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Pillow Project + black & white Nails

Hi everyone! Dropping by, because it's been waaay to long since I last posted. Not because I don't enjoy doing my nails anymore, but because I've been busy with cleaning out my old bedroom at my parents'. It will be my little brother's room from now on, so on top of cleaning and sorting everything out I also decided to do a complete makeover to make it really his own. Almost all of my old stuff is moved out, the walls have been painted over, the DIY-bed will be put together this weekend, which means all the hard work is finally coming to an end. I also sewed him this pillow cover with his initial that I thought would be fun to share with you. After the cover was done I painted on the capital J with the help of adhesive vinyl and tape. (See, I really can't live without my tape. In nail art and beyond.)

In between all the steps I managed to take some crappy pictures. (I like documenting the process of my projects.)

Anyhow, I'm sure you expected to see some nail art here! Well, there you go! A black and white transition on the nails. To make these I started with white polish on my pinky and ring finger and black polish on the rest of my nails. Then I added a few stripes in the opposite color to each nail, using striper polishes. And that's pretty much it!

Today's post was a little off topic, but I hope you enjoyed seeing a bit of my other creative interests. Thanks for reading and see you next time!