Sunday. All Hallow’s Eve. And I heard The Nutcracker Suite. 9 had rehearsals at 12:30 and all I saw was Halloween socks over pink tights while hearing Nutcracker music.
As the evening progressed we finally caved into letting the girls get dressed. Did your kids wake up thinking they could don those costumes at 8am?
They really were cute. Even if 6 said “I’m going to be a black cat and Abby’s my witch”… said in the butIreallymeanbitch way.
We had a chili party on the street behind us… because OUR street is too lame to participate.
6’s sweet little crush and his baby sister… children of the host. I couldn’t resist putting their pics up… That Ally cat is just too cute.
Want to know why I brought my camera? Not to get pictures, I assure you. By taking my camera everywhere I go it allows me to sit on the outskirts of the action. I HATE parties like this… where everyone else seems to know each other and each other’s children’s names and birthdays and social security numbers.
I left early to set up my table. I sit and pass out candy while Hubs takes the girls around the neighborhood. I get to dress like a witch, have a few glasses of wine, and scare the neighborhood kids with my spiders and tablescape lab jars :-)
Lot’s of spiders, fun Harry Potter and Pan’s Labyrinth music, and candles… lots of candles… which was really cool…
Until someone told their kid to come look at the “alter”… I kid you not. Alter.
Pffftt… Texas…