Showing posts with label entre. Show all posts
Showing posts with label entre. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Omelet rice/オムライスDSC_3753

My kitchen is a disaster! Not really, wait, yes it is. We’re getting ready for remodeling and taking out all the stuff from our kitchen. The inconvenience is driving me insane! I am constantly mumbling “Where in the world did xxx go?” I open boxes which I just packed to hunt for it. No, not here. I move on to box number two. OK this is not a really good system. The other boxes that my husband packed he written its contents - Above fridge cabinet - Honey, I don’t want to play the guessing game. When I cleaned out pantry I saw something. What are those specks of black thingies? Kylie! I yelled to our 18 year old cat. She does not care for mice either, as matter of fact she doesn’t care for anything except vacuum cleaner. She jumps when I turn it on. This is the only time that she moves very fast.

Everybody knows what omelet rice is in Japan. It’s fried rice wrapped in an omelet. Though it’s a staple menu in many family style restaurants, it is better to make it yourself, to create your own version of it. Today is a good day to make omelet rice because I need to clean the refrigerator too. Also my friend gave me fresh eggs collected from her hen house. Earthy looking eggs are a real charmer. The yolks were very bright. I wanted to make something extraordinary with these but I am hindered by missing gadgets and pans. DSC_3549DSC_3770DSC_3759DSC_3762Her chickens look healthy and plump… I mean nice.

In the refrigerator, I had one green and one half-used red pepper, onion and bone in ham but anything goes with this recipe; bacon, sausage, mushroom, frozen peas… breast chicken is another popular people’s choice. I mentioned this in an old post blog but I don’t like onion so I mince it really fine. I don’t have to but my guys like it so I usually include it in the fried rice filling. Although I like frozen peas, that has to be excluded because my son despises them. I’m so nice!

Ingredients for fried rice filling for 1 person (times how many in your household).

  • Oil and butter 1 teaspoon (or more) each.
  • Roughly 1/4 cup each of 3-4 vegetables. minced or chopped.
  • Your choice of meat. choppedDSC_3726
  • Cooked rice
  • 1 teaspoon (or more) chicken bullion paste or tomato ketchup
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  1. Heat oil and butter in a non stick wok or pan at medium high.
  2. Add vegetables and sauté until onion is transparent.
  3. Add cooked rice and quickly combine and keep stirring. You could also shake the pan back and forth to cook like Iron chef.DSC_3739
  4. Add bullion paste or ketchup and stir to combine.
  5. Salt and pepper to taste.

Ingredients for omelet- 1serving

  • 2 large eggsDSC_3556 DSC_3729
  • 2-3 tablespoon milk or cream-egg mixture should not be watery.
  • Salt and white pepper
  • Butter 1 teaspoon-may substitute vegetable oil.
  1. In a medium bowl whisk eggs and milk together. DSC_3734
  2. Add salt and pepper, whisk to combine.
  3. Heat butter in nonstick frying pan over medium heat.
  4. Pour egg mixture and rotate pan to distribute egg evenly over the bottom of the pan (I used a 12 inch pan).
  5. Bake for about 10 seconds to slightly set but egg is still raw.
  6. Filled with fried rice on the center of egg.DSC_3742 
  7. Gather the egg around rice and turn over to encase the rice.DSC_3743
  8. Flip onto the plate -  you could use paper towel to shape omelet neatly. Put some demi-glace sauce or ketchup over the rice. I like ketchup personally.DSC_3736 DSC_3745
  9. Eat with a spoon!
DSC_3669Before packing

DSC_3815After packing

We had faint snow this morning. 



I took a break from boxing. I loved raspberry truffle chocolate from friends.DSC_3808

What can I make for next week without kitchen? Eat out? That sounds about right.