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Monday, August 11, 2014

Eat // Dutch Oven Savory Pork Roast

I've been a slacker blogger lately (there. I said it!) and I actually couldn't remember if I shared this recipe already. So I had to search my own blog. Pitiful. 

Anyhow, it turns out that I haven't already shared this recipe and it's about time that I did!

I love easy. I love healthy. I love anything that makes my eyes roll back in my head as I stuff my face between sighs. This pork roast just does it for me. And my hubby and boys agree.

I love it when that happens because I am not a short-order cook… and I get annoyed when one kid likes white sauce, one kid likes red sauce and I'm supposed to figure it out… pink sauce??

No figuring it out with this one. The only thing I do differently for one kid is give him barbecue sauce instead of gravy.

Someone always has to be difficult special.

Click "Read more" for the recipe

Dutch Oven Tender Pork Roast

adapted from this recipe

This is a stove-to-oven recipe, so you'll need a medium-size dutch oven (or a cast iron pot/lid without plastic parts)

1-2 lb pork tenderloin
2 T. safflower oil
black pepper
5 garlic cloves
1 small onion, thinly sliced
2 cups low-sodium chicken broth
1 T. seasoned salt
1-2 T. dry parsley
2 T. corn starch
1/2 cup water

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees F.

Heat oil in the dutch oven over medium heat.
Season all sides of the pork tenderloin with salt and pepper.
When the oil is heated, place tenderloin in dutch oven.
Brown it for a minute or so before rotating it to another side. Repeat 3 more times. Turn on the fan and stand back. Tongs work wonders!
Lay garlic cloves and onion slices around roast and stir to brown them.

Mix seasoned salt and dry parsley into chicken broth.
Pour broth mixture over tenderloin.
Bring to a boil.

Put on the lid and place on the lowest rack of the oven.
Roast for 1 1/2 hours, turning at the half-way point.
Remove tenderloin from the dutch oven and cover to keep it hot.

Place Dutch oven on stove top over low heat. Mix 2 Tablespoons cornstarch into 1/2 cup water.
Using a whisk, stir the cornstarch mixture into the drippings, breaking up the garlic and onions.
Bring to a boil and, if necessary, season with additional salt and/or pepper.

Slice or shred your pork roast and smother it in gravy. Then smother your rice and green beans… Lip smackin' good! And if you're not into gravy, apparently it's really good with barbecue sauce too.