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Friday, June 3, 2011

Weekly Inspiration ~ 6.03.2011

Wow, how are we already in June!  This was our last week of school and summer vacation officially starts on Monday.  How nutty is that??!!  I have so many things that I'd like to accomplish this summer on the homefront, plus we have a couple of family vacations scheduled-in, as well as a ton of activities to keep the boys entertained...  I have a feeling that this summer will just fly-by!

So let's get on with it. Here are some things that inspired this week:

i love this 3-D print monogram...
it would fit right in with Smarty Pant's Car Lamp and Car Frame
and this butterfly monogram is adorable too!  easy to diy with pretty paper and a butterfly punch.

i love unconventional & unique family photos
reminded by pinterest :: as seen on poppytalk :: photographed by lori andrews

doesn't this orzo salad look delish? num-num-num...
via centsational girl

these crocheted TOMS are calling to me... or maybe it's these glitters (??)

love this summer "to do" list... maybe i should make one since my boys have rearranged the furniture and are reenacting "monster trucks: the loud & crashing movie"-- whatever you're imagining, it's even worse!
via whatever...

Have a wonderful weekend!!