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Monday, June 6, 2011

Hoop Wall Art - For the Boys

Who says that Boys and Embroidery Hoops don't go together?
i hung this "masculine" Hoop Wall Art in the boys' joint bathroom.

it's light, whimsical and adds a touch of fun to an otherwise long & boring wall.

the boys love dogs, especially spaniels & bulldogs, so i couldn't pass up these tea towels when i found them in the sale section at anthropologie.

i also hung up their button monograms above each towel bar-- it helps with the "which towel is mine?" and "i don't know where to hang my towel up!"  type dilemmas.

And in other news...

Happy Vee's cast (aka the crab claw) is off!  And none to soon, the white part was looking mighty dirty... especially after he tried to "wash" it with grandma's watering can... And in case you're wondering, the cast does get soft when wet, which is why you're not supposed to get it wet in the first place... but try explaining that to a 2 year old.  Luckily it hardened up pretty quickly after a little towel drying.

When the cast was first removed, he had separation anxiety and wanted me to tape it back on.  But now that he's finally adjusted to being "claw" free, he says that he's tired of orange and wants his next cast to be pink, maybe purple...  Oy... Maybe i should just wrap him in bubble wrap for the next 15 years or so??  :)

Hope your week is going swell!