple of activities for the kids... but my plan is to keep that as simple as possible too.  Sometimes, simplicity rocks!

Hope your week's wrapping-up nicely.  Happy Friday!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Oh Martha Monday - Summer

What does summer mean to you?

for me, summer means...
long hot days...
preferably at a beach... with white, clean sand... did i mention secluded?
(wha??... okay, i'll take an occasional ocean breeze...)

wonderful balmy evenings

sweet, juicy fruit-- the kind that dribbles down your chin and stains your clothes

the thick, sweet smell of jasmine in the air

something cool and refreshing to devour

relaxing without guilt, usually with a "guilty" book in hand

the smell of something delicious smoking on the grill

happily barefoot, good for both the sole and soul :)

and, just to keep it real, this summer also means... potty training!  unfortunately, i couldn't find any tips from martha, but i did find this article for puppies (some of the same rules apply... i'm kidding... sorta.)

Have a "cool" Monday!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Weekly Inspiration ~ 6.26.11

Here's some inspiration that I've gathered this week...

big leaf printing-- so pretty, and an easy diy or kid's project
via kleas ::  as seen on pinterest

rustic, yet elegant, patio decor
via centsational girl

milk party-- very creative and how cute are the "milk shots" ??
via hostess with the mostess

my soon-to-be kindergartner might benefit from this "penmanship" pillow
via shop dirtsa

pretty white gold "bubble" necklace
via in style boutique

darling gender-neutral nursery... love the pinwheel wall
via e tells tales (nursery tour here; pinwheel tutorial here)

Where did this weekend go?  Hope you had a lovely one!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

♫♫♪ Everything is Coming Up Bu-bbles ♫♫♪

It's hard to believe, but Happy Vee's 3rd birthday is next month.  I feel like it was just a couple of months ago that I was planning his Funny Lil' Man Party...Time is sure flying by quickly! 

He's still my funny lil' man, full of energy, smiles and a bit of mischief.  Some things have changed-- he's grown quite a bit and weighs the same as his 5 year old brother, he has many more words and now says stuff like "brother made me do it" and "I dunno, it happens sometimes" and, although I didn't think it possible, he has a LOT more energy.  

However, some things have not changed-- He's still mama's boy and will randomly call out "I love you mommy!" throughout the day (aww!);  He gives great, big hugs; He still doesn't know his colors... has me a little worried at times;  He absolutely ADORES his big brother and watches him like a hawk, impersonates him and basically is his little shadow; His favorite things are play doh, balloons and.... BUBBLES!

He actually surprised me when he asked for a bubble birthday party. I didn't think he'd have a strong preference and was thinking about a Mo Willem-inspired  Pigeon theme, you know... with hot dogs (he loves the pigeon books!), but after his request, there was really no question that Happy Vee would have a Bubble Birthday Party!

So the party planning has officially begun!  Here's where I'm at so far...
i've a feeling that many, many more circles are in my future....

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Inspired by Ombre

Whimsical, Fun and Perfect for Summer

ombré (äm′brā′) - 
a gradual change in shade from light to dark or from one color to another.
1. long skirt  2. curtain  3. pendant lampshade  4. dresser 
5. nail polish  6. latte bowls  7. iphone case

I'll be back later with a project update. Hope your week is going well!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Oh Martha Monday - Milk Paint

Although it's pretty much the standard for crafters, spray paint and I don't really get along.  The smell (wha', I'm supposed to wear a mask?), the drips (I'm impatient and always over-spray), the lost brain cells (whassa mask?)... So that said,  this is why Milk Paint appeals to me-- it's environmentally friendly, doesn't require a primer, has a light & perfectly imperfect finish and, ba-da-bum-bum, no noxious fumes!

Here are some Milk Paint Projects from some of my favorite bloggers:

 milk paint chair via urban comfort
more detailed information on painting with milk paint here

herringbone milk paint wall design via design sponge

milk paint chair via ish & chi

milk paint kitchen via apartment therapy

and lest you think that milk paint only comes in white, here's a project with some color!
milk paint dresser & tutorial via design sponge

Martha has the recipe if you're interested in making your own Milk Paint:

 homemade milk paint recipe here
instruction on how to paint with milk paint here

and if you're concerned about the sour milk aspect, it can also be purchased ready-made here, here and here

One of my projects on the back burner is to transform some dark "tuscan" frames and assessories... I may have found a medium that will work! What do you think about milk paint? Any experience with it? Do tell!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Currently Noshing on... Something Sweet & Salty

nom...nom...nom... slurp!
and if you're craving something really refreshing, watermelon is pretty tasty too!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Weekly Inspiration ~ 6.17.2011

Here's a little inspiration to carry you through the weekend...

 felt heart confetti via lilac saloon
pillow cover via skinny la minx
pretty summer dresses via tibi
homemade lemonade stand popsicles via somewhere splendid
diy custom paper tape via just something i made

We stepped out of town for a few days and I'm busy trying to catch up with the realities of life (aka tackling a mountain-load of laundry).  I'll be back later to catch up!

Have a lovely weekend.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Up-organize ~ from Paper Towels to...

Pretty Duct Tape
and the not-so-pretty, but very functional, scotch tape
Up-organize = Upcycle + Organization tool
(aka get organized without buying more stuff)

I've had this cheap, cheap, cheap paper towel holder for years.  When we moved a couple of years ago, I "rediscovered" it and decided to transform it into something useful.  Since it's lightweight & flimsy, it made a horrible paper towel holder... but it works really well as a tape organizer.  And it's kinda nice that everything is in one place. For some reason, my scotch tape has a habit of wandering and this contraption keeps it all together-- no more going crazy when I'm doing a last-minute gift wrap!
have you seen all the pretty duct tape that's out there?

fun for crafts (kid's flame frame)...

and also gift wrap

it's also nice having the tape out and ready for use.
if i stored it away in a container, i'd forget to use it!

p.s. click here for more Up-Organizing ideas

Hope you're having a wonderful week!