Showing posts with label Asian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Asian. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Spicy Tofu Hot Pot

Super Easy Tofu Soup


Do you know October 2nd is a Tofu Day in Japan?  10 in Chinese Character ‘’ (looks like cross or plus sign doesn’t it?) has two pronunciations – Jyu and To (pronounce tow). 2’s Chinese character is very simple, just draw two lines, one on top of the other, make the top line slightly shorter.  ‘’ also has two pronunciations two…I mean too. Nee and Fu. See where I’m going with this? 

Inexpensive, available in supermarkets everywhere, versatile tofu is a Japanese kitchen staple. This tofu dish is incredibly easy and quick, the spicy tobanjyan sooth your melancholic soul.

The recipe is just guideline, adjust to your own taste.


Ingredients and Instruction for two servings (Print Recipe Here)

Nice to have equipment – small stone pot with lid

  • 150 cc water
  • 2 teaspoons instant dashi powder Note; I used no-MSG granule type.
  • 4 Tablespoons soy sauce or tamari sauce
  • 1 to 2 teaspoons tobanjyan (豆板醤/spicy miso paste) available in tube or jar.
  • 1 package Japanese style soft tofu, drained and cut in 4ths
  • 2-3 stalks of green onion or 1 long green onion, cut the white part -diagonally
  • 1/3 cup tempura batter crumbs (agedama/揚げ玉 or tenkasu/天かす) they comes in a bag, find in refrigerated section of a Japanese market. Note: Homemade tempura batter crumbs – Fish out with a slotted spoon the crumbs naturally occur when you frying tempura.
  1. Pour water in stone pot or bottom heavy small pan and boil.
  2. Add dashi powder and stir to dissolve
  3. Add soy sauce.
  4. Add tobanjyan and mix well. cook until liquids come to a full boil.
  5. Lower the heat and place tofu in the pot. Put lid on and cook for about 5 -7 minutes. Turn tofu once mid way.
  6. Add green onion and cook for additional 2 minutes.DSC_7329
  7. Sprinkle tempura crumbs on top, cook for 30 second to soften the crumbs or serve immediately if you prefer crunchy texture. DSC_7333

Variation#1 – Instead of Tofu, add rinsed frozen udon noodle
Variation #2 – Add kimchi and it’s own juice to make knock-off kimchi jjiage

From instagram posts of Today’s TAPAS (#todaystapas) and Today’s Sweets(#todayssweets) -

I love Tamago yaki (卵焼き/Japanese style omelet). The amazing quilt underneath is a gift from a friend…she is so talented and very kind.IMG_5573

Pickled Grapes (the recipe in bon apetit magazine) is delightful! Ready in 30 minutes,  great in salad or for snack.IMG_5604

Well received, lovely Hokkaido Chiffon Cupcakes with custard cream filling for a church function. The recipe links - Bake for Happy kids or Nasi Lemak Lover. I must say…I did a good job!IMG_5589

Night fall comes early now, I just have one of those,  a cup of decaffeinated  earl gray tea and a good book to curl up with…when I wake in the morning, it’s still dark. I feel like I need mega dose of Vitamin D.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Call Me Baby

Baby Back Spare Ribs

DSC_8168I recently realized that I was singing with wrong lyrics on Carly Rae Jepsen ‘s catchy hit song Call Me Maybe?  I sing loud and sometimes dance to the song - Call me baby – instead of maybe and this is crazy! I’m relieved to know that no one heard it, because I mainly sing in my car.

The above paragraph has nothing to do with the recipe. I just remembered it because of baby back ribs. Still too cold for barbeque outside, so I grilled it in the oven but if I ask my husband to barbeque he definitely would do it…even in the rain, wind… Hey, shut the door! Where you think you’re going, baby?  

Ingredients for 3 to 4 people

Equipment: steamer pan with lid

  • 1 package of pork baby back ribs at least 18 ribsDSC_8116
  • Sake about 1/4 cup
  • Salt 2 teaspoons
  1. Cut ribs to fit in your steamer rack but don’t put it in there yet.
  2. Sprinkle sake and salt over ribs and rub it in. Leave it for 10 minutes.DSC_8129
  3. Pour about a 2 cups of water in the steamer and put the lid on to boil water at medium high. 
  4. When the steamer lets out steam then place ribs in the rack. Snuggle up to each other to fit.
  5. Put the lid back on and steam for 40 minutes or so, check the water level half way through –add more hot water if necessary.

Make sauce and complete cooking  Note: This sauce is on the salty side, adjust miso paste and soy sauce for your liking.

Equipment: Line a 1 inch rimmed cookie sheet with foil; pastry brush

  • Ketchup 4 Tablespoons
  • Oyster sauce 4 Tablespoons
  • Soy sauce 2 Tablespoons
  • Miso paste 1 Tablespoon
  • Tabasco 1 teaspoon or less
  • Sesame Oil 1 Tablespoon
  • Brown sugar 3 tablespoons (optional)
  • Water 4 Tablespoons
  1. Mix every thing well in a small bowl. Reserve 1/3rd of sauce in an another small bowl.
  2. Heat oven to 400F
  3. Glaze the steamed meat all over with 2/3rd of sauce using the pastry brush.
  4. Bake it for 5-6 minutes. Glaze again with sauce and put it back in the oven.
  5. Switched to Broil setting, broil or 2-4 minutes until edges get charred. DSC_8153
  6. Cut meat along side of bone. Serve hot with reserved sauce.DSC_8170DSC_8167I grilled sweet potatoes and romaine lettuce too.


By the way, I like this part of the lyrics the best.

Before you came into my life
         I missed you so bad
 And you should know that        
    I missed you so, so bad

And I got the kick out of this video. Thank you troop for your service!!!

My son is deep into cooking now. He made bean burger which taste better than garden burger.
DSC_8090The oven baked cornmeal crusted cod was mighty fine!DSC_8099Cinnamon rolls were father and son efforts.DSC_8084DSC_8087


We three went to downtown Portland for ramen – new The House of RamenP1030033We liked it!P1030028

Then we stopped for a cup of drinking chocolate at CACAO.P1030041Text me, maybe? You took your time with the call.P1030038P1030039I never go home empty handed. I’m so, so bad!DSC_8158I like the white chocolate with spicy passion fruit filling – spicy and sour.DSC_8162DSC_8160The smoky blue cheese chocolate spread. This is crazy! It’s hard to look right but this one is either sweet or savory. Yummmm.

DSC_8164These caramels are what my son wanted. I’m spoiled, I only eat Hokkaido caramel.

Then I checked out YO Vintage shop across the street from CACAO. The vintage Lizwear for $23, now you’re in my way!DSC_8118

Whole Foods on the same street (13th street) has a special feel to it. P1030049Hello gorgeous..I looked to you as it fellYour stare was holdin’ . P1030044

I have many left over strawberries from other projects. I needed to address it before the spoilage.DSC_8106This is strawberry sauce. So very easy to make and not overly sweet. Put on yogurt or…DSC_8114…on the cornbread my husband made the other day instead of jam.DSC_8147

Strawberry sauce

  • Strawberries 400g Wash, remove stems and cut in half or quarter.
  • Water 100cc
  • Sugar 60g or more/less depending on your preference
  1. Cook strawberries and water in a sauce pan at medium heat. Stir and crush the fruits with wooden spoon, 3-4 minutes.
  2. Scoop off white foamy scum when it appears on top of the surface. Repeat as necessary This step is rather important for better tasting sauce. Approximately 8 minutes.
  3. Add sugar and cook more until the fruits loose shape. About 10 minutes.
  4. Strain through sieve and put in a clean jar/container. Keep in the refrigerator and use within 2 weeks.

If you have a question, here’s my number, so call me, maybe?