“Rising at dawn to the rumble of waves, Parkes sets out early to paint Eastern Long Island’s morning light. He packs his car with easel, canvas, panels, paints, brushes, and an expedition knapsack containing such vital necessities as coffee thermos, sunscreen, and bug repellent” writes Angus Wilke in Summer Places, a wonderful book about the plein air paintings of Simon Parkes. These tools and a love of natural realism create the genius of Simon’s true, unedited landscapes.

Parkes, founder of Simon Parkes Art Conservation Inc., on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, honed his skill through years of serious restoration work, only painting his first landscape in his early forties. Over the past decade plus, Parkes has created hundreds of pictures. “I paint feelings, emotional memories, smells, temperature, and sounds… I try to garner an emotional response, which I hope is deeper than simple place recognition,” says Parkes.

The Ferry Dock, Swan's Island 2008. Oil on Panel.
And indeed, Simon's work evokes an emotional response from the hundreds of people who are lucky to have one or in some cases many of his pictures on their walls. Parkes, represented by W.M. Brady & Co., in New York City, has quite a following of avid collectors who scramble to buy his paintings as soon as they receive their gallery invitations.

Cosmos, Ecco Farm, East Hampton, 2008. Oil on panel. Long Lane, Clouds, East Hampton, 2008 Oil on canvas.
Simon's pictures promise to transport you from the fragrant dunes of Eastern Long Island to the crisp rocky coastline of Maine. You can see more of his work here.