The OpenPKG
FrameworkVALUE Shareware license is sold by
the OpenPKG GmbH.
Calculated on a based price of EUR 25,00 per kernel typical quantities have
been combined with financially rewarding discounts. They can be purchased
online via PayPal.
The VALUE license is individually
created for and bound to the name of the licensee who is responsible
for obeying the licensing terms and conditions.
The license legally
limits the use to the number of kernels listed.
The number of instances is unlimited.
The license allows installation
of the OpenPKG Framework to versions not older than the license
issue date plus 1 year.
In other words, the license
includes a 1 year upgrade
The run time is unlimited.
Use this form if buyer equals licensee and if consumer pricing and tax applies.
Otherwise please contact us.
Legally binding tax country
OpenPKG Framework VALUE Licenses
A "per kernel license" means you can install as many Instances of
OpenPKG onto a single kernel as you like — or until some technical
limitation stops you. Kernel is the operating system core that
directly executes the OpenPKG Framework executables ("openpkg"). Without
virtualization technologies this would be the same as "per server".
However, different levels of available virtualization require tighter
definition. A virtualization technology that shares the same kernel
between host and guest requires only one license, e.g. chroot(8), Linux VServer, Docker, BSD Jails,
Solaris Zones. Those that run different kernels in host and guest
require one license for the host and for every guest in which one
or more OpenPKG frameworks are installed, e.g. VMware, VirtualBox,
VirtualPC, Qemu, Bochs, Parallels, XEN, KVM, IBM LPars, etc.
Sales Request
In case the conditions shown above do not match your needs, we ask you to contact us, please. We'll create an individual quotation for you. Known cases are:
Offers without obligation and tender offers
EU B2B business with net pricing and no VAT invoicing
Need for digressive quantities, site & flat licenses
The list is not exhaustive. Please note that due to manual processing, resulting individual prices cannot compete
with the pricing for highly automated processing shown above.
License Overview
The following is an overview of all standardized licenses for the OpenPKG Framework.
The particular licenses mainly differ in their license assertions which are
directly encoded into the signed license files. A license processor checks the
encoded assertions under run-time.
The BOOT license
is used internally during bootstrapping the OpenPKG Framework
license can be temporarily used by the administrator to recover an
OpenPKG instance (usually in case of a license expiring issue).
The EVAL license
is automatically activated on initial installation of the OpenPKG
Framework and allows time-limited evaluation without any further
license from time to time is used by the OpenPKG GmbH for promotional
offerings and is equal to the VALUE license except for
a particular real-time restriction.
license is intended for training and demonstration purposes.
license is for true community players who are willing to
permanently upgrade nearly their complete package set and this
way implicitly act as testers. As a return they can use the
OpenPKG Framework free of charge all the time.
license is for production use and grants an unlimited use and a 1
year upgrade protection for the OpenPKG Framework. This is the
option for all commercial users who cannot afford having to change
a productive OpenPKG instance all the time. For being able to stay
on old versions and this way no longer help the community, a small
fee has to be paid to at least financially support the further
development of OpenPKG.