Showing posts with label Mystery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mystery. Show all posts

Monday, March 14, 2016

Design Wall Monday: Little House Mystery

I'm a sucker for mystery quilts. I love stitching a little bit at a time -- and Ebony Love of LoveBug Studios is a talented mystery designer!

Ebony's most recent mystery celebrates a favorite book series from my childhood, the "Little House on the Prairie" series by Laura Ingalls Wilder. The story of Laura, her Pa and Ma, sister Mary and baby Carrie -- I loved them all!

Ruth's Stitchery carries the entire line of Andover's "Little House" fabrics. So I was delighted when my boss agreed I could stitch this quilt as a shop sample. I chose the "Dear Ma" colorway, because it's a bit brighter than the "Dear Pa" choice. (Thanks for cutting all the yardage, Yvonne!)  The best part about it being a sample is, I didn't dare fall behind! In fact, I was eagerly waiting the "quilt layout" clue yesterday morning. I had this much finished yesterday afternoon:

And this much before bedtime:

When I arranged the "orange peel" blocks and flying birds, I realized the center four flying bird blocks should have been those with the off-white backgrounds. But I wasn't about to take it apart! So I placed two white-background-flying birds on the top and bottom rows, and I'm satisfied with this layout.

This morning, Ebony sent a frantic "correction" email. The center four flying birds blocks should be those with the solid background.  Too late for me, I'm not changing it now!

Here is the layout of all the block sewn so far. There must be some borders, because so far the quilt top is 71½" square, and the pattern calls for the completed quilt to be 99" square.

Almost too big for my design wall!

I'm on the list for Cornelia to quilt it. I asked her to use the "Baptist Fan quilting design. I think that will be appropriate for this "prairie style" fabric, don't you?

What's on your design wall today?

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

WIP Wednesday: Little House on the Prairie QAL

I'm a bit behind on my Little House mystery quilt. Blame it on the weather -- one of the AccuQuilt Go! dies I needed was in a truck stuck in a snowstorm in Wyoming!

The customer service lady at AccuQuilt was great, though. She "released" the remainder of my order, so I could finish this block.

My "birds in flight" blocks aren't quilt 6½" square, so I'm not sewing the big block together until I figure out where I went wrong!

What's in process in your sewing room?

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

WIP Wednesday: The Plan Unfolds

Hmm, my last post outlined my "plan" for 2016. So far, I'm keeping up with the Blocks of the Month -- but then, it's only January!

I swore to myself I would only join one "block party" at Ruth's Stitchery this year.

The one I chose is "Park Bench." Pattern from Jaybird Quilts, and the fabric I'm using is "Botanics" by Carolyn Friedlander for Robert Kaufman. I bought the kit last winter in Laramie at Quilt Essentials when I was in Wyoming for the Downton Abbey Retreat with Around the Block Quilts. Julie Herman's directions are so clear, the blocks go together in a snap!

Today is the 30th day of winter -- how are your 9-patch "A Quilt Block a Day" blocks coming along? You should have 30 made today! I have them on the design wall to inspire me to stitch a 9-patch every day.

They won't be sewn together in this arrangement (I have a secret plan for them!) but it's fun to see the rows grow day-by-day.

The best-laid resolutions -- when I read that Ebony of LoveBug Studios was hosting a "Dear Laura" QAL, I caved. The mystery quilt features the "Little House on the Prairie" fabrics from Andover (I bought mine at Ruth's Stitchery, of course -- they have the complete collection). Since it's a mystery, I'm only showing you the corners of the blocks!

It's not too late to join the mystery, go here for details.

Today is a "stay in the house and sew" kind of day, so I'm working on my January UFO. It's "Vintage Memories," a BoM from several years (!) ago.

How is your Jaunary UFO progressing? Remember to email me a photo of your finish for the February 1 UFO Parade!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Monday, March 23, 2015

Design Wall Monday: Downton Abbey Mystery

Spoiler Alert! I'm showing photos of blocks from LoveBug Studios' Downton Abbey Mystery! If you're participating in the QAL, continue at your own risk!

2015 is the second year Ebony has hosted a Downton Abbey QAL. And it's the second year Barb of Around the Block quilt shop in Cheyenne has hosted a Downton Abbey retreat.

This photo shows the blocks I have finished -- not in the design of the finished quilt!

I'm using the "Team Carson" colorway. Can you spot  my mistake?

I've been lucky to attend the DA retreat both years. It's held at the Nagle Warren Mansion in Cheyenne. The Nagle Warren Mansion was built by Erasmus Nagle in 1888.  It is one of the few remaining fine homes built during the 1880s, when Cheyenne was the richest city, of its size, in the world. The mansion is located on Cattle Baron's row, where many large homes were built during the late 19th century.

L Winter Nagle Warren Mansion

Several attendees sewed with Andover's Downton Abbey fabrics. I made a good start on my English Manor Mystery from LoveBug Studios. Thanks you, Nancy and Betty at Ruth's Stitchery for gathering all the fabrics for me.

Come back on Sunday for the stash report from this trip!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

As If

YOU could sew when this is sleeping on your Christmas quilt!

That would be Samosa, my birthday kitten. He is three months old today and is a bundle of fun. He likes to jump up an unsuspecting passersby leg -- luckily, the vet trimmed his claws!

Like many sewists this time of year, I'm mostly sewing prezzies. Which can't be shown on the blog, because, well -- they're surprises! Here are some for friends I don't think read the blog. (None of them sew, Can you believe I have friends who don't sew?)

I made them using this tutorial from Deby at So Sew Easy.  They are just right to contain a credit card (or Starbucks gift card!) and a lip balm. That one on the right is too small for a gift card. Because I put the tabs on the wrong side and they wound up inside the bag. When Deby says "place the tab on top of the zipper tape -- she means it. I cut off the ends and re-sewed it. Now it's too short. 

Are you sewing Bonnie Hunter's 2014 Mystery, Grand Illusion? I'm a sucker for a mystery project. 

And no, I don't have time for this. But who cares? With no boys at home this year, we're sort of ignoring Christmas. I set out a hurricane jar containing a candle and some glass scatters from Lillian Vernon. And that's it for Christmas decorations!

Hurricane with Candy Cane Scatters Set

Happy Hanukkah to those who celebrate!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

WIP Wednesday: Planning Ahead

Many quilters consider planning quilts, shopping for specific colors, and diving into the "stash" to be the most fun part of quilting.

Clearly, I'm no exception! Have you seen Bonnie Hunter's announcement of her next mystery quilt, "Grand Illusion?" Have you started to pull fabrics from your stash? Maybe you need to do a little shopping?

Here are the colors Bonnie recommends for this year's quilt:

I stopped by Ruth's Stitchery this morning to see what they have in this color range. There are lots more, but here are just a few I picked out to match the color cards:

I prefer bright, clear colors -- so I had plenty in my own stash!

Note: Aqua leans to green, not blue, as does Turquoise:

I love this bright apple (or grass?) green:

Can you tell pink is my favorite color?

I bought the yellow on the left at High Country Quilts. Then I saw the one on the right at Ruth's today. It's the one "constant" color in the quilt, so I'll have to choose!

I'm excited that Ruth's is hosting a "sit and sew" for the Winter Mystery. If you're in the area, bring your fabrics, machine and printed instructions from Bonnie to the shop at 9 am on Friday, November 28. It's fun to sew with friends!

WIP Wednesday

I test-sewed one block for our December Jelly Roll Party. The pattern is "Basket Weave" from The Quilt Room.

This isn't the fabrics I'll use for the actual sample quilt -- they're leftovers from a Sandy Gervais collection. In case you didn't notice, the center is an Octagon -- NOT a Hexagon! I have several Hexagon rulers, but couldn't find an Octagon template! The pattern requires enlarging the Octagon template by 400%, with each side measuring 3.75". WELL, at 400%, each side measures 3.78"! The DH noticed one side is about 1/4" longer than the others. I'm hoping when I start on the sample, I'll be able to "sliver" down the sides to measure exactly 3.75".

If you're a knitter, come back tomorrow for a sneak peak at a new yarn shop in Colorado Springs!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sunday is for Scraps -- and Almost a Finish

I've been trying to dedicate Sundays to finishing my Bonnie Hunter "Celtic Solstice" mystery quilt. Today I sewed together and added the second border, the orange and blue tri-rec squares.

Bonnie's  directions call for a 2.5" green border on this size quilt. That just seems too narrow to me. I'm curious to know, from others who've made this quilt: "What size did you make the last border?"

Linking up to Sew Darn Crafty at Sew Many Ways.

Tomorrow, those of us who are making A Quilt Block a Day should have 40 blocks completed. Are you keeping up? Come back tomorrow to see how I'm doing!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunday is for Scraps

If you're looking for the "Grow Your Blog" giveaway, go here to comment and enter the giveaway.

I finally have all the blocks for my Celtic Solstice Mystery from Bonnie Hunter completed. I love how the secondary pattern emerges when they are hung on the design wall!

I thought about changing the border so the points of the blocks continue into the border, but decided that would take too much calculating. I have four rows put together, so I should be able to finish the top next Sunday.

Tomorrow is Block of the Month day -- should I fix the borders in my January UFO, or make the last block of my Twisted Amish quilt?

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Monday, December 9, 2013

Design Wall Monday: Celtic Solstice Mystery

Part 2, Bonnie Hunter's Celtic Solstice Mystery.

Whew! 100 chevrons that finish at 3"! Glad I had a beautiful view of Pikes Peak covered with snow today, because I stitched, trimmed, pressed and squared-up for five hours!

 I love putting my my finished mystery steps on the design wall to admire:

Tomorrow I must finish this table runner! I'm not happy with the way the border print looks, but I don't have time to experiment with something different. Maybe it will look better when the other two sides are sewn on!?!

Linking up to Bonnie's Celtic Solstice Mystery, Part 2.


The temperature in Colorado Springs is supposed to get above freezing tomorrow -- here's hoping!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

WIP Wednesday: Celtic Mystery

Have you told me where you live yet? Please go to this post and comment so I can "pin" you on my map!

Ruth's Stitchery sponsored a "Bonnie Hunter Sew-In" on Friday. I took my Celtic Mystery fabrics and Tri-Recs rulers and cut and sewed.  For seven hours!  It shouldn't have taken that long to piece 188 Tri-Recs blocks, maybe I spent too much time talking to customers!

Here it is, Step 1 completed:

Blue on orange:

And blue on neutrals:

I am using the same fabric for all my neutrals. It's white with multi-colored dots. Notice anything wrong with my blue and neutral blocks?

Nine rows of ten. Plus five. Supposed to be six. That's why it's a good idea to hang all your blocks on the design wall and count!

Linking up to Celtic Solstice Mystery Monday Link-Up #1:

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Linking up to WiP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced with guest host Cindy of Hyacinth Quilt Designs.

Baby, it's cold outside in Colorado -- high of ten degrees today. Hope you're keeping warm!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Scrap Basket Sunday

It's been awhile since I've dug through the scrap boxes on a Sunday.

Thanks to Bonnie Hunter of Quiltville, I spent an enjoyable afternoon digging through my scraps today looking for fabrics for Bonnie's next mystery quilt! Each autumn, Bonnie hosts a Mystery QAL  on her blog. I swore to myself I wouldn't start this year's scrappy mystery, as I have yet to complete last year's "Easy Street."

That was fine, until I saw the colors Bonnie has selected for this year!  All my favorites! Orange, yellow, green and blue. She's calling the quilt "Celtic Solstice."  Here are my fabrics for this project:

I think I was the first person at my local Lowe's picking through the Olympic paint chips. Here is Bonnie's photo of the paint chips:
CelticSolstice 009

Not surprisingly, I had enough of the blues and greens that I didn't need to buy any extra.

But I was short on orange, and I'm still not sure these are the best match to the color cards:

Bonnie recommends "shirtings" for the background. Hooray, I will have to shop for more of those!

Linking up to Kim's Big Quilting Adventure Scrap Basket Sunday.

Scrap Basket Sunday

The first clue for Celtic Solstice goes "live" on Friday, November 29. Good thing I don't shop that day, because I'll be busy cutting and sewing my "Celtic Solstice!"

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Friday, September 13, 2013

TGIFF - Quilt #41

Thank Goodness it's Friday -- and thank goodness it stopped raining long enough for me to catch a quick photo of quilt #41 for 2013!

We had rain steady through Wednesday night and most of the day Thursday. More than 4" fell, with more forecast for the weekend. I haven't had to water my lawn since June!

This quilt was a mystery project at Ruth's Stitchery this year. Even though I missed a few of the meetings, I managed to keep up with the monthly assignments, and finish my quilt the day after our last block party.

Linking up to Thank Goodness It's Finished Friday at Quilt Matters.

And Link a Finish Friday at Richard and Tanya Quilts.

LAFF - Richard and Tanya Quilts

Also "Can I Get a Whoop Whoop?" at Confessions of a Fabric Addict.

Confessions of a Fabric Addict

Only 11 more quilts to reach 52 Quilts in 52 Weeks for the third year in a row!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature