Showing posts with label BOM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BOM. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

WIP Wednesday: All the Blocks are Finished

One of the best things about a quilting vacation is getting caught up on blocks of the month!

I really dialed back the number of BOMs I signed up for this year ('cuz, you know, I have so many from previous years!). One I couldn't resist was "Park Bench" by Julie Herman of Jaybird Quilts.

I picked up the kit with the same fabrics Julie used at Quilt Essentials in Laramie, Wyoming -- maybe two years ago?  So when Beth announced she would teach this quilt as a BOM at Ruth's Stitchery this year, I was ready!

Remarkably enough, I kept up with the monthly assignments. And while watching the first days of the Rio Olympics, I finished the last three blocks!

A word of caution: don't try to piece complicated blocks while watching TV. I mis-pieced two of the 15 blocks -- but really, only someone who has already made the quilt using the same Carolyn Friendlander "Botanics" fabrics would notice. Right?

Friend Betty designed an alternate layout. So as soon as I get a photo of her quilt, I'll make the background blocks and get this baby sewn together. I love the fabrics, and Julie's directions are excellent. Really! The mistakes are entirely due to me watching the TV instead of the pattern!

Two quilts bound today -- photos to follow on Friday!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

WIP Wednesday: Park Bench BOM

I know, I know. I swore off Blocks of the Month for this year!

But Beth offered to teach Julie Herman's "Park Bench," and I already had the kit (bought it in Laramie last March) and well . . .

I have half the blocks finished!

Can you spy my mistake?

The block in the lower right is supposed to look like the one in the upper left. But by the time I realized I was putting it together wrong, I was past the point of no return! Luckily, one of the later blocks uses the same pieces. So I'll make it like the one in the upper left and no one will know the difference. Right?

Here's what the completed quilt will  look like:

(photo from Jaybird Quilts)

I'm using the same fabrics as Jaybird Quilts used for the cover quilt. They are "Botanics" by Carolyn Friedlander. I even scored enough "Curry" print used for the binding to back the quilt (at Ruth's Stitchery, of course!)

The QAL is supposed to last until the end of the year. HOWever (cough) Sonya is hosting Julie's newest BOM, "Sweet Tooth" this summer. So I want to finish up Park Bench ASAP so I can sew along with Sonya on Sweet Tooth!

(photo from Jaybird Quilts)

I am a big fan of Julie's patterns. Using her Hex n More and Sidekick rulers, there are no Y-seams in this fancy-looking quilt! Plus, her directions are super-clear and easy to follow. (OK, that is, is you actually follow the directions.)

Are you sewing a BOM this year? What is it? Share! Share!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Sunday Stash: My Newest Squee!

It's a little late in the day, but my computer crashed this morning and would not respond to any commands. Including the (colorful) verbal kind!

Thanks to the DH, we're back up and running -- and I can show you the photos of the latest quilt kit at Ruth's Stitchery. It's "Fancy Forest" by Elizabeth Hartman and Robert Kaufman Fabrics.

I am just so excited about this collection, I arranged all 40 fat quarters on my cutting table so I could admire and photograph them. I love that EH designed the prints to complement Kona Cotton solids.

Here's the background fabric , Robert Kaufman's Essex yarn-dyed linen blend.

I love that texture for the background!

Here is a photo of the completed quilt:

I can't wait to start on this lovely! Maybe if it snows enough tomorrow, the schools (and hence, the shop!) will be closed!

Come back tomorrow for the February 1 UFO parade. See challengers' "Favorite UFOs!"

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

WIP Wednesday: The Plan Unfolds

Hmm, my last post outlined my "plan" for 2016. So far, I'm keeping up with the Blocks of the Month -- but then, it's only January!

I swore to myself I would only join one "block party" at Ruth's Stitchery this year.

The one I chose is "Park Bench." Pattern from Jaybird Quilts, and the fabric I'm using is "Botanics" by Carolyn Friedlander for Robert Kaufman. I bought the kit last winter in Laramie at Quilt Essentials when I was in Wyoming for the Downton Abbey Retreat with Around the Block Quilts. Julie Herman's directions are so clear, the blocks go together in a snap!

Today is the 30th day of winter -- how are your 9-patch "A Quilt Block a Day" blocks coming along? You should have 30 made today! I have them on the design wall to inspire me to stitch a 9-patch every day.

They won't be sewn together in this arrangement (I have a secret plan for them!) but it's fun to see the rows grow day-by-day.

The best-laid resolutions -- when I read that Ebony of LoveBug Studios was hosting a "Dear Laura" QAL, I caved. The mystery quilt features the "Little House on the Prairie" fabrics from Andover (I bought mine at Ruth's Stitchery, of course -- they have the complete collection). Since it's a mystery, I'm only showing you the corners of the blocks!

It's not too late to join the mystery, go here for details.

Today is a "stay in the house and sew" kind of day, so I'm working on my January UFO. It's "Vintage Memories," a BoM from several years (!) ago.

How is your Jaunary UFO progressing? Remember to email me a photo of your finish for the February 1 UFO Parade!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Sunday, January 3, 2016

2016: The Plan

I've never been much of one for planning what quilts to make. But now that I have a "real" job, I realize I will need to schedule my sewing time!

So here's what I've done. First, I pulled out the UFOs I want to finish this year. I listed them on my whiteboard:

more or less in the order I intend to finish them.

I arranged them on the cutting table and took a photo:

UFOs are projects that have been actually started -- not just cut, not put together as a "kit," but actually partially sewn. Sometimes mostly sewn.

Then, I pulled out the "kits" I want to sew this year.

Starting in the upper left, clockwise, are:

  1. Jen Kingwell's "Gene Pool." A belated 25th Anniversary prezzie for my nephew and his wife.
  2. Another Jen Kingwell pattern, "Stardust." Donna at Ruth's Stitchery cut a half-yard of the entire JK line for me, so I'd better sew it up!
  3. Carolyn Friedlander fabric to make "Meter Maid" from Abbey Lane Quilts.
  4. Tula Pink "Fox Field" mystery from 2011. I forgot I had this until I went stash-diving, looking for quilt backs.
  5. Denyse Schmidt pattern. Included here to remind me that I have an enormous stash of DS fabrics, and I want to make something with it!
  6. Fab Five kit of an early Sweetwater fabric line, "Sunkissed." My favorite Sweetwater collection. Plus, Abbey Lane introduced a new ruler to make the Fab Five quilt even easier.

Not included in the photo, but scheduled for 2016:

  1. Kansas Connections by Mary Ellen Hopkins. A really old kit (it's been in the UFO Challenge bin for at least three years!)
  2. Batik "Run With Rectangles" kit from Granny's Attic in McCall, Idaho. I love Lori's kits, because they're already cut and ready to sew!
  3. Two "Lover's Lane" by Villa Rosa Designs lap quilt kits. three fabrics, one afternoon, and they're done!

Plus three more kits to select at a later date from my extensive collection of kits!

Because so many Blocks of the Month (BoMs) wind up in the UFO bin, I'm only allowing myself to start one (1, that's ONE!) BoM this year. It will be "Park Bench" by Jaybird Quilts. The fabric in the kit is "Botanics" by Carolyn Friedlander. This quilt will also be Second WEdnesday block party at Ruth's Stitchery.

I have two other BoMs still on the BoM list, Jackie Robinson's "3D Patchwork" and Marti Michell's "Bordered Rows."

Add to this the twelve Jelly Roll Party samples, and I have scheduled 36 quilts for 2016! I'll share the Jelly Roll pattern list on Friday, January 8, when I share the first JRP sample of the year.

No pressure!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

WIP Wednesday: Fail

Sigh. Remember how you decided not to buy "the rest of the bolt?"  Well, you should have!

This would be what we call "false economy." You think you've bought plenty of that Daiwabo Serenity Ombre for the sashing. And if you had made the 12-block quilt according to the pattern, you would have plenty. But if your Little Sailor informed you, "Mom, you know I have a full-sized bed now that I'm not living on the ship," you would not have enough fabric for the sashing!

Rats.  Great Hairy Rats.

Here is my WIP Wednesday,  "Ryokan Plus."  I added eight blocks to make the quilt full-size, rather than throw-size.

I adore the "cobblestone" sashing. But I don't have enough fabric to make the horizontal sashing.  What to do, what to do?

Maybe, if the quilt gods are with me, someone will sell me another half yard of this fabric.  Beth? Beth? Beth?

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Friday, January 16, 2015

TGIF: A New Look and a New Skill

Like the new "look" for 52 Quilts? Thank you to Younger Son, 52 Quilts' tech editor!

Look what I learned to do this week! Yes, believe it or not, I hand-applique'd four blocks for the First Thursday Mystery at Ruth's Stitchery.

This isn't  the best close-up, but I'm quite pleased with my first applique project.

Sonya taught the "starch and press" method. It involves the "mini iron of doom" but I managed not to burn myself. She posted a tutorial on the Ruth's Stitchery You Tube channel. Go here to watch. It's actually much easier than I thought!

Do you applique'? What's your favorite method?

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Monday, January 12, 2015

What's on the Design Wall? BOM-day

It's block of the month -- BOM -- day!

And today, I am determined to make good progress on my first UFO for 2015. It's Ryokan, a block party at Ruth's Stitchery in 2013. That means this is the third year I've been working on this quilt!

Here's what the pattern illustration looks like:

 "Ryokan" by Joe Wood for ThimbleCreek Quilts.

This quilt will be a gift for the Younger Son, who lives in Japan. When he saw the quilt while home on leave last September, he pointed out that he now has a "full-size" bed, not the narrow, short "rack" he had on the ship. So I biggie-sized the quilt, adding eight more blocks to make a total of twenty.

You'll notice there is one block missing. That is the last block, not yet finished. It's called "One More Block" from Judy Hopkins' 501 Rotary-Cut Quilt Blocks. Appropriate for the last one, don't you think?

501 Rotary-Cut Quilt Blocks

Here is a close-up of some of the blocks. The 1" frames are around all the blocks now, and more than half of the cobblestone sashing is pieced. 

Linking up to What a Hoot Quilts for BOMs Away Monday.

I'm hoping that my DVDs of Season 5 of Downton Abbey will arrive today. That will give me a good excuse to hibernate in the sewing room with the TV on!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Friday, November 21, 2014

TGIFF: Two Finishes and a Charity Quilt

It's getting to be that time of year when block party quilts are being finished. 

One I am especially glad to have complete is Sample This! from A Quilter's Dream.

This is no ordinary sampler quilt. Rather than 12 blocks in four rows of three, it's made in seemingly random sections. Choosing the fabrics for each section is the most challenging part. I made one quilt using the identical fabrics on the pattern photo. The "real" fabrics are much more attractive than they look in the photo:

And, well -- more attractive than in my photo!

I also found the same fabrics in a green colorway (much more green than they appear in my photo!):

I can't wait to see what Cornelia does with the quilting on these two. But that will have to wait until after her Christmas rush!

The Front Range Modern Quilt Guild made blocks for a charity quilt at their September retreat. Emily put them together, Mary quilted the quilt, and I did the binding. This is truly a group effort!

I think Emily's layout is so fun!

Linking up to TFIFF, this week at What a Hoot!

I'm going to a quilters pajama party tonight at Nana's Quilt Cottage. Report to follow this weekend!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

WIP Wednesday: Block Parties

The end of the year is nearly upon us, and the completion of 2014 Block Parties at Ruth's Stitchery looms large.

I've completed two block party quilts (Sample This, both will be shown on TGIF Friday). I'm making progress on two more. First, "Five is Fabulous" from Marti Michell.

The two blocks with green checks are my setting blocks. I only have two more sampler blocks and four setting blocks to go!

My other "near finish" is "Quilty Fun" from Lori Holt. This row-by-row quilt is fun, but some of those blocks have a lot of pieces!

Quilty Fun book Lessons in Scrappy Patchwork It's Sew Emma Bee In My Bonnet Lori Holt

I still have two rows: the row of houses and the row of baskets. Plus 42 border blocks!

How are YOUR WIPs coming along?

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Sunday Stash: 2015 Jelly Roll Party Choices

I always have so many strip patterns, it's hard to choose which 12 to make for the next year! So I get help from the Jelly Roll partiers!

2015 Jelly Roll Party Patterns

Month                  Pattern                                      Designer                           Publisher
January                Strip to Shore                           Gudrun Earle                    GE Designs
February              Solar Eclipse                            Elisabeth Hartman  
March                   Twirl                                       Joanna Figueroa                Fig Tree & Co.
April                     Drop Diamonds                      Daniela Stout                     Cozy Quilts
May                      Zig Zag Gets Me Everytime   Zen Chic
June                      TBD
July                       Strip Twist                              Gudrun Earle                    GE Designs
August                  County Fair                             Sherri McConnell             A Quilting Life
September            Birch Bark                               Sam Hunter                       Hunter’s Design Studio
October                Olympia                                   Daniela Stout                    Cozy Quilts
November            A Pretty Package                     Susan Marth            
December            No-Measure Bargello              Wendy Mathson               Cozy Quilts

If you aren't close to Colorado Springs, it would be fun to have you party along with us long-distance! If you can't find the pattern at your LQS, contact Ruth's Stitchery and one of the lovely ladies will be happy to do a mail-order  for you.

Patriotic fabrics are always in demand here in Colorado. So when Ruth's got these two jelly rolls in, I lapped them up in a hurry. Both are from Moda. First is "Red, White & Free" by Sandy Gervais:

And one I've designated for the July Jelly Roll Party (and a Quilts of Valor quilt), "Because of the Brave."

My special treat this week is the new "Downton Abbey" collection from Andover. Around the Block Quilts in Cheyenne, Wyoming hosted a Downton Retreat last Winter. When Barb announced she was ordering fat quarter collections of the entire line, I called her with my credit card number the very next day.

Don't those colors look yummy? I'll open the ribbon and play with the fabrics sometime soon -- and I promise to share more photos when I do.

Tomorrow is BOM (Block of the Month) day. As you can see from my checklist, I need to sew like the wind if I'm to have all my BOMs Away by the end of the year!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Monday, June 30, 2014


Wheee! I'm all caught up on my Blocks of the Month. OK, at least the ones that meet this week!

First, I worked on next section of Sample This

I'm making it twice, once in the colorway shown on the pattern cover (above) and once in the same fabric collection, but in the green colorway (below).

This "sampler" takes a long time because of the many fabrics in each section. Plus the fact that each 4.5" square is three different fabrics! It's going to be an incredible quilt when it's finished, but -- boy, howdy!

This is Marti Michell's "5 is Fabulous" block party at Ruth's Stitchery. In Bonnie Hunter's new book, More Adventures with Leaders and Enders, she recommends making the setting blocks as "leaders and enders" while piecing the main blocks on a quilt. Doh! This one is much easier than the Sample This! quilt, but I think it's going to be someone's favorite when it is finished. 

Here are the Quilty Fun rows I finished this week:

That second row from the top is supposed to be autumn leaves. At our Block Party, we decided they look more like fishing bobbers.  Anyway, here are all the rows I have finished:

Yes, the rows are different lengths. I decided not to add the end pieces until I have all the rows finished. That way, I can adjust so the rows are the same length.

I can't believe I sewed 6-8 hours every day last week and that is all I accomplished?  Oh, well, I DID bind and mail the Farmer's Wife quilt, and piece, quilt, and bind the August Jelly Roll Party sample. And make 10 Block a Day Shoo-Fly blocks. And finally get the patio planter boxes planted. And Skype with My Little Sailor from Singapore.

Tomorrow is the July 1st UFO Parade. Come back to see what the 12 in 2014 Challengers finished this month!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature