NOTE: Since this post was written, Tom has a second book out Tom Scheerer More Decorating - and this time, he wrote it himself. Listen to this wonderful chat with Tom on the Ballard Design Podcast.
I've been lucky to spend many happy days in several of Tom Scheerer's houses since his sister Jane is my best friend from art school days. Tom knows better than anyone how to create a house as Mimi Read so aptly describes in Tom's new book, Tom Scheerer Decorates ~ "He's the decorator for the long haul, the one who can compose a great-looking room that you never want to leave."
I've been lucky to spend many happy days in several of Tom Scheerer's houses since his sister Jane is my best friend from art school days. Tom knows better than anyone how to create a house as Mimi Read so aptly describes in Tom's new book, Tom Scheerer Decorates ~ "He's the decorator for the long haul, the one who can compose a great-looking room that you never want to leave."
A surprise, textured pattern graces the hardcover of Tom Scheerer Decorates and his Lyford Trellis delights as well—with impeccable photography by Francesco Lagnese, generous resources, and pitch-perfect text from Mimi Read. The book consists of three sections: City | Country | Tropics.
You will stop and return to the images again and again to study the Scheerer sensibility—teaming with life—both refined and friendly, all with Tom's unique brand of chic to "underdecorate."
"It's my general philosophy to accept what's given and make it work without going to too much trouble," he says. "It's what makes one house different from the next. Why rip out a bathroom to spend $20,000 on designer tile just to have a bathroom that looks exactly like everyone else's? Why not bleach the sink, put a new scalloped shade on the sconce, and get on with life? That's what we did in our summer houses in the old days—it's why they had charm."
Tom Scheerer Decorates is a treat for all to learn about living well from one of the most gracious hosts of all. I do hope a cookbook is next. Tom is also the best cook. Ever. Do run to get a copy here.
See an earlier interview with Tom here.
Another post mentioning Tom's work here.
Thank you to Vendome Press for the early copy.