Showing posts with label white wine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label white wine. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Yuzu Flavored Spare Ribs_DSC2383

I’m baaaack! I hope you all had wonderful holidays. I took such a long break from blogging that returning to the routine is .. like getting out of warm, cozy bed in a still dark, chilly winter morning…wishing to go back in…wait, that was this morning! And the fear that no one missed me is such a depressing thought, right?

The blogging is to me self-discovery with every post. As if I’m hiking up on a winding trail. The end of the journey seems to be around the corner yet I can’t see the finish line because of the curvature of the road… obstructed by bushes and trees. 

Often I am so caught up on making Tuesday’s deadline that I forget how to enjoy the journey itself, the wind in my face, the scent of pine and wild flowers, the sunlight shining through the tall trees…. and sound of music in my head… when I’m feeling sadsnowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes, silver white winters that melt into spring. These are a few of my favorite things…ok enough Maria. Anyway, I must stay on course until I find the cure I mean whatever makes me smile and then I don’t feel so bad.

Spare ribs have big bones but not much meat. Meat tends to be tough and wonder cheaper than other type of ribs however this recipe is diet friendly. Low fat and also sugar free. I decidedly need to un-found my extra pounds acquired over the holiday. Uniquely flavored with Yuzu the Japanese original citron fruits infused pepper, these spare ribs are interestingly addicting._DSC2354


Ingredients and instructions for 4 to 6 servings (Print recipe here)

Equipment: pressure cooker if you have, not necessary but meat will be much tenderer. For stove top method- large skillet with fitting lid.

  • Ribs with bone in – 3-4 pounds ask butcher to separate and cut in half to fit in your large skillet
  • Vegetable oil 1Tablespoon
  • White cooking wine or sake  3-4 Tablespoons
  • 1 Ginger root about size of your thumb; peel and slice thin
  • Yuzu (citron) Pepper paste 2-3 Tablespoons or more_DSC2375
  • Bay leaf 2-3
  • Soy sauce or ponzu sauce (optional)
  1. Heat vegetable oil in a pressure cooker pan or large skillet at medium heat. Brown the meat about 2 minutes.
  2. Pour in the wine, add ginger, bay leaves then put lid on. Cook for 20 to 40 minutes on low pressure. If you’re using skillet, cover with lid, steam cook on lowest heat setting for about 40 minutes
  3. Cool down the meat until it is safe to touch. Rub entire rib with Yuzu Pepper paste.
  4. Line a rimmed cookie sheet with foil and place wire rack on top. Lay the ribs meat side up. Broil in oven for 1-2 minutes or directly on barbeque, grill for 1-2 minutes until nicely charred on the edges. Serve with soy sauce or ponzu sauce as dipping if you like. You may sprinkle some salt to taste, and lots of napkins._DSC2377

Skiing on Christmas Day at Mt. Hood.It has been a long time last we skied. It still fit…my ski pants that is.IMG_0698IMG_0693

Historical Timberline LodgeIMG_0773Inside of Timberline Lodge. IMG_0775

Contrail…neat huh? Looks like Spiderman flinging a web.IMG_0790I think this is Mt. Bachelor – an another great ski resort - but not sure. IMG_0788

We passed this truck in our neighborhood. How neat is that!IMG_0739

Rush to deliver two sheet cakes I made in a rain storm for a simple church wedding last Saturday. Raspberry Almond cake and Chocolate Mousse cake.


Bride and Groom are from Hawaii’s big island. They are lovely and tall! Quick! bring me a stool to stand on!IMG_0810

Natto lover’s dream(?) Christmas gift. Sooo Hamlet…y! _DSC2398

And this amazing looking wooden bowl was created by my son in law. Sorry the pic is not so great but believe me it is beautiful! Many other stunning pieces available for purchase through his web site._DSC2401

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

True Grit

Spaghetti Alle Vongole

_DSC9406The clams harvest close to Mt Fuji has drastically decreased recently linked to a possible connection to Mt. Fuji activity. Last time it erupted was in 1707, during the Edo era. There have been things like the sudden collapse of section of the mountain, Lake Kawaguchi is north side of Mt. Fuji, it’s water level is unusually low and the massive amount of ayu (鮎, sweet fish) die off; those strange occurrences may be predicting another eruption in the near future? That is some scientists’ theory…I hope they ‘re wrong.DSCN1958Looking at Mt. Fuji from Lake Kawaguchi.

The clams my husband cooked were of Washington state origin so they had nothing to do with Mt. Fuji or to this recipe yet it was kind of eerie. We were there! A couple of months ago! We walked along Lake Kawaguchi, seeing Mt. Fuji up close… The thought that we may never see serene Mt. Fuji again and hearing of other catastrophic natural disasters lately cast shadow on my mind.

Now let’s go on to cooking - Hold your horses Cowboy, you shouldn’t cook clams right away! They need serious salt bath time! I lectured my husband. Biting into sandy clam is no fun-at-the-beach, de-grit you must! I read a fellow blogger’s method of de-gritting (is that really a word?) and I’m happy to report that it’s practically identical to mine, just that she is cuter and younger..what I’m talking about? In fact, I was getting nervous that the blogger made a really similar dish last week. Her fabulous photos and everything…Honey, do we have a plan B? No? I see….on the bright side, my recipe has Italian name. Buon Appetito!

Time to purge!   

  1. Clean clams well with bristle brush under running water.
  2. In a large bowl, pour 1000ml water and dissolve 2 Tablespoons of sea salt. Place a strainer one size smaller than the bowl. Put cleaned clams into the strainer.
  3. Lay long cooking chopsticks or wooden spatulas across the bowl._DSC9447
  4. Cover with a newspaper or cloth on top.
  5. Wait at least 1 hour but 3 or more hours is preferred. After more than 5 hours in salt water bath, clams were way relaxed. _DSC9451

Ingredients for 2-3 people_DSC9457

  • Olive oil 1 Tablespoon
  • Garlic 2 cloves thinly sliced
  • Red hot pepper 1-2 pods, seeds removed and slice across
  • Clams 2 pounds
  • White wine 1/3 cup
  • Spaghetti half package about 8oz.or less
  • Cabbage leaves 3-4 roughly chopped
  • Salt, white pepper to taste
  1. Heat oil in a skillet. Add garlic and red hot pepper and sauté until fragrant._DSC9391
  2. Add clams and sauté for 30 seconds.
  3. Pour wine and cover with lid. Steam until clams open up. Discard ones that do not open. Remove clams to plate or bowl. Set aside._DSC9394
  4. Pour 4 cups of water and 1 teaspoon of salt in a same pan and boil.
  5. Break spaghetti in half or thirds and put in the pan. Cook till al dente. Add more water if spaghetti is not cooked.
  6. Return the clams plus cabbage to the pan and cook for 1-2 minutes_DSC9461.
  7. Salt and pepper to taste._DSC9474Darling, this is marvelous!


Every Thursday 4 PM to 8 PM till September 5th. the city’s Farmer’s Market is open for the season. First stop - pizza! It was Delicious!DSCN2326DSCN2327

We ordered drinks at this place. Not bad but the price …yowza $5.75 We could buy 2 slices of pizza with that kind of money.DSCN2325Hand cranked juice extractor? DSCN2328

The picture is gluten free mini cupcakes but we bought regular cupcakes. 75 cent each or 3 for $2.DSCN2324Colorful macaroons are for our eyes only…we are getting short on cash. There is always next week.IMG_0477A different artist is scheduled each week. IMG_0482IMG_0481

The better part of Saturday was spent weeding and removing dead plants. Our next door neighbor came out with a pick to help my husband. How nice!DSCN2329I made strawberry cupcakes using fresh strawberries from garden as a Thank-You gift. I added very little sugar so they were not overly sweet._DSC9495My raspberry shortcake raspberry plant looks wonderful – Hummm, it does not taste like shortcake however.DSCN2336My husband found this moth’s(?) nest in back yard. _DSC9485

I received bunch of lavender again this year from a neighbor who grew it in her back yard. _DSC9501Love, love lavender!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Cold Peach Soup

DSC_6014I tried to think of ways to use Utah peaches, a gift from a friend, before they get sooo yesterday. My husband was satisfied with peach slices as a topping on the homemade cereal he made or something simple like that.. No more ‘taro magic’ he said.  I tried not to listen. DSC_6006

I rarely make cold soup. Cold soup is like not-warm-soup minus the ‘comfort’ adjective. Why is it that warm potato soup is potato soup but cold potato soup is suddenly called Vichyssoise? I can’t even spell that without spellcheck. However, cold soup brings some flair of sophistication, do you agree? I should name this soup peachyssoise or something…nah!

Ingredients for Cold Peach Soup for 4 peopleDSC_5984

  • 3 medium peaches, peeled, pitted and sliced in thin wedges.
  • 1 small onion sliced thinly
  • Unsalted butter 2 Tablespoon
  • 1 cube chicken bullion or 1 teaspoon bullion paste dissolved in 1 cup warm water.DSC_5992
  • White wine 4 Tablespoons
  • Milk 100cc
  • Heavy cream 4 Tablespoons
  • Salt , pepper and sugar to taste.


  1. In a medium sauce pan or skillet, melt butter then sauté onion until soft and transparent.DSC_5990 
  2. Add soup stock and wine to the pan and bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 2-3 minutes. Cool for 5-10 minutes.DSC_5997
  3. Put cooled onion mixture, peach slices, milk and cream into blender.DSC_6009
  4. Blend in high speed for about 1 minute or until smooth. If you like to have more velvety texture, strain with strainer.DSC_6010
  5. Salt, pepper and sugar* to taste. *Sugar is optional.
  6. Chill the soup. Serve with herbs, sour cream, cream or croutons.


Here are other peach dishes I made.DSC_5957Peachy sauce over pressure cooked chicken.

DSC_5968Peaches, broiled crisp pancetta and feta cheese sandwich. The salty pancetta and sweet peaches go well together.

DSC_5976DSC_5977Peach yogurt cake has light cheese cake flavor.

We visited Seaside Oregon last Friday. The town was bustling as they got ready for the finish line of the Hood to Coast relay on the 25th. DSCN0532DSCN0521DSCN0580DSCN0520DSCN0524Lewis and Clark statue..and my sweetheart.

DSCN0538DSCN0539We rented this two person tricycle. My husband did most of the pedaling.DSCN0536Right! Virtual coffee flavor.

DSCN0579DSCN0585We really had to try this. We chose deep fired snicker bar with million calories-it was not bad at all.

DSCN0540DSCN0558DSCN0542Many outsides of vacation rental homes are blooming with flowers.

DSCN0546Saltworks where Lewis and Clark obtained salt. DSCN0547DSCN0550DSCN0549DSCN0561DSCN0563We stayed in the Gilbert Inn many years ago. It was a charming place but pricy.

DSCN0569DSCN0570DSCN0572Honey, strap! Camera strap!

DSCN0575DSCN0577Merry-go-round-go-round-go-round…for $2 per person.

DSCN0586On the way home, we stopped by a fruit stand near a lavender field.