Monday, January 20, 2014

Monday BOM Day

This week's BOM is no ordinary Block of the Month.

Rather than four rows of three blocks, this one is put together in seemingly random parts. It's "Sample This!" from A Quilter's Dream.

I made another quilt from the same designer last Fall and found the pattern challenging. Sample This! is definitely not for the beginning quilter, nor for the faint-of-heart. It somewhat reminds me of European knitting patterns -- it assumes the person making the project knows a lot about quilting! Lucky for those of us making this quilt as a Block Party at Ruth's Stitchery, Cathy sews each step ahead of us and has lots of good tricks to make things easier.

The hardest part of this pattern is determining what fabric goes where. Cathy recommended using a large piece of cardboard to arrange the eight fabrics needed in the first section of the quilt.

The "focus fabric" is used in each section:

I cut only one fabric at a time, so I could keep each with its assigned number:

I also made labels for each of the half-square triangle combinations:

Then arranged each section on my cardboard:

It took four hours to make these two sections! Whew!

And I am making the same quilt from two colorways, so I have the same two sections ahead of me!

Linking up to BOMs Away at What a Hoot.

Come back tomorrow for a tutorial on making lots and lots of four-patches!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature


  1. Wow that one does look hard, Marti. I'll look forward to seeing both your versions of it. :o)

  2. Hopefully the next section goes a little faster. It looks great - love the fabrics.

  3. What a great setting you found for a sampler!

  4. Brave woman but the end result has the wow factor,
    Cheers Pauline

  5. Wow, Marti! What an awesome BOM project, and I can see why you'd have to keep so organized with it! I can't wait until I have more of my backlogged quilt work done up so I can join in on some of the fun things happening at Ruth's. Love that store. :)

  6. Love this. I had to sign up for this via mail! You are such an inspiration!


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