
Glitter V-gaps

Hi everyone! :) For this post I have a glittery V-gap mani to share with you. As my base color I used two smooth coats of the lovely murky green China Glaze Westside Warrior. Normally I love to combine Westside Warrior with a gold like I did in this post, but this time I wanted to try something different so I picked multi-colored Rain Glitter from Amour for the V-gaps. It's a very suitable polish for tape manis, as the glitters are very dense, so just one coat was enough to cover the taped shapes.

In the bottles, Rain Glitter and Westside Warrior looked amazing next to each other, on the nails however I expected the glitter to pop more against the green so the V-shape would be more visible. I'm really enjoying Rain Glitter though, I have such a huge weakness for anything with lots of color, especially when they're this sparkly... But I'm sure many of you feel the same way ^^

What do you think of today's tape mani?


  1. it's gorgeous!
    I'll try this one for sure!!!
    Miss Starshiny

  2. Very cool!! :D Those glitter v's are really something else! :D

  3. Once again, a totally unexpected and absolutely awesome color combination. Great job!

  4. I think these two polishes look so gorgeous together!

  5. This is gorgeous ! I'll have to try this soon c:

  6. It's great ! I'd never thought of mixing coloured glitters with a shade like Westside Warrior but they look really good together :)

  7. So amazing! Totally perfect and unexpected color combo- love the rain glitter too!

  8. I want to try this. I just got my first roll of painters tape!

  9. Absolutely stunning! :D
    I think you did a good job with matching the two colours...and i envy your nails so much! haha x

  10. Hey Jane, just wanted to tell you thanks for the great inspirations and tutorials. I actually just started blogging, mainly because I wanted to show you and a couple other nail bloggers what youve helped me to do :) I mentioned you in my blog so please check it out, especially my "mummy tape mani" http://alilbitofmary.blogspot.com/p/getting-nailed_30.html

  11. Wow, beautiful as always. I love nailpolish myself, and you give me so much inspiration and ideas, I want to thank you for that. But I have to ask, how do you manage to apply the nailposlish so perfectly?

  12. Thank you all for leaving your comment! :-)

    @Babie: I left you a comment on your blog ;-)

    @Ida: Thanks a lot! Applying my polish neatly took practice, I certainly improved compared to two years ago. Another thing that helped me with that was a picture tutorial from Michele from Lacquerized!


    At first I thought her method didn't work, but I kept trying and trying and it turned out it so does work haha.

    Finally, what really helps too is cleaning up afterwards. Use a flat brush and nail polish remover to remove the polish that landed on your skin/cuticles.

    Michele made a very helpful for that too:


    So I learned a lot from other bloggers, who thankfully share their wisdom with us!
