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Bev's Winter Gear for ALL
Free patterns for hats, mittens, scarves, socks, sweaters, shawls and more!

  coding: (C)= crochet  (K)= knit   (MK) Machine knit   (S)=sewing  (L) Round knitting loom

BEV's Personal Winter Patterns

Legwarmers ~ arm/wrist warmers
Prayer Shawls and Ponchos
Scarves/nose warmers
Sewing patterns

 USA Troops patterns

Bev's 'How to make a TWISTY FRINGE!'

Bev's Winter Patterns

Bev's Hats

Kids Winter Set- hat, scarf, mittens


Bev's Easy Headbands (K & C)

Bev's FP Earwarmer  (C)

Bev's Toasty Headband (K)

red headbandBev's TWIST Headband (C)


2 Warm Scarves - Bev's - (C)

BeV-Stitch-Scarf -wonderful V- stitch scarf made lengthwise (C)

Bev's Bright Scarf  (C) kids/adults sizes

Bev's Brooklyn Scarf (C)

Bev's Crocheted Cozy Scarf (C)

Bev's Cozy Scarf~  (K) (Really easy in seed st)

Bev's Granny Square Scarf (C)

Bev's Made Especially Scarf (C) 

Bev's New Year Scarf (C)

Bev's Quick-warm-scarf (C)

* Bev's Reversible Scarf (C) for sale on ETSY 

Bev's RUTH Scarf (K)

Bev's Shell Scarf (C)

Bev's Sock Scarf (K)

Bev's Termperature Scarf (K) or (C)

Bev's Toddler Hoodie-scarf, hat and mitten set (K and C)

Bev's Veterans Scarf - (C) 

Bev's Women's Conference Scarf (C) V- stitch

Easy Garter Stitch Scarf (K)


2-needle kids 4-8 mitts by Bev   (K)

2 needle Women's Mittens -   (KTHE MITTS by Bev

B-Easy Mittens (C) - possibly the easiest mittens you will ever make in sizes toddler thru adult.

Bev's HDC Mittens (C)

Bev's Marvelous Crocheted Mitts!-  (C) They are moved onto their own page :-)

Bev's Marvelous Mitts and Matching hat 
for preschoolers!  (C)

Bev's Orphan Mittens (K) dp needles - fits 10-12 yr olds

Women's Conference Mittens for kids -  (C) (Bev's adaptations) pattern used at LDS Women's Conference May 2007

A good place to donate warm items:


Bev's Dishcloth Shawl pattern   (K)

Elder Care "Warm Capelet" Shawl  (C)

WC Hug Shawl (C)

Bev's Cradle purse

<-----  Awesome PATTERN FOR SALE:  Bev's Cradle-purse on etsy  (C)


5 Hour Baby Sweater- Adapted pattern - aka "The Weekend Sweater"  (K)

Adorable Combined Newborn SET at Bevs - (K) sweater, booties and hat

Bev's 1-Piece Baby Cardigan (K)   3-6 month size

Bev's Hexagon Baby Jacket (C)

Bev's Newborn Jacket/Sweater - (C)  Based on my baby shirt pattern 

Bev's Guideposts Toddler and Preschooler Sweater  (K)

Socks and Slippers

Bev's Orphan socks for little ones (K) -  DP knitting needles

Bev's Quick Knit 2-Needle Socks (K)

Bev's Quick Socks -   (K)  2 needle and really fast to make!
Aunt Maggie's Knit Slippers  (K) my Aunt Maggie knitted many pairs of these great slippers.

Bev's Boot Inserts/toddler slippers  (K)

Bev's Knit-Cro Slippers -
(K) (C)  for those who can't decide if they want to knit or crochet!

Bev's Men's Easy Slippers (C)

Bev's Newsletter Slippers (K)

* Bev's Reversible Slippers Pattern (C)
for sale on ETSY ~ definitely one of my best-sellers!

Bev's Winter Cloggy Slippers (C) kids

Bev's Winter Slippers for Adults  (C)

Bev's EASY Crocheted slippers (C)

Bev's Slipper Squares (C and K) 

Also on Bev's - patterns by other designers

Grandma's Knit Gloves sent by Michelle Howard.

Kathy's reversible scarf! (K)

Linda's Crocheted Slipper boots (C)

Linda's Knit Slippers (K)

Neck Gaiter (MK) Great for the troops

Rob's Knit and Crochet Headbands (K)  (C)

IV picline Wrist Cover/fingerless gloves for kids (C) 



Earmuffs (C)

Easy Crocheted Headband (C) archived

Headband Earwarmer (K)

Knit Imatopsyturvy Ear Warmer (K)

Knit Head Band for young teens (K)

Rob's Knit and Crochet Headbands (K)  (C)

Sewed Headband (S) 

Shell-Stitch Winter Headband (C

WWII Earmuff, knee-ers and more! - - (K)

LEGWARMERS  ~ Armwarmers

Berrocco Bolt Legwarmers -

Cork Legwarmers -

Crocheted 80's Leg warmers  (C) archived

Leg Warmers (C)

Postmodern Legwarmers (K)

Granny Square Wrist/arm warmer (C)

Textured Arm Warmers (C)

Sunset Pebbles Wrist warmers (C)

Wristers- Armwarmers (C)


and Cowls

2 Warm Scarves - Bev's - (C)

Basketweave Scarf -red heart (K) 

Bev's Crocheted Cozy Scarf (C)

Bev's Cozy Scarf~  (K) (Really easy in seed st)

Bev's Granny Square Scarf (C)

Bev's RUTH Scarf (K)

Bev's Shell Scarf (C)

Bev's Sock Scarf (K) -needs photo - anyone wanna test this pattern?

Bev's Toddler Hoodie-scarf, hat and mitten set (K and C)

Bev's Winter Special Olympics Scarf - (C)

Changing Basketweave Scarf -Red Heart (K)

Changing Textures Scarf - Red Heart (K)

Crocheted Moebius Scarf - (C) archived

Diagonal Scarf (K)

Hooded Scarf (C)

Jane Thornley's Scarf archived (K)  

Jennifer's incredibly warm Knitted scarf! 

Lacy Moebius Scarf  (K) archived

LB One Skein scarf

Midnight Knitter' Scarf

Scarf with pockets  (K
archived copy

Scarf/Hood combo

School Stripes Scarf -Red Heart (C)

Scrunchable Scarf (K)  looks amazing using a magic ball of yarn too... all different leftovers linked together.

Thick and Quick Crocheted scarf  
(C)  from Lion Brand

Wrights Knitted Scarf -
archived copy

WWI Scarf and Wristers - (K)


Kink Neckwarmer (K)

Knitted Cuddle Cowl (K) I like this one!

Knitted Neck Warmer

Knitterly Cowl (K)

Knitted Not Just a Purl (k)

Knit Ripple Cowl (K)

Moebius Scarf on knitting machine

Neck Gaiter (MK) Great for the troops

Neck Warmer -  
archived  (K)   looks like the top of a turtleneck sweater 

ZigZag Cowl (K)


Fleece Warmer
(S) not a pattern, but there is a drawing.

Knitted nose warmer- (K)  although I would not add the tassel!

Mother Earth News Nose Wamer -

Nose Warmer - (K) archived



2 needle cable mittens (K)

2-Needle Mittens for kids-adults (K)  Lion Brand

2 needle mitts for women - (K) knitting on the net

2 toned retro Mittens (C) from
Baby Mittens (S) at

2-needle kids 4-8 mitts by Bev   (K)

2 needle Women's Mittens -   (KTHE MITTS by Bev

Bev's Marvelous Crocheted Mitts!-  (C) They are moved onto their own page :-)

Bev's Marvelous Mitts and Matching hat  for preschoolers!  (C)

Bev's Orphan Mittens (K) dp needles - fits 10-12 yr olds

Broadstreet Mittens - (K)  flap opens for gloves

Children's Crocheted mittens (C)

Children's Vintage Crocheted mittens     (C)

Chunky Crocheted mittens (and scarf!)  (C)

Crocheted Gloves for Women -

Crocheted mittens from abc-knitting (C)

Crocheted Mittens for kids-adults (C)

Crocheted Mittens for adults  (C)

Cute Crocheted Mittens  (C)

Easy Striped Mittens
(k) archived

Everyday Fingerless gloves (C)

Fingerless Gloves and matching hat (C)

Fingerless Gloves (C)

Fingerless Mitts for Men (C)

Fingerless Mittens - (K)

Fleece Mittens for Big Hands (S) from

Flip-Top Crocheted mittens  (C)

Fringe or Animal mittens (C) from Karen's variety

Gifted Mittens - all sizes (K)

Gloves for Women ~  (C) crochet pattern with photo

Heart in a Heart Mittens - ARCHIVED COPY ---2 needles - for toddlers

Heart Stealer mittens for 2-4 year olds (K)

House Gloves  (K)

Instant Mittens for women (K)
Intermediate Mitts - (K)  ARCHIVED COPY -- several pairs

"J.Crew Style" knitted gloves and matching Hat (K

Jiffy Thick and Quick mittens (K)  

Kathy's Mittens at KNoon Designs - toddler, preschool, Kindergarten (K)

Knipper Mitts - (K)  knitted on 4 dp needles

Lion Brand holiday kids Mittens (crocheted)

Lion Brand Valentines Mittens (K)

Lover's Mittens - (K  3 mittens-- the one has room for 2 hands

Lovikka Mittens for kids -   (K) archived - double pointed needles

Magical Mittens - flip down top (K) at

Mittens,Hat, Scarf for the kids

Mittens for children and Adults - 4 needles (K)

My baby Toddler Mittens  (C)

Open Top Mitten 
(C) archived

Patti's Flip Top Mittens  (K)

Paws on my Heart Mittens - ARCHIVED COPY - for toddlers  (K)

Peekaboo Mittens (K) ARCHIVED COPY

Santa Mittens for kids (C)

Sideways, garter stitch mitts for kids and adults - (K) Pattern is now for SALE...

Small Child Mittens on dps - (K) really cute!

Tofu Cutie's Charity Mittens (C)

Warm, Snuggly Mittens - (C
  MissMarlas-- archived

Women's Conference Mittens for kids -  (C) (Bev's adaptations) pattern used at LDS Women's Conference May 2007

Wristwarmers (C)

Wristwarmers (C) from crochetnmore

WWII Mittens -


Hat and mittens to sew from old sweater (archived)

Kids Fleece Mittens  (S) 3-4yr old-with size adjustments for all
Native American Chopper Mittens

Upcycled sweater hat (S)



Child's Poncho - (C)

ChooChoo PONCHO - (K)

Easy Crocheted Child's Poncho -


Granny Square PONCHO - 
(C)  archived

Knitty's Villa Poncho -

Little Girls Poncho -  (C)

Lion Brand Town and Country Poncho -   (C)   

Shoulder Shawl (C) 

Steph Thornton's Child poncho - ages 4-14 (C)

Sutty Girls Striped Poncho -

The PONCHO Generator!   (K) You have to look at this.

Cape Generator!
-  (K)

SHAWLS and Shrugs

2 Shawl patterns

Bed Cape


Chocolate Shrug (K)

Everyday Shawl  (C)

Feather and Fan Shawl -

How to Make a Shawl  (K

Midnight Shawl -no photo  

Mini-Mex Poncho for Girls - archived  (C)

Newlyweds Shawl(C)

Rainbow Shawl (K) gorgeous!

Trinity Stitch Shawl  (K)

Wee Hooded Shawl for babies - (C) 12 months - 2 year


GENERAL SWEATER instructions (crochet or knit)  archived copy

Bernat DenimStyle Hoodie (K) for kids!  Sized 2-10

Blanket and matching Jacket for babies
from Coats and Clark - (K)

Crocheted Button to put on sweaters
archived copy

Kids Stripes and Bobbles cardigan

Basic Knit Sweater -  

Child's Hooded Sweater-LionBrand

Child's Irish Cardigan -knit

Cuff to Cuff Infant Sweater   (K)  

Fun Time Cardigan (C) red heart (Size 2,4,6,8)

Girls Toddler Sweater (K)  size 6, 12, 18 month sizes  (K

Hooded Sweater for kids from Lion Brand site  (K 

Joy's Vest/Shirt for Kids -
  4-5  year old size 

Ladies Hooded Sporty Sweater -

Ladies Aran Cardigan - LionBrand

Marino Frappe Cloud Cardigan  (K)

Men's Beaded Rib Sweater (K) 

Men's Cabled Sweater

Men's Warm Knit Cardigan

Men's Irish Knit Cardigan

Rave Vest (K)

Striped cardigan sweater- ages 2-8 (K)

Striped Hoodie for preschoolers (K)

Outdoor Sweater (K)

USA FLAG Support Sweater (Men's or Women's) -
(K LionBrand

USA FLAG Support Sweater (Mens or Women's)
(C) LionBrand  

Vest with nubbles and Icelandic wool (K)

Women's Irish Knit Cardigan  (K)

WWII V-Neck Sweater- (K)


to help keep BevsCountryCottage online!  Thanks!

  SOCKS - mostly offsite

OnlineSock Patterns - Categorized-dozens of great patterns!
  Archived copy

Leah's Blog with sock pattern

 9-9 1/2" crocheted socks  (C)

3-6 month baby socks -   (C)

Ankle socks-crocheted  (C)

Aunt Terry's Slipper/Socks (C)

Baba's Bed Socks  (K

Basic 2-Needle Tube socks -(K)  archived

Basic Serenity Socks
(K)  from Premieryarns

Best Friends Socks - for kids (K)

Broken Ribs Diagonal Socks

Candy Cane Socks (K

Cottage Socks from Lion Brand    (C)

Cottage Socks from Lion Brand    (K)

Crocheted Socks  (C)

Crocheted Men's Socks  (C)

Crocheted Women's Socks

Feather and Fan Socks (K)

Fern Clog Socks (K)   archived

Folksy Socks revisited   (K)

Generic Socks (K)
Joan's Easy Socks(K)
Judy Ellis' Infant Socks - (K)  ok-these are sweet!

Knit-Socks 2-needle   (K)

Ladies Hunting Socks   (K

Mom-Socks (K)

Moonlight Socks   (K

More knit socks (off site)

Newborn Socks    (C)
Newborn Socks (K) offsite 
Pedicure Socks (C) 

Pedicure Socks (K)

Pedicure Socks (K)  archived

Pretty Comfy Socks (K archived copy 

Quick Knit Socks (K) 2 strands and size 6 dp needles

Ribs on Top Socks

Side Step Socks (K)

Sideways Socks (K)    archived -no photo

Short Row Heel Socks (K)

Socks in 3 Sizes
- (K)

Soft,warm Socks from spinfree (K)  

Spiral Socks for toddlers (K)

Stout and Short Woolese Socks  (K)

USA Flag Socks (K)

Wiggles Baby Sock pattern (K) archived

WW1 Sock - (K)




2 Needle Slippers (K) fantastic like the popular newborn booties 

3 Strand Slippers - knit - 
 archived   add length for mens

Adult Booties (C) 

Aunt Alm's Dorm Boots Slippers  (K)

Aunt Maggie's Knit Slippers 
(K) my Aunt Maggie has knitted many pairs of these great slippers.

Bedsocks (C)

BedSocks (knitted)

Beginner Knitted Slippers (K) 7" long---
 archived at Linda's lists

Bev's Newsletter Slippers (K)

Bulky Knitting Machine Fair Isle Slippers   (K

Stripey-  Slippers (K) 

Comfy Slippers to knit!  These look really easy & warm!  

Cozy Knit Slipper Socks (K)

Crocheted High Top Slippers

CuffedKnit Slippers for kids
 archived from geocities

Cuffed Slippers (K)

Desert Boots

Family Slippers (K)

Fancy Footies

Felted Slippers from KNoon -

Ginger's Easy 25 minute slippers  (C)

Granny slippers  (C)

Granny's Slippers (K)

Lenore's Slippers (K)

LDS Humanitarian Knitted slippers (K)

Maxine's Slipper Sox or Bed Sox (C)

Moccasin slippers

Pixie Slippers for the whole family - kni
archived - no photo

Pocketbook Slippers - (K)

Ribbed Slippers (C)  
archived from Marlos corner

Ribbed Slippers 2 (K) 

Ruby's Slippers -  (C) toasty warm!  

Slippers for All! (K)

Snow Kissed Slippers  (C) 
 archived from Marlos corner

Stripey Slippers Top pattern

Piggy Slippers- all sizes (K)

Quick Knit Tube Sock pattern (Bev's)

Quick and Easy slippers (C) 
archived copy

Ribbed slippers from Spinayarn- knit

Ribbed Slippers - crochet
archived from Marlos corner

Squares Slippers from Frugalhaus

Tweed Family Slippers - (C)

Whisper Slippers  (K)


Broomstick Skirt - adults (S)

Help Preble Street kids this Christmas

DISCLAIMER: This website is supported by affiliate links meaning that I receive a small amount of money from any purchases you make to help pay the bills. Thanks for helping me keep BevsCountryCottage online.  
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Bev's Country Cottage pages Copyright Beverly A. Qualheim - All Rights Reserved. All content is copyrighted to original creators. Do NOT post this pattern in its entirety, or any on Bev's Country Cottage on any media BUT you may LINK to it.  You may print out copies of pages for yourself, or for charity; please send your friends here.  You may sell items made using patterns copyrighted to Beverly Qualheim.

Afghans / Armed forces / Babies / Preemies / Bookstore  / Doll clothes / Children / Cross Stitch /GenealogyHospital / Household / Humanitarian Aid / Seniors / Winter