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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Up-organize ~ from Baby Bottles to...

Washi Tape!

i liked it as a bottle rack, but it'll get much more use as a washi tape holder!

Up-organize = Upcycle + Organization tool
(aka get organized without buying more stuff)

I think I found the perfect place to store my washi tape.  My old baby bottle rack (a skip hop splash if you're wondering) makes it easy to access the tape, spins around so I can easily see the selection, and there's even a place for scissors.  Plus, it's lightweight and I love the modern design-- double bonus! At first I had my washi tape on an old paper towel holder, but when I wanted to remove one roll of tape, I had to remove all of them... which was kind of a pain!  So the former baby bottle rack has a new & improved job and I even found a better use for the paper towel holder--  I'll be sharing that later!

and the best part?  i still have room for more!!! 
yes, the washi tape obsession lives on.  :)

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