Showing posts with label doll clothes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label doll clothes. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

More progress...

I managed to sneak a few hours of sewing time in this morning.  It helps that I woke up early.  This was the first morning since I fell sick that I woke able to breathe out of both nostrils and I took advantage of the small amount of energy I had.

I continued embroidering snowflakes on the Mr. Snowman quilt.  Here's the quilt hooped in the machine...

I undoubtedly spent more time tearing out embroidery stitches than the machine did stitching them.  First, I didn't keep the excess quilt far enough out of the way and during stitching, one part got sewn down to another.  The machine was really unhappy with me and stopped working until I fixed it.  It was a mess.

The second mess was when the bobbin thread had almost run out.  The thread tail that gets wound on the bobbin first and is buried under all the layers became uncovered enough to get caught up in the machine.  So for a short time, the embroidery was using 2 bobbin threads.  It created a huge rat's nest under the quilt.  Fortunately, I was able to remove both mishaps without tearing a hole in the quilt

In between these mishaps, I did finish 2 more doll outfits.  It's the same outfit but in different fabrics.  These are probably the last ones I'll get done before her birthday.  But I have plenty more fabric and notions and plan to continue making them throughout the year.

I also managed to make the binding for Mr. Snowman.  There's only a little more than one side to embroider and then it's ready for the binding.  I'm hoping to find the time to finish it tomorrow.

And I caught Jack taking another sunshine nap today.  I love that thing she does with her paws...

Until later...

"Nature herself has imprinted on the minds of all the idea of God."
- Cicero

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Quilting Mr. Snowman...

I'm still working on quilting Mr. Snowman.  The quilt isn't large - only 37" square, but I'm doing custom quilting on it that's taking rather longer than I expected.

 First I outlined stitched some of the snowman and echoed around his hat.  I also stitched in the ditch around the borders.

(Of course I had my usual helper slowing things down.)

Then I did a cross-hatch in the background 16-patches.

And finally I'm doing some machine embroidered snowflakes in the borders.  This step requires me to keep re-hooping the quilt and is taking a good bit of time.  I'm almost done with 2 sides but I like how it's turning out so far.  Mr. Quilting Bug recommended that the snowflakes extend into the lighter blue and gold borders.

Between naps and flu medicine, I've also managed to finish another outfit for my niece's doll.

It's a great in-between project while I'm waiting for an embroidery to finish.   I've got a couple more outfits I'm working on which should see me through finishing the quilt.

Until later...

Call to me and I will answer you. I'll tell you marvelous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own. Jeremiah 33:3 (MSG)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Cute outfit and other furry tidbits...

I've finished one of the top and shorts outfits for my niece's doll.  I had a lot of fun working on them.

Isn't the rickrack a nice touch?  Fortunately they fit her pretty well too.

My mom has been having a lot of trouble with hers turning out too small.  She even went looking for a skinnier doll but couldn't find one.  Now she's trying to add a bigger seam allowance and hope that helps.  I think it just depends on the pattern and the one I'm working with fits just right.

I've also managed to cut out 4 more outfits and they're ready to sew.

Recently I've started reading a new blog (to me) called Quilt Obsession.  I enjoy reading about her quilting projects, but I love that she ends every post with pictures of her two cats, Lester and Smudge, and what they're up to at that time.  I thought what a great diary that would be one day in the future when she no longer has them with her.  So I took my camera and went searching for my brood.  I'm so glad I did because I got some great pictures...

Sam was napping in her chair.

Jack was napping on this chest.  This is her favorite pose.

This is David's favorite daytime napping spot in the sun room.

Moses was snug in bed.

Gabriel was passed out on the floor.

A canine friend came to visit Gabriel today and they played until she was exhausted.  She still needs to lose a good bit of the winter weight she put on.  Then again, so do I!

I also found this great picture of Michael taken about 5 years ago.  She was such a sweetheart...

I know one day I'll love looking back on these pictures and thinking what a blessed day it truly was.

Until later...

Friday, March 5, 2010

Stash Report Week #9

February 26 - March 4, 2010

I've already blogged about my purchases for this week here so I'll spare you the recap.  Suffice it to say my totals for the week are 7 yards.

I've also already posted the 26 pillowcases I finished as well.  Dear Susan is being nice enough to drop them by Wish Upon A Quilt for me.  I figure that used about 28.5 yards of fabric.  I also finished one of the doll outfits I cut out.

For my first attempt, I think she looks snazzy.  Her outfit consists of capris, a shirt, a sundress and a shrug.  All told, I used about 3/4 of a yard of fabric.

By the way, look at these cute shoes I picked up to go along with her...

Aren't they so sweet?

So back to my report.  The totals for this week are:
Purchased-this-week: 7 yards
Used-this-week: 29.25 yards
Purchased-to-date: 63.25 yards
Used-to-date: 127.5 yards
Net used: 64.25 yards

Until later...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

And yet more pillowcases...

I have just finished another 26 pillowcases to donate to charity.  That brings my total to a lot and I think I'm really tired of making them.  Or maybe I'm just really tired.  I didn't get a nap today and that's been known to make me a little cranky.  Or so I've been told...

In any case, I'm ready to move on to something else.  And I have plenty to choose from.  In between making the pillowcases, I managed to find some time to turn this...

into this...

which should eventually end up looking something like this...

 Hopefully in time for my niece's birthday in April.

And at the same time I found the fabric for the doll clothes, I also found the final fabric for the sampler my quilt bee is about to start.

Don't you think it coordinates well with the other fabrics I picked out?

I'd like to say it's because of my keen sense of color but actually they're all from the same fabric collection - Legacy Studios Ravendale.

I had another 50% off coupon so I managed to acquire this beautiful piece to add to my stash as well. (Remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.)

I'm now trying to find someone willing to bring my finished pillowcases to the quilt store to donate.  After all my recent purchases, I figure it's better if I stay away from any more temptation...

Until later...