
First post!

Welcome to my blog!
My name is Jane, I'm a 21 year old girl from the Netherlands and I love painting my nails. My passion (obsession?) for nails started about a year ago, since then my stash of polish grew bigger and bigger...  I decided to create this blog to share my own naildesigns and polish swatches with all you other nailpolish lovers out there! And I hope you'll enjoy it :)


  1. Je blog is echt geweldig! Heb hem net ontdekt, veel ideetjes opgedaan ;) Keep up the good work!

  2. @Linda: Dankjewel! Jij veel plezier met de ideetjes :)

  3. I Really Love Your Blog !! Your Very Talented ! :)

  4. I just found your blog, and I really love your designs. Very talented and very inspiring, so of course, I just have to follow your posts now :)


  5. Hi ! I'm french so I don't speak english very well, but I love your blog and that you do, it's very beautiful and clean. I love nail polish like you and it's a with pleasure that I follow your blog :).


  6. wow... i'm impressed! your nail designs look great!
    greetings from bavaria :)

  7. Hey :) I love love liove you blog !!! I watch at the last 2-3hours your full blog each blogpost :D it is soooo great ;)
