As I wrote down in my summer list, I wanted to participate in at least one challege, and although this is not an -official- challenge, is like a -self challenge- to take a photo a day for a month!
Ya con varios intentos fallidos durante el año esta vez lo logré! Fué un mes lleno de comidas ricas, juntada con amigas, un poco de deporte y muchas manualidades (: Acá les dejo para que vean lo que fue mi mes de enero, presten atención que hay varios "sneak peek" de lo que se viene en el blog :D
After many failed attemps on doing this I finally finished! January was a month fulled with yummy food, friends, lots of crafts and even some sports! Here is my final collage of all the photos, pay attention because there are many "sneak peeks" of what is coming soon in the blog :D
Es un lindo desafio que los invito a participar (:
Is a really nice challenge, I invite you to participate (:
Is a really nice challenge, I invite you to participate (: