Guangdong Yonglijian Aluminum Co., Ltd is a company established by Foshan Gaoming Yonglijian Aluminum Co., Ltd in 1986. It is a large comprehensive aluminum company that specializes in producing aluminum, windows and doors, curtain wall design, processing and installation construction with an area of 200,000 square meters in Foshan Gaoming Cangjiang Industrial Zone.
The company has over 30 production lines including extruding lines, oxidation electrophoresis lines, spray painting lines, fluorine carbon lines, wood grain lines, heat insulation bridge lines, and deep processing lines and has formed a modern optimized combination of sales network under ISO quality management system. There are over 200 series of products with more than 1,000 specifications. The annual capacity of the company reaches up to 80,000 tons. And the engineering capacity for doors, windows and curtains reaches up to 300,000 square meters.
After years of exquisite operation, the company is among the earliest in the industry to obtain CQM certification for the products and has national curtain wall and construction A class certificates. The products are assessed to be "reliable products" by China Consumers Association. In 2007, the company was entitled "Guangdong High and New Tech Enterprise" by Science and Technology Department of Guangdong Province and "Guangdong Private-owned Science and Technology Enterprise"; in 2008, it became " Guangdong Engineering Technology Research and Development Center"; in the same year, the standard system established by the company reached AAA level and granted "Standardized Good Practice Certificate", "ISO 9000 Quality Management System Certification", ISO 14000 Environment Management Certification", and "OHSAH 19001 Occupation Health Safety Management System Certification"; in the same year, the brand was attested by the Brand Attestation Council to be " Guangdong Famous Trademark"; in 2010, it was awarded “Guangdong Famous Brand”; in 2011, "Yonglijian" trademark was awarded the attestation of "China Renowned Trademark" by the State Administration of Industry and Commerce.
The company insists that the quality, reputation, pre-sale and after-sale service is the key to our achievements, and keeping improving and grasping the market opportunities are the push for the survival of the company.
"Never give up"and "mutual benefits" are the tenet and target to make a win-win situation for the company and the country, the company and the customers and the company and the employees.
Yonglijian is the eternal partner of global users. (Company TEL:+86-0757-88806516,+86-15019675924)
- 15019675924发布的信息
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- 广东省永利坚铝业有限公司,主营:生产\销售:优质中高档建筑铝合金型材\幕墙铝合金型材\断桥隔热铝合金型材\工业铝合金型材等.地址:广东省佛山市高明区沧江工业园人和辖区和意路1号.公司电话:0757-88806516;...
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