This morning I was feeling the need to feed my soul, Porridge was the answer. While the porridge was cooking my husband peeked in the pot and called it Oatmeal and so the debate began.
After a little research on the web I came up with this:
"Porridge is defined as any grain, cereal or legume boiled in water, milk or both and served hot. Thus, a porridge can be made from a variety of grains and cereals like oats, corn, rice, wheat, barley and so on. When a porridge is made from oats it is called oatmeal. Similarly, porridge made from corn is called cornmeal (polenta or grits). Thus, we can deduce that oatmeal is a type of porridge."
You can read the full article here.
That pretty much summed it up but for me Porridge means so much more.
Porridge is......a smell that takes you back in time. a warm belly early in the morning. comfort. a place were time stands still. my grandmothers kitchen. a bite of bliss. simply soul food.
Here is my go to recipe or more of a guideline:
1 part grain (barly & oats are my favorite combination)
2 parts milk
add ins (spices, fruit, nuts)
Place grains and milk in small sauce pan, cover and simmer over medium/low heat for 10-20.
Take off heat and spoon in bowls. Add fruit, nuts, sweeteners as desired and top with milk.