Showing posts with label pillowcases. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pillowcases. Show all posts

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Tidings of Comfort and Joy...

There's just something about the thought of a child suffering (whether from illness or homelessness or tragedy or for any reason really) that can bring a person to their knees.  I'm no different.  And although it's impossible to make a quilt for each and every one of them, I do try to make at least a few each year.  I've also been trying for the last couple of years to make pillowcases to donate as well.  In the same amount of time (or less) than it takes to make a quilt, it's possible to make a lot more pillowcases and reach a larger number of children.

Moses - on the pillowcases
This past week, I've been busy working on the most recent batch.  I've had the fabrics set aside for a while now, mostly novelty and animals prints.  Out of these fabrics, 31 pillowcases were born.

Moses again...
I used a very simple pillowcase pattern that I found some time ago.  When you make these pillowcases, they do ask that you finish all of the seams.  I'm fortunate enough to own a serger.  Although it doesn't get much use anymore, it's still perfect for overlocking the edges on things, like these pillowcases.  It's so much quicker (and easier) than doing a French Seam!

Moses - still on the pillowcases
After I wash and dry them tomorrow (I need to get all the cat hair off!), I'll drop them by my local quilt store, Quilts Like Crazy.  They're still a drop off point for the 1 Million Pillowcase Challenge.  Hopefully from there, they'll find their way into the arms of some child who could really use some comfort right now.

Until later...

Be careful! Don't make the mistake of thinking that little children are unimportant! I tell you that they have angels who are always with my Father in heaven.  
Matthew 18:10 (NCV)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Ongoing Projects...

It's been a while since I posted about my current project list.  In fact, since last time, I've actually managed to finish most of what I was working on.  So I've made a new list.  I'm hoping I can finish most of these in the next couple of weeks.  That might be too ambitious, but time will tell.

1.  Orange Sherbert - I'm about halfway done quilting this right now.  It will be my TV watching quilt when the cooler weather comes.  I'm using a new pantograph that's a bit more intensive than those I've done in the past, but I'm really liking the design. (Completed 9/11/11.)

Quilting Orange Sherbert
2.  Pillowcases - I've been wanting to make more pillowcases to donate for a while now.  I even had all the fabric set aside.  I'm actually hoping to finish these tomorrow.  They go together really quickly with my serger. (Completed 9/9/11.)

Some pillowcases ready to sew
3.  Cindy Lou Who - This is a Schnibbles quilt I'm making using Odyssea (an older fabric line).  The pieces are all cut and arranged, I just need to start sewing!  I'm looking forward to putting this one together... (Completed 10/27/11.)

Cindy Lou Who Schnibbles Quilt
4. Dresden Plate Table Topper - This table topper requires 3 large Dresden Plates (plus another for the label).  I've made one and have the pieces ordered for the rest of them.  I'm still not sure how I'm going to attach them to my background, so all suggestions are welcome!

Dresden Plate Table Topper
5. Dresden Plate Wall Hanging - The table topper above uses the light fabrics from Nature's Gift by Deb Strain, while the wall hanging I have planned uses the darks.  This will hang in my kitchen come Christmas (assuming it's done).  It has 4 full Dresden Plates on the front (plus one for the label) and 8 half Dresden Plates in the border.  Again, all the pieces have been put in order and are just waiting for me to find the time to sew them together...

Dresden Plate Wall Hanging
6. Winter Wonderland - The center of this quilt is done and I'm still working on the star blocks in the border.  I have half of them made and would really like to finish the other half so I can lay it out.  My mom's version turned out so gorgeous that I can't wait to put mine together...

Winter Wonderland Star Blocks
So I'm wondering, am I the only one who works on so many projects at the same time?  I hope not.  And truthfully, these aren't all of them.  I have a couple more in the design stage and I'm waiting on a king size quilt kit to come in the mail.  Oh, and we've decided to start our bedroom renovation in a couple of weeks, so I've been meeting with carpet guys and shutter people and buying furniture as well.

Hmm, I think I'm getting tired now so I'll stop and head off to bed.  But before I go, I wanted to show this picture of David I took tonight.  I was trying to iron some fabric I just washed and he absolutely wouldn't get off.  In fact, he ended up biting me - which I will not tolerate - so he found himself on the floor and subsequently chased out of the room by the dog.

David on the fabric I was trying to iron!
Until later...

The one who plants and the one who waters work together with the same purpose. And both will be rewarded for their own hard work. 
1 Corinthians 3:8 (NLT)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Another finish...

I've been in the process of slowly cleaning out my sewing room.  Yesterday I finished going through all of my apparel fabrics and set aside these 11 bags to donate...

11 Bags of Apparel Fabric I gave away
I have some wonderful neighbors who just happen to have 9 kids of their own.  They were able to take them off my hands and I know they'll share them with their church and others who sew.  It's good to see that the fabric will be turned into something useful rather than languishing on my shelves.  I used to love to sew clothes, but now that time has been taken over by quilting.

So as of yesterday evening, this was the state of my sewing room...

The current state of my sewing room
What a mess!  I'm now thinking I want to paint the walls and shelves as well so it's turning into more of a long term project.  However, I took a couple of hours today to push aside some of the clutter and finish up some pillowcases to donate to the 1 Million Pillowcase Challenge.  I know at least one of my local quilt shops is a participant.  It only took maybe 2 hours and the use of my serger to finish 21 pillowcases.  They only needed the last step and some ironing to finish them.

21 Flannel Pillowcases to Donate
Most of the fabric is flannel.  Only the pink one has a cotton header.  Best of all, all of the fabric came from my stash!  Now I'm on to sorting through my quilting fabrics.  I've already boxed up a bunch to give to my mom, but in the process, I've found more fabric that would be perfect for more pillowcases.  So it looks like I'll be making a few more in the near future.

Until later...

We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance for us to do.”  
Ephesians 2:10 (NIV)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

And yet more pillowcases...

I have just finished another 26 pillowcases to donate to charity.  That brings my total to a lot and I think I'm really tired of making them.  Or maybe I'm just really tired.  I didn't get a nap today and that's been known to make me a little cranky.  Or so I've been told...

In any case, I'm ready to move on to something else.  And I have plenty to choose from.  In between making the pillowcases, I managed to find some time to turn this...

into this...

which should eventually end up looking something like this...

 Hopefully in time for my niece's birthday in April.

And at the same time I found the fabric for the doll clothes, I also found the final fabric for the sampler my quilt bee is about to start.

Don't you think it coordinates well with the other fabrics I picked out?

I'd like to say it's because of my keen sense of color but actually they're all from the same fabric collection - Legacy Studios Ravendale.

I had another 50% off coupon so I managed to acquire this beautiful piece to add to my stash as well. (Remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.)

I'm now trying to find someone willing to bring my finished pillowcases to the quilt store to donate.  After all my recent purchases, I figure it's better if I stay away from any more temptation...

Until later...

Thursday, February 25, 2010

February's Package

Last weekend I hand delivered my mom's February package.  (For an explanation of these packages see here).  She'd gotten a couple of things earlier in the month, but this was the bulk of it.  And now that she has it, I can finally share some pictures with you.

First of all are the flannel pillowcases for her bed.  I pre-washed the fabric in very hot water and it made them so soft.  And of course she loves snowmen.

And I also gave her both March and April's mini wall hangings.  I posted a tutorial on how to make them here.  (I wish I'd learned how to make a photo collage before doing the tutorial though...)

I've also already shared with you the stack of fabric's I split with her to make Barbie doll clothes.  Last weekend, we each managed to complete an outfit using this fabric.  I made a special occasion silk dress that took almost 2.5 hours to sew!  Shouldn't such small items be quick?  My mom completed a skirt and top outfit.

I also gave her a bunch of patterns for clothes for both Barbie dolls and 18" dolls.  (I think we'll end up making  more of the 18" clothes because the bigger scale is easier to sew.)  And of course you need a model to try clothes on, so I included this beach barbie.  She came in very handy when sewing.

Finally, I included block #2 of the Imperial Splendor BOM, another spool of Aurifil thread, a quilt magazine, the instructions for making the pillowcases and a pair of hemostats.

I've already got lots of ideas for March's package.  I'd really like to include more hand-made items and I have a bunch of quilt tops already made for her.  But it's always the quilting of the tops that seems to take me so long.

Until later...

Stash Report #8

February 19 - 25, 2010

Well, this was another week where I added to my stash, but almost all of it was for specific projects.  (Does it sound like I'm trying to justify my purchases?)

As I mentioned in my last post, I bought a Blush jelly roll and 3 yards of coordinating fabric for a Paintbox quilt I'm planning to make.  I also bought 3 yards of Kona cotton on sale to go with it.  That's a total of 9 yards - but I expect to get at least two quilts out of it.

I also bought a lot at JoAnn's this week.  I had a bunch of 40 and 50 percent off coupons plus another coupon for 20% off my entire purchase.  (Aren't coupons wonderful?)  I bought 5 yards of fabric for a special someone but I can't share what until later.  I also bought 8 yards of the Legacy Studio Ravendale Collection in 5 different prints.

Most of this will go towards making a sampler quilt that Jan and Janet will be teaching this next year.  However, I have enough left over to frame a John 3:16 panel I have. Aren't they pretty?  I've really been gravitating towards these colors lately.

And my last purchase was 3 yards of a very bright, metallic leaf print.  I could easily design a whole quilt around this fabric.  It was my impulse buy and I would have skipped it if not for all the coupons...

I think the pattern in this fabric would also make a great quilting motif.

This brings my purchase total to 25 yards!  Yikes!  I guess it's a good thing I ended up not going to the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival.

Now for what I got accomplished this week.  Hmmm...  I have to think about it.  The only thing I can think of is the 18 pillowcases I made for the 1 Million Pillowcase Challenge.  That used about 20.25 yards of fabric. ( I also made some barbie clothes while visiting my mom, but we used her fabric not mine.) I've got another 26 cut out and ready to sew and I will have used the bulk of the children's prints and flannels in my stash.

Although I've still used more than I've bought, I need to stay out of the fabric stores.  I have enough projects to work on without adding new ones.  Having said that, I do want to get one more coordinating Ravendale print for the sampler that starts next week.

So the totals are:
Purchased-this-week: 25 yards
Used-this-week: 20.25 yards
Purchased-to-date: 56.25 yards
Used-to-date: 98.25 yards
Net used: 42 yards

Until later...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Lots and lots of pillowcases...

I have been busy lately making more pillowcases.  They are such a great project.  They're so easy to make and are a small investment of both time and money.  Plus they look great.

I've been making them for my family as well as to donate to the 1 Million Pillowcase Challenge.  To start, I made two pillowcases for my mom's February package out of flannel.  As I've mentioned before, she loves snowmen.  And the flannel made them so soft.

Then I made my sister, niece and nephew each one.  I used the focus fabric in my sister's quilt to make hers.  (I knew she would love it because she picked it out.)  I made my niece's out of a bright flannel with flowers and my nephew's out of cub scouts fabric.

And finally, I finished 18 more pillowcases (again out of flannel) to donate to charity.  All of our local quilt shops are accepting donations and giving them to those in need.

It felt really good to focus on others today.

Until later...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Quilts for Kids charity

At the end of last year, several bee members and myself decided to make a quilt to donate to Quilts for Kids.  It's a great charity and to make it even easier, you can request a quilt kit.  They'll send you all of the fabric for the top, binding and backing.  You sew it, add batting and quilt it.  What could be easier?

We've finally finished the quilts we were working on and I plan to mail them tomorrow (assuming I can get out of my driveway).  Thank you Verna, Hils and Bridget for making one of these bright and cheerful quilts.  I'm sure they'll be appreciated!

Did I mention they pre-cut all the pieces for you too?

If you want to do something closer to home, there are local chapters of Quilts for Kids all over the country.  And you can also make pillowcases for the 1 Million Pillowcase Challenge.  I worked on them some more today.  As a quilt bee, our tally is now up to 68!  Woohoo!

Until later...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Great gals and lots of fun...

Quilt bee met at my house today for lots of food, fun and conversation.  Although we meet every week, we set today aside for a charity project.  Ladies brought their machines and fabric so we could make pillowcases for the 1 Million Pillowcase Challenge.  And boy did we ever!

I thought this would also be a great opportunity to use up the fabric in my stash that I had purchased with charity projects in mind.

I have tons of animal prints and a lot of children's prints as well.

Combined with the fabric that the wonderful ladies in my quilt bee brought, we were able to complete 31 pillowcases!  And we have another 32 in various stages of completion.  We have enough fabric to make even more, but after a full day of ironing, cutting and sewing, we were all pretty tired.

Here are just a few of the ones we finished.  And they all have french seams in them to give them nice finished edges.  It was the first time some of the ladies had done them and it was both a learning experience and a comedy act as people kept repeating to themselves "wrong sides together".  (You had to be there...)

Thanks ladies for all your hard work!

Until later...