Showing posts with label Michael. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michael. Show all posts

Monday, December 6, 2010

Winter Wonderland...

It started snowing Saturday afternoon and it was so beautiful.  It's unusual for us to get snow this early.  We don't usually see the white stuff until January or February and then not very much of it.  We got an inch and a half at our house but the ground was so warm, we didn't have any trouble with the roads.  It was still snowing when I took these pictures.

Tree in our backyard
Can you see the deer eating in the forest?  They didn't seem too bothered by the snow (or the flash from my camera).

See the deer underneath the trees?
Even Gabriel went out for a short bit.  She came in with a light smattering of snow on her back.

Gabriel with snow on her back
Whenever it snows, it reminds me of how much Michael used to love it.  She'd run around energetically and then she'd lay down in it and let it snow on top of her.  She was a hot blooded creature so I'm sure it felt good to her.  I'll never forget the freak storm we got in 1999 with 22" of snow.  It was basically taller than her and everything closed down for a week.  But we had a ball playing in it together.

Michael in 1999
I do hope this isn't a sign that we're in for an abnormally cold winter this year.  It's nice to see snow once in a while, but here in North Carolina it usually means the roads are covered in black ice and dangerous to travel on.  I enjoyed these brief flurries but almost all signs of them have disappeared.

Until later...

God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.  
2 Corinthians 9:8 (NIV)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Cute outfit and other furry tidbits...

I've finished one of the top and shorts outfits for my niece's doll.  I had a lot of fun working on them.

Isn't the rickrack a nice touch?  Fortunately they fit her pretty well too.

My mom has been having a lot of trouble with hers turning out too small.  She even went looking for a skinnier doll but couldn't find one.  Now she's trying to add a bigger seam allowance and hope that helps.  I think it just depends on the pattern and the one I'm working with fits just right.

I've also managed to cut out 4 more outfits and they're ready to sew.

Recently I've started reading a new blog (to me) called Quilt Obsession.  I enjoy reading about her quilting projects, but I love that she ends every post with pictures of her two cats, Lester and Smudge, and what they're up to at that time.  I thought what a great diary that would be one day in the future when she no longer has them with her.  So I took my camera and went searching for my brood.  I'm so glad I did because I got some great pictures...

Sam was napping in her chair.

Jack was napping on this chest.  This is her favorite pose.

This is David's favorite daytime napping spot in the sun room.

Moses was snug in bed.

Gabriel was passed out on the floor.

A canine friend came to visit Gabriel today and they played until she was exhausted.  She still needs to lose a good bit of the winter weight she put on.  Then again, so do I!

I also found this great picture of Michael taken about 5 years ago.  She was such a sweetheart...

I know one day I'll love looking back on these pictures and thinking what a blessed day it truly was.

Until later...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Goodbye sweet Michael

 August 14, 1996 - February 15, 2010
I know we'll see each other again one day.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sick pets...

(Warning - long post...)

Doesn't it break your heart to see an animal sick?  I wish they could tell us exactly what hurts and that we could explain the things we do to make them better.

Most of this week has been spent dealing with these issues.  In addition to being sick myself, Michael has been throwing up.  A lot.

I've been getting a lot of use out of the carpet cleaner I got for Christmas.  (Thank you again Heather!!!)  I'm hoping it's just a stomach bug or an upset stomach because of her arthritis medication, but she's not getting better.  She hasn't eaten much of anything for almost a week.  Our vet did an exam and her spleen appears to be enlarged.  We're praying that it's not cancer and that she'll bounce back once again.  I'd certainly appreciate if you'd pray for her as well.

Also we recently found a huge lump on my Mother-in-law's dog, Winston.

He is such a sweet and lovable dog.  He just turned 14 this month and yet he still plays with toys.  The lump appeared and grew very large in just 6 weeks.  He needed to have it taken off as soon as possible.  With such rapid growth, we were concerned it would split his skin if we waited.

Fortunately we have a great vet.  Not only does she do laser surgery (which is easier on animals and quicker to recover from), she also comes right to your front door.

We've only been using her for a little over a year, but she's been such a blessing to us.  With 6 pets, it's always stressful taking them to the vet.  Not having to travel with them or wait for the vet to see us has taken a lot of stress off me and them.

But back to Winston.  It turned out that the tumor was cancerous.  I had to decide whether to go ahead with the surgery or just make him comfortable.  I hate decisions like that.  I'm not cut out to play God! 

Based on the information she gave me, I decided to go ahead with the surgery.  Worst case, it would give him another 2-4 months and best case, he could live another couple of years.  It all depended on whether she could get it all.  She was concerned some of the tumor might be under his pectoral muscle and she wouldn't be able to remove it.

Praise God!  It wasn't and she thinks she got it all.

(He wore a pair of Mr. QuiltingBug's socks to keep his feet warm during the operation.)

It was a very long surgery.  Almost 5 hours.  After being under for such a long time, Winston took a long time to completely wake up.  He loves food and could eat anything he wanted as soon as he could walk a straight line.  He came out of surgery at 2:30, but couldn't walk around until about 8:30 that same night.

Here he is still really groggy.

His incision is 6 or 7 inches long.  He's also on lots of medications after the surgery, but he's really doing well.  I'm giving him all kinds of good things to eat and he's enjoying every one of them.  Hopefully by tomorrow he'll be in good enough shape to go back home.  I'm sure he misses his mom and I know she misses him!

Until later...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pleasant dreams...

I had a wonderful dream the other night.  I dreamt that I woke up and Michael was sleeping in bed with me.  She used to snuggle in bed with me every night, but she's been unable to jump that high for the last 3 years because of her arthritis.  So in my dream, she was young and healthy again.  I know all of you who have or had aging pets know it's difficult to see them become older and infirm. 

Don't misunderstand me, Michael is doing really well for being 13 years old.  She's happy and fairly energetic.  I just remember how she used to love to jump.  She could easily jump from the ground into an above ground pool.  (Ask me how I know...)  Now when she's excited she'll try to jump and her front feet will leave the ground several inches but the back stay put.  But as I said, she's happy and I'm happy she's still with me.

When I was loading some new pictures tonight, I found this one of Michael curled up in bed.

I got a package in the mail today and so did Mr. Quilting Bug.  He was very excited to get Windows 7 in the mail.  However, I believe I got the better shipment.  Let me show you...

Oops!  I guess it's a little difficult to make out in that picture.  (David was very interested in the flash on the camera.)

That's a clearer picture but still needs explaining doesn't it?  This package is my 2nd from Pro Chemical & Dye and provides me with everything I need to start hand-dyeing my own fabric.  I'm eager to get started, but a little nervous too.  Included here are 10 yards of a special PFD (prepared for dyeing) fabric, a container of Cherry Blush dye and the other ingredients needed to successfully dye everything.  I may get started this weekend if I can find the time.  Wish me luck...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Spring Cleaning???

I know that there's usually a time in the spring when we're compelled to freshen up and declutter our surroundings, but my internal clock must be confused.  I've been feeling like I need to clean everything around me: the floors, walls, windows, every inch of every space.  Of course, I haven't done all of it (yet).  Perhaps if I had more energy and didn't pay for it afterwards, I'd be further along.  But I'm pleased with what I've done.  I've scrubbed our carpets and every inch of our bathroom (except the ceiling - let's be real).  Tonight I moved our living room around so I could scrub our wood floors in there.  The baseboards have never sparkled so.

I still need to do the windows though.  For anyone who's been to my house, you know that's a big task.  Almost the entire back of the house is windows:  2 in the kitchen, 12 in the sunroom, 6 in the living room and 4 in our bedroom.  And it's not cleaning the windows that's the worst part, it's cleaning the window sills.  You know the space between the window and the screen that gets filthy and is difficult to completely scour because of all the tiny corners.  That's the part I like the least.  Of course, the weather is going to have to turn a lot warmer before I tackle that task.  Hmm...  Maybe it will end up being spring by then after all?

Except for the label, I've finished the prayer quilt for Chris, my secret sister.  I had intended to add more yoyo's, but the prevailing opinion has been to stop where I'm at.  I hope when she looks at it, she smiles and knows that she is loved.  (Moses insisted on being in the picture as well.)

I finally manged to get new pictures of some of the other pets.  Sam found my bag to be a good place for a snuggle and a nap.

It's hard to tell, but she's is managing to lose some weight.  I also caught Michael giving me a smile.  Can you see her dimples?  I think she's looking good for 13.

See you later....

Friday, August 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Michael!!!

My sweet girl is 13 today! I have to admit there were several times I didn't think she'd make it to this ripe old age - particularly earlier this year. But she has. And she's looking good.

We've happened upon the right combination of food and medication for her arthritis. She's acting far younger than 13 right now. She enjoyed a special birthday bone this morning for breakfast.

Please ignore all the hair on the carpet. With 5 pets (soon to be 6), it's inevitable.

We're going to have to get her something good to eat for dinner. Perhaps some egg drop soup - one of her favorites. She just went to the groomer last week to have most of her hair cut off. With this hot weather she's so much more comfortable with it gone. However, here's a picture of her before the shave. She looks fluffier, doesn't she?

Gabriel had to get in on all the pictures I was taking. Here she is laughing. (OK - I think she just closed her eyes against the flash.)

In case anyone is wondering - I do realize Michael is a boy name and yes, she is a girl. But honestly, she doesn't care what we call her and I like the name.

I'm out of town this weekend, but I'll have another surprise when I return...