berry berry, on the vine …

berry berry, on the vine
who’s the suiciest of them all?
Why of course, you are. Suicy berry!

9 thoughts on “berry berry, on the vine …

  1. Hola, FruitHENGE!
    Anyone lucky enough to have berry vines growing in their yard will be harvesting right about now! For fruit-hengers, there is nothing quite like a homemade cobbler, pie, roll-ups, etc., made with home grown berries! I always raid the vines in the school yard behind the main building. My only rivals are the blue jays and sparrows. Happy Summer!

  2. Just getting ready to print a recipe for grilling sauce with —- blackberries in it (for ribs, chicken too). Check it out next week! See: there is a tie-in.

  3. Kudzu – I keep seeing your interesting comments on other blogs but when I click on your name, nothing comes up! Could you leave your blog address so I can read your posts, please?
    BerryHenge, beautiful picture and I can’t wait to see what cut of meat you use those on!

  4. Zoomie: Never fear, Biggles is here — and he is sending you my email address. Guess he’s the friendly village postmaster.