USDA BioPreferred认证 

概述:[中介]USDA BioPreferred认证

2025-02-19 11:10:45 点击71614次
0592-5522220 黄先生
信用:4.0  隐性收费:4.0
描述:4.0  产品质量:4.0
物流:4.0  服务态度:4.0
默认4分 我要打分
From the Belgian head office in Vilvoorde, and from the 13 other establishments throughout the world, more than 2,500 employees serve in excess of 15,000 industrial customers. If you call on Vinçotte’s services, you have the certainty of working with an extremely reliable organisation that guarantees a flexible and impartial service.
Worldwide Vinçotte provides more than 130 specialised inspection, monitoring and certification services, analyses and tests for the most wide-ranging applications in the field of electricity, hoisting apparatus, pressure equipment, civil engineering, safety in the work place, environmental protection and radiant protection.
That’s what Vinçotte is all about, round the clock: the safety and reliability of what is dear to you.
USDA BioPreferred® program
Introduction to BioPreferred
The purpose of the USDA BioPreferred® program is to promote the increased purchase and use of biobased products. The program is expected to promote economic development, creating new jobs and providing new markets for farm commodities. To the extent that the BioPreferred program achieves its purpose, the increased purchase of biobased products will also be expected to reduce petroleum consumption, increase the use of renewable resources, better manage the carbon cycle, and may contribute to reducing adverse environmental and health impacts. 
Two Major Initiatives 
The USDA BioPreferred program has two major initiatives:
Product Labeling
USDA certifies and awards labels to qualifying products to increase consumer recognition of biobased products.
Federal Procurement Preference
USDA designates categories of biobased products that are afforded preference by Federal agencies when making purchasing decisions. If you are interested in suggesting a new product category for designation, contact us.
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