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Monday, June 6, 2011

Oh Martha Monday - Lace

I'll be honest, I haven't always been a fan of lace. For a while there, I think I may have even been mildly allergic to the frilly stuff. I think the aversion started with this lacy frock that I wore to my 8th grade graduation...

now, is that lace or what?
it surpasses even gunne sak (remember those dresses? and if you don't, be glad!)
and the Madonna lace gloves adds the perfect touch... doncha think??? 

So some 20-odd years later, and I think I'm starting to like lace again-- of course, the more simple and modern the better.  Here's some lacey inspiration from M-m-m-m-artha!

hanging doilies

Nope, not itchy at all.  Just did a check and this kind of lace doesn't give me the hives... phew!  :)

Have a happy Monday!