
Essie - Bordeaux

Hello everyone :) You're looking at a swatch of Essie Bordeaux, a classic bordeaux red, obviously. I don't own many Essie polishes, only four at the moment! But I'm very satisfied with the ones I do have. And like the others this one does not disappoint at all. Pictured is only one coat! One coat of red, glossy, opaque polish. No topcoat needed. I was lucky to find this bottle at the free market on Queensday together with a few other polishes. The lady who was selling them only asked 1 euro for all of them, good bargain or what :) (In the Netherlands Essie can only be found online for €13 a bottle!) Okay, so this bottle was only half full, but the polish inside was still in perfect condition, Essie-win!


  1. Yes it's the same price here 12-13€ per bottle at Lafayette, but I buy mine on nailetc.com, there are a lot of them at 4$, and even if delivery is not cheap still comes out cheapper then buying them here.

  2. Classic, beautiful red, looks great on you :)

  3. Such a pretty color. It suits with everything. :)

  4. Looks gorgeous on you! :) This is my fave red and probably fave Essie too.

  5. A one coater? Stunning! Hope I can find a bottle too! Looks beautiful!

  6. great colour... and with just one coat :-D

  7. You got yourself a bargain. You'll have to share the other three with us too.

  8. Very nice and elegant colour! You applied it so perfectly as well:D Great saving!!

  9. Hello again!! Thank you for leaving your comment about my pen tablet post! The one I'm using at the moment is called "Intuos4" Large from Wacom:)) Hope this info helps you!!

  10. Jane, you are my scotch tape mistress, so please, tell me, when you remove tape strips? When polish is completely dry or after a few seconds? ;)

  11. That's a lovely red! Does it clean off well? I've had problems with huge smears and stains of red with every red I've tried, when it comes time to take the mani off.

  12. I'm disappointed, I thought it was a transparent red... :(
